Letter to the Editor

Jetton is protecting the taxpayers

To the editor:

Regarding Southeast Missouri State University's River Campus project: As a taxpayer I was proud to see someone in the legislature stand up to the Southeast board of regents and administration. I applaud House Speaker Rod Jetton for having the fortitude to stand up for the taxpayers of this state. It is clear the university acted on this matter with an "ask for forgiveness and a bailout later" attitude instead of preapproved permission from the current legislators.

Just because a past governor or even a current legislator talks in a promising way about a project doesn't give any entity the right to start building without approved funding. It would be like building a mansion based on what a banker says about what he thinks the current loan officer will do before you secure a loan. If you do that in business you get fired. So what makes the regents think they are any less accountable than the taxpayers whom they wish to bail them out?

The speaker is trying to hold them accountable for their actions. If I am not mistaken, I believe that is why I voted him into office to begin with: to cut careless spending and oversee my tax dollars while supporting the beliefs of the constituents by the laws he passes. The man is doing just that.

DALE McCRAW, Marble Hill, Mo.