Letter to the Editor

Column erodes true meaning of Christmas

To the editor:

In response to Heidi Hall's column, "A plan for Christmas giving": I am curious as to whether or not she knows Jesus Christ. I am disappointed by her reasoning for Christmas: "The idea is a good one: devote a day to peace on Earth and good will toward men and hope the idea carries through the rest of the year. " That's not the idea at all. While it's not bad, the point of Christmas is the birth of my personal savior, and it is a time when we celebrate the fact that he was born. That little baby was put here to live a hard life and die for me and you.

It's bad enough this nation is doing everything it can to take God out of everything and not give him credit for all the wonderful things he has done, but to deny him on a day we give him glory for being born is going too far. If it sounds like I take this too personally, I do. You're taking away something that belongs to my friend, my comforter, my father, my savior. Heidi, please reconsider your thinking and reconsider Christmas.


Cape Girardeau