Letter to the Editor

Coulter book is breath of fresh air

To the editor:

I just read Ann Coulter's new book, "Godless." She makes some excellent and valid points about liberals and their new state religion, liberalism, which is a pseudonym for licentiousness (my analogy, not Coulter's). Unlike her critics, Coulter gives facts, dates, names, historical instances and examples in her book, which can be investigated for truth. She does not just go on an endless rant of slander and libelous hate-speech that liberals are known for and take for granted that only they have license to do because they are liberals, and because they've enjoyed total control of the mainstream media, our educational system, our entertainment industry and our courts for far too long.

Voices like Coulter's counterbalance the left-tilting media that try to convince Americans that Islamic jihads are morally equivalent to our American revolution, and their religion of murder is of equal value to America's foundational Christian principles and Christian values. Her critics' basic complaint is that Coulter should be silenced or should commit suicide. Or, better yet, someone should cut off Coulter's head, because she's doing to us what we so desperately want to do to her and all Republicans and conservatives. She's just too darn good at it, and that makes us mad.

Coulter is a breath of fresh air in a stifling atmosphere of politically correct liberalspeak. I loved it. It's a great read, filled with vindicating facts as Coulter tells it like it is. Thank the real God for Ann Coulter.

JOHN McMILLEN, Sikeston, Mo.