Letter to the Editor

Seniors should ask for Part D help

To the editor:

The purpose of the Medicare Part D prescription insurance program is to help reduce the amount spent on prescription medications for our seniors. This program won't eliminate the total cost of these medications, but it can help defray some of the cost for many people. I have written policies recently that will help seniors save $2,000 to $3,000 a year. This program will cost these people $366 a year to reap these savings, and this makes financial sense to our seniors.

There are some individuals who would be better off staying with the programs they currently have. Some seniors who have VA benefits won't see much of a decrease, if any, in their costs. There will be some people like me who don't take prescription drugs and will have to decide whether to participate now or wait and pay a penalty in the future.

I would like to suggest that anyone considering enrolling in the Part D program with a specific insurance company ask a representative from that company to help them see exactly what their savings would be each month. The agent can explain the program, the co-pay and whether the program has a deductible. This is easy to do based on the actual drugs the person is using and won't take much time.

This program is designed to help people, and it will if they make wise and informed choices. I think most reputable agents are willing to help.

CARROLL WILLIAMS, Williams Insurance Group, Cape Girardeau