Letter to the Editor

Living values as native people

To the editor:As a descendant of pilgrims and Europeans who stole Native Americans' culture and even their very lives from them, I think it is necessary, and humbling, to make the following points about recent discussions of Paul White Eagle and the AhNiYvWiYa tribe.

To suggest that any native group has to prove its legitimacy using documentation from within the white culture is no different than relying on the fox for factual verification about what happened to the hens. The dominant, European culture has totally distorted and manipulated the reality of indigenous peoples for 500 years, from Columbus until today. All one has to do is seriously study the subject to realize that anything and everything said about native peoples from within white culture is suspect. Remember, we had a real holocaust right here, yet it's seldom discussed, and rarely with accuracy.

I know Paul White Eagle, and I believe that he is a sincere man, motivated by a selfless desire to maintain his culture as he serves his tribe and the earth. Rather than the implication that he is some sort of charlatan, I believe him to be what he says he is. I also believe his version of AhNiYvWiYa history. As someone who studies history and social justice, I've no reason to doubt him and every reason to doubt the dominant culture's version of anything about native people. This includes statements by assimilated descendants of native people.

AhNiYvWiYa honor this region as they live their true values as Native People.

JOY BELL, Cape Girardeau