Letter to the Editor

Get your pets vaccinated

To the editor:I had to have my cat euthanized. Rusty had feline leukemia plus the AIDS virus. I understand the importance of vaccinations and other shots for your pets. What I don't understand is that this illness has been around since the 1970s and causes such heartaches, but there is not any research into a cure.

Many of us who own pets feel that they are a part of the family. As a senior citizen, it might even be more so for me.

This virus that jumped from the simians to humans and cats seems to be amazing. I didn't lose just a pet. I lost a friend. What I recommend is that you take your pets to be vaccinated and checked out by a vet before this happens to you, too. Maybe Rusty's death wasn't in vain.

SANFORD LADWIG, Cape Girardeau