Letter to the Editor

TV networks display bias in their reports

To the editor:

Gratuitous asininity -- that's just one of the signs that the three major TV networks are not neutral and objective, but rather are left-leaning and angry to boot. People who do not have cable or satellite are stuck with inferior TV journalism. Here are a few examples:

CBS about the economy and the president: "A dark cloud of anxiety is hanging over his head." This erroneously implies that the president is personally responsible for the economy.

CBS about the tax cut and the president: If the tax cut fails to stimulate the economy, Bush "has only himself to blame." Since he's using a historically proven technique, which economics class has he forgotten?

The above two statements go together and may well indicate a desire for the end of political change to justify the means.

Finally, ABC about the Middle East peace initiative and the president: "He likes to think he thinks big."


Cape Girardeau