Letter to the Editor

Arts need more young supporters

To the editor:

Few times in my life have I been as disturbed as when I read Matt Sanders' Oct. 8 column about the Arts Council of Southeast Missouri. How can a reporter have so few facts to write such an article? Maybe he felt out of place when he arrived about an hour late to accept a distinguished and deserved award for his employer and left early.

As an arts reporter, he has chosen not to belong to the arts council to help establish the arts in our community. Yes, the council does have a diversity issue that we are working on, but Sanders has a problem of bad eyesight if he cannot see our progress in this area.

A membership in the Visual Arts Cooperative was declined by Jake Wells, and several of Wells' paintings fit into Sanders' dreaded landscapes. Unlike Wells, Sanders must see no importance or he would join the group and try to positively influence what it is doing instead of lobbing boulders at them. Vicki Outman and Jean Chapman have done an excellent job of recruiting artists for the cooperative, along with Craig Thomas.

It was suggested to Sanders to do an article about Amy Holkesvick's exhibit on children's literature illustrations to try to attract more young people to the show. This was not done.

I agree that the arts council needs young artists, young art lovers and young financial supporters. These dynamic young people need to learn how to promote the arts through their involvement and financial support.

RICHARD W. WEBB, Cape Girardeau