Letter to the Editor

We need education reform, not NCLB

To the editor:

If you are concerned about the ramifications of the potential transfer of students among Cape Girardeau elementary schools, remember the source of this havoc. It is the No Child Left Behind legislation, of which President Bush is so proud. Please research the full consequences of this misguided law at www.ed.gov/nclb/landing.jhtml. Do you really believe that 100 percent grade-level proficiency is possible by the 2013-2014 school year? What will happen when this mandate is not met? If you believe there is nothing you can do, you are wrong. Get involved in the education issues that will determine the future of our city, state and nation. Our children are our most valuable resource. They are our future.

Let's push for immediate repeal of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. We need education reform and appropriate funding that will support all of our public schools and teachers and not punish those who are already succeeding. Contact your U.S senators and representatives. Remember this issue when it comes time to vote.

BRANDI KNIGHT, Cape Girardeau