Letter to the Editor

Opportunity for positive influence

To the editor:

In response to the Speak Out comment "Apt comparison": I believe the author's comments are inaccurate, xenophobic and representative of the author's own naivete and idealism.

To imply that "Muslims are out to do away with Western civilization" is to forget that many Muslims now embrace Western civilization as a culture to which they contribute, thus making it their own as much as any Christian or American in the West. Furthermore, predominantly Islamic nations have accepted Western civilization in their economic, political, architectural and technological systems. Though there are segments of the world's Islamic population that do indeed have violent and jingoistic missions, the devout Muslim has no interest in overthrowing the world. She has only the desire to improve life.

The author's interest, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. The author endeavors to manifest and perpetuate a religious and cultural war that is nonsensical, negative and preventive of any efforts -- whether they be Christian, Islamic, or simply humanitarian -- to improve society and the world around us. If the author would recognize the depth of his opinion and commentary, a sliver of this country's idealism, to which the author addressed his complaint, would be admonished. If we continue to think negatively, our world will only become worse; however, by behaving positively, we can design a world with less violence and conflict, cleaner soil, air and water and a world closer to what all people, including the author and Muslims, envision and desire.

WILLIAM H. HOOD, Cape Girardeau