Letter to the Editor

President answered history's call

To the editor:"Impeach Bush." That was one of the many stickers I recently saw on a truck in Jackson. Among some others were "How can you be pro-life and pro-war"? Another read "Thanks for the money, sorry about the kids" with a caricature of Dick Cheney in the background. Another read "Had enough"?

This reminded me of another leader who was unpopular. He was considered rash, arrogant, proud and a warmonger. He was despised by the Tory and Conservative parties as well as the media and newspapers. He was considered dumb and aloof. Sound familiar? The man was Winston Churchill, who felt deeply about his convictions that Germany and its war machine was up to no good.

I found the irony of this with our current president, George Bush. He saw Iraq as a threat and, with the authorization from Congress, went to war. Men are dying over there, and that is a horrible reality of war. I don't think anybody is pro-war, even George Bush. I think he was placed in a position for whatever reason, God only knows, and answered history's call as commander in chief. I think deep down he is a man of character and strong conviction. I believe he loves his county and felt Saddam and his advisers were up to no good.

In his day Churchill pleaded with Parliament and the public, insisting if England did not answer History's call, "History will cast its verdict with those terrible chilling words, 'too late.'"