Letter to the Editor

Canadians are responding to needs

To the editor:

I've seen comments in the Southeast Missourian's online edition about how interesting it would be to see how much the international community will respond to the disaster in the U.S.

I am Canadian and lived in Cape Girardeau for seven years. I now live back in Canada. In our local newspapers and national TV news we see what our nation is doing and planning to do for our neighbors to the south. Experienced Canadian Red Cross volunteers, some of the same who were in New York after 9-11, are already on their way. Four Canadian navy ships, a coast guard vessel and Sea King helicopters were scheduled to leave Nova Scotia Tuesday for the Gulf of Mexico with relief and medical supplies. They could not mobilize without the U.S. government's acceptance of assistance.

Collections and donations have been made here to send south also. You haven't heard about what has been offered because, for the most part, the U.S. media do not cover efforts from abroad.

I hope this eases some concerns. God bless and take care of those caught in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, including the 100 Canadians who were in New Orleans on vacation, 40 of whom are still not accounted for.

ROBERTA JANIK, Bridgenorth, Ontario