Letter to the Editor

Where are the media's howls?

To the editor:Recently on the Fox News Web site was an article about captured documents in an Iraqi al-Qaida stronghold. Included was a how-to book on torture. I will not detail here but to say this included electrical shock, use of electric drills, blowtorches and amputations. This is the norm of our enemies.

Where is the outrage in the mainstream media? Was this described on any of the three major networks? Where are the howls from the U.N. and Amnesty International? You can have some nonviolent infraction of law or rules by our troops acting individually and outside of official policy and it is front page or the major story on the nightly news for weeks. You have Rosie O'Donnell calling our troops terrorists.

This is another example of why I for the most part refuse to patronize the programming on the three major networks, which is mostly biased and laced with hypocrisy.

TERRY CANUPP, Cape Girardeau