Letter to the Editor

Warming theories are speculation

To the editor:Research into past global-climate conditions has shown that the world climates are cyclical and that there have been many periods of global warming and cooling. Most occurred before humans were a factor.

Predictions of future climates are extrapolations of current climate trends. We do not know what caused the change in direction after previous temperature peaks/valleys.

It is likely that man has had some effect on climate, but it is possible that man-made effects produce infinitesimally small or negligible changes. Striking a match increases the temperature of the Earth, but not much.

The letter "Climate denials politically motivated" was emotional and was critical of opposing opinions. We do not know whether we are in a part of a naturally occurring weather cycle where temperatures are naturally increasing or whether the temperature is increasing because of the effects of man.

Theories have been expressed. Theories are like consensus. They are opinions. Science is not based on emotion. It is based on facts. It is pretty obvious that most of the people voicing opinions are not scientists.

I will not willingly change my lifestyle radically nor pay more taxes based on opinion and emotions. The only fact we have is that temperatures have been higher recently than they were in the 1970s and 1980s, but they are not near historic highs. We are still speculating as to why and how much higher temperatures will get and what will be the effects of the higher temperatures.

ROGER WAGNER, Cape Girardeau