Letter to the Editor

Memories are enough punishment

To the editor:

I would like to clarify some things in your story about the March 17 vehicle accident. Adam Ford, my son, was driving the car, and Carlos Spence was the passenger. They were as close as any brothers could be, and their families have been friends for many years.

The accident occurred on Grapevine Trail between McClure and Tamms, Ill. The car slammed backward into a tree stump. The accident caused both front seats to break lose, and Adam could not unfasten his seat belt, so he climbed out of it, broke the driver's side window, climbed out and went around to the passenger side to help Carlos. He could not get into the passenger side, so he climbed back into the driver's side.

As for the "minor" injuries, they include some bone fragments from his lower spine. But mostly he is suffering severe mental anguish.

The only thing that has helped him is the fact that Carlos' mother, Betty Spence, told Adam she does not blame him, and neither does Carlos. She does not want to see Adam facing charges because of this accident. He has been punished enough and will continue to live with these horrible memories forever. That is punishment enough, as any best friends would know.

I appreciate this opportunity to explain these things.

WILLIAM FORD Sr., Olive Branch, Ill.