Letter to the Editor

Prophet told of coming Mideast events

To the editor:

Over 2,600 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel foresaw a Russian-led invasion of Israel in the latter days, sometime after May 14, 1948, when Israel was nationally reborn. From that date, the coalition of invaders has been building for this final attempt to wipe Israel off the map.

The book of Ezekiel foretold Israel's national rebirth in conjunction with God's plan to regather Jews for return to their homeland. The Jews were driven out of their land by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. and again by the Romans in 70 A.D. They will never be driven out again, according to God's promises.

A multinational force of Russians, former Eastern Bloc nations, Syria, Iran, Ethiopia and many others will attack during a period of temporary, uneasy peace in Israel. Response to this attack will by a sovereign act of God so astounding that it will shake the whole earth. The world will be shaken militarily, economically, politically, spiritually and literally.

God's purpose, according to Ezekiel, will be fourfold: 1. To save Israel from annihilation. 2. To warn Israel that God will not allow it to pollute his holy name again. 3. To call Israel to acknowledge that Yeshua is Messiah. 4. To cause all the gentile nations to know that Jehovah is God and there is no other.

The Mideast, with Iran's nuclear facilities, is a gun loaded and cocked. Israel may pull the trigger and precipitate the invasion to come. You can almost hear the sound of the trumpet.

RAY EPPS, Jackson