Letter to the Editor

Do we want government snooping?

To the editor:

In response to William Twain's letter: The president can order the monitoring of any phone call as well as the use of video surveillance on anybody for any reason for 72 hours. After 72 hours, he needs a warrant signed by a federal judge. Therefore, what he did was illegal.

If we are a representative republic, why does the president call us a democracy? Why did he call himself a freedom fighter and say he wants to spread democracy -- unless he's spreading something else: fear?

President Clinton, like President Bush, ordered military action. The Secretary of Defense, along with a few generals, decides on missile targets. If you think innocent women and children aren't being wounded and killed in this war or any other war in history, your are naive.

I would like the people reading this to think about the private things they do every day. Do you really want someone watching and videotaping you doing those things? And it all started because someone heard you give an opinion against the war. Having a difference of opinion gives aid and comfort to the enemy.

MIKE MILLER, Cape Girardeau