Letter to the Editor

Vibrant library enhances appeal

To the editor:My happiest childhood memories are of my daily walk to the public library in Nebraska City, Neb., where I grew up. As a retired senior citizen, I moved to Cape Girardeau 10 years ago. I use the Cape Girardeau Public Library at least once a week to check out books, and I attend book and discussion groups and informational programs often. The staff is always helpful and efficient. I've watched teenagers with no place to study crowded together at tables, and I've seen adults and students waiting for computers to become free. When they visit from other states, my toddler, preschool-age and young grandchildren go with me daily to the library. We do not have a comfortable place to sort out books and videos, browse and relax. I strongly encourage library patrons to get out and vote yes on Feb. 6. All Cape Girardeau citizens will benefit from the proposed library expansion. Current facilities are cramped and outdated. We need to nurture our children's literacy. Only about 10 cents a day will expand and encourage learning opportunities. A vibrant, modern library will enhance the appeal and success of our city. Please give your approval for this important library transformation by voting yes on Feb. 6.

JOAN SLAUGHTER, Cape Girardeau