Letter to the Editor

Latest Prestwick plan raises even more questions

To the editor:

After reading the Southeast Missourian stories about the proposed neighborhood improvement district for the Prestwick development, I have the following observations:

What are the guidelines for the bond issue for Prestwick development? The bond issue must be specific on how the money is to be spent. Due to the risky venture, a performance bond should be made in the amount of the bonds issued.

Where will the infrastructure be installed -- at the property line or within the property? What will the cost really be? I have heard less than $5 million and less than $1.8 million. I believe the real cost will be closer to $12 million. Prove me wrong.

What happens if the project goes bankrupt? The mayor thinks this is not an issue. I believe the city should not be in a real estate venture.

Who will take care of the 45 acres of common area? I do not believe the city can do the common area as it would not have title to the land.

Where will a retention basin be made for stormwater runoff? As I understand it, a completed plan of the development has to be in the hands of the city engineering department before any bonds could be issued.

The most important question is this:

Is there a market for this type of development in this area, or is it a dream?


Cape Girardeau