Letter to the Editor

Here's an idea for special sign for street names

To the editor:

As a relatively new resident of Cape Girardeau, I found the article about the city ruling on the proposed street renaming at Central High School interesting. I do not disagree with the decision.

However, many cities including Chicago use a different method. They do not change the actual street name, but rather honor specific people or events by declaring a one-block segment as Honorary "Special Name" Way.

On this street segment a special street sign is placed above or below the existing street name sign. The sign is always done in a different color than the real street name so as to avoid confusion. Furthermore, there is always a dedication ceremony for the placement of the sign. And there is a fee for the sign to cover the cost (sometimes covered by fund-raising efforts). There is also in most cases an annual maintenance fee to assure there is still interest in the sign.


Cape Girardeau