Letter to the Editor

Wall of Fame update to be cherished

To the editor:

Excitement continues to mount in Cape Girardeau as each day brings us closer to perhaps added fame when Chicago's popular artist, Thomas Melvin, returns to continue with his paintings on the Wall of Fame mural downtown.

Encouraging indeed are the increasing sales of sponsorships due to a new sales approach whereby the purchase of less than a 50-foot section of wall is possible.

We won't be seeing any snowflakes in the air, but let's hope the dread of the sweltering August heat of the so-called dog days will be less felt.

Sometimes it becomes difficult for the artist to capture the exact image of a person. That has become true of a few paintings on the Wall of Fame. Melvin intends to capture the exact likeness of those subject.

The updating of a more polished look is scheduled to be finished by February. At its completion, much exhilaration, praise, appreciation and joy will be felt.

Long to be remembered will be the beautiful, impressive and lengthy ceremony of dedication to be cherished for as long as the Wall of Fame stands. Keep your fingers crossed so that rain will not hinder the completion by the expected date.

Maybe a little prayer is all we need. I have a card that reads, "Prayer changes things. When you pray, believe." Beautiful, don't you think? It works for me.

PAULA E. KEMPE, Cape Girardeau