Letter to the Editor

Some honesty about Hanover

To the editor:

The incident on South Hanover Street needs some honest, straightforward exposure. The problem in neighborhoods is not the police, but the adults living in these places. When adults attack the police physically or verbally, they are actually encouraging the youths to continue or escalate their actions.

If they really cared for the youths as they pretend, adults in that neighborhood would be trying to correct the way the youths act at all times, not condemning the police for doing their jobs when trouble is caused.

I hesitate to say this, but I feel it should be said openly. The "N" word to me does not mean the color of skin, but how a person acts and lives, whether he is white, black or anything else. Actions speak louder than words. Act the way you want to be judged. Trying to act bad really means you're stupid.

BUDDY PARRISH, Cape Girardeau