Letter to the Editor

Bible, history show God supports war

To the editor:

I don't know where people get the idea that God is opposed to war. Obviously, they must have not read of the times in the Bible that God led Israel into war and conquest.

And if war is one big sin, then we are an illegitimate nation. We should surrender ourselves back to Britain, because, evidently, we committed an abominable act when we defended our freedom and livelihood.

We should not be one nation. We should be the United States of America and the Confederate States of America. We surely must have overstepped our bounds when we tried to preserve unity instead of hostility during the Civil War.

Oh, and may God have mercy on us for defending our homeland when we joined the war effort after the Pearl Harbor attack.

May the Lord forgive President Bush for having enough courage to protect us after Sept. 11, when he waged war against terrorism. I'm sure the American people are happy and content to be a group of lazy, complacent wimps that would allow themselves to be taken over by their enemies.CHRIS RAMSEY

Cape Girardeau