Letter to the Editor

Speaker made the right choice

To the editor:We are responding to recent stories, letters and Speak Out comments regarding state Rep. Scott Lipke's losing his position as committee chairman. We both served on the Crime Prevention and Public Safety Committee with him and were able to see firsthand his knowledge and expertise as the leader of this committee.

House Speaker Rod Jetton spoke of the difficult decisions he faced in making committee appointments when dealing with this talented group of legislators. He demonstrated his leadership abilities in these appointments, working in the best interest of the House of Representatives. Due to a chain of events that occurred in the committee, the speaker had no choice but to remove Lipke as chair.

We have had the privilege of service with both Lipke and state Rep. Mark Bruns and have seen each demonstrate his abilities. We support the speaker's decision and look forward to working with Chairman Bruns on crime issues.

MIKE PARSON, State Representative, House District 133, Bolivar, Mo.

KENNY JONES, State Representative, House District 117, California, Mo.