Letter to the Editor

Beware of creeping socialism

To the editor:

Fools who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. This is my paraphrase of a quote attributed to philosopher George Santayana. That is the only logical message I gleaned from the Sue Niederer-Cindy Sheehan show at the Osage Community Centre on Sept. 15. The anti-war event was sponsored by the SEMO progressives, which one can argue is a code word in some circles from Karl Marx's best-seller for communism, or socialism if you will.

History clearly teaches that socialism is a dismal and massively deadly failure whenever attempted. The environment also fares poorly under socialism. Would you not agree, Al Journet? Therefore, the only statement worth noting in Niederer's prepared diatribe was her arrogant, even proud belch that she was not only ignorant of history, but hated history. I'm surprised reporter Matt Sanders didn't catch that revelation. Niederer espoused a maxim of socialism because to fool anyone into buying such a sinister ideology today, you must severely revise or bury history along with employing the Big Lie concept.

Are there lessons of history to be learned here? Certainly. Suffice it to say, for now, that the phenomenon of the easily manipulated "imbecilic bewildered herd" is alive and well. And if the silent majority of God-and-freedom-loving Americans fail to recognize and eradicate this neo-brownshirt socialist movement right here at home, we will find ourselves facing the same hapless dilemma the German people faced in the 1920s and 1930s.