Letter to the Editor

Let's give officials a taste of living on lowest wages

To the editor:

I was just reading in the newspaper about how the government wants to raise taxes more to help pay for the billions of dollars the war is costing us. Officials are also wanting to raise our taxes for anything and everything possible, yet representatives and senators have just voted themselves a $3,300-a-year pay raise to $158,000 a year. Someone please explain to me why anyone in Congress needs to make $158,000 per year when we have billions in debt and a not-so-good economy. When are we going to stand up to these crooks in Congress and say no? Let's vote some of them out and see how well they can live on minimum wage flipping burgers. Maybe then they would learn to live on a budget like the rest of America, and maybe they wouldn't like it when someone asks for a raise in taxes when they see how much comes out of their pockets.

