Letter to the Editor

This Labor Day, we deserve better

To the editor:

I've lived in Jackson for almost 30 years, and I've been an active member of my union and this community during that time. I've never seen things this bad off for working people. This Labor Day, while we celebrate workers with a day off, it's time to take stock of what's really happening.

Workplaces are closing. Health-care costs are skyrocketing. And our children may just be the first generation to be worse off than their parents. We're losing good jobs. Missouri has lost 56,500 manufacturing jobs in the past five years alone.

Productivity is up, but people's standard of living is dropping. In Missouri, median household income dropped from $45,097 in 2000 to $42,986 in 2005 (source: U.S. Census Bureau).

Meanwhile, megacorporations don't care about working families. They care about the bottom line and how to score bigger profits.

This Labor Day, working people should take a stand in our community. Support worker's efforts to form unions to improve their lives. And when you go to the polls in November, vote for the candidate who has your economic interest at heart. As a community, we deserve better.

MARK BAKER, President, Central Trades & Labor Council of Cape Girardeau