Letter to the Editor

Veto of gun bill means we can't use our rights

To the editor:

Our fine governor vetoed the concealed-carry bill -- the very successful experience of 32 other states with similar laws be damned. Contrary to the unsubstantiated claims of increased crime in states with concealed-carry laws, not a single state with such laws has taken steps to increase its restrictions on or requirements for getting a concealed-carry permit. Quite the contrary, several states have recently eased restrictions on and relaxed the requirements for their permits, though state Alaska repealed its permit system. That state's experience with concealed-carry was so successful it did away with the bureaucratic permitting system and now allows all law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed weapon at will with only minimal restrictions.

When Gov. Bob Holden vetoed the concealed-carry bill, he was saying he believes Missourians truly are incapable of responsible, civil behavior. As a result, Missourians are prevented from responsibly exercising the fundamental right of self-defense now exercised by over three-quarters of the citizens of the United States. Come Election Day 2004, we should all let Holden know exactly what we think of him.


Cape Girardeau