Letter to the Editor

Demand return of troops now

To the editor:

Those 130 who honored our troops by attending the Sept. 15 rally to hear Sue Niederer, mother of a soldier slain in Iraq, were challenged to accept high levels of responsibility for our troops and our democracy. We hold ultimate responsibility for ensuring troops are never put unnecessarily in harm's way. When this happens, it's our duty to face the truth rather than enabling denial, doing everything we can to expedite their safe return and holding accountable those responsible.

The Bush administration deceitfully abused its power by playing on the fears of a trusting, post-9-11 public. There were no links to al-Qaida, no WMDs, no imminent threat. They've even admitted this. With corporate media's help, their abusive mind-game continues with the selling of an illogical concept, "war on terror," as if we could win without knowing who the enemy is. Far from creating a safer world, our troops' very presence in the Middle East births terrorists.

No, there never was any noble cause. In that, the honor of our troops has been betrayed. Let us give them credit for facing reality as the courageous Americans they are. Let us not treat them as scouts who must learn "follow through." Let us pray and remember the fallen troops always, while rising to the responsibility owed the living troops by becoming the final check on the abuse of governmental power. Hold the Bush administration accountable for this greedy, immoral, unnecessary war in Iraq and demand our troops return home safely now.

JOY BELL, Cape Girardeau