Letter to the Editor

Politicians shy from real decisions

To the editor:

You'd think the sky is falling again after the Supreme Court said it was OK for a state to condemn private property for economic development. But what did the justices really say? They said the Supreme Court is not going to try to tell the states what the boundaries are for condemnation.

This makes the politicians panicky. No wonder. They may actually have to decide something themselves. They may have to set some policy for which voters can hold them accountable. It is much easier to blame the courts for anything people don't like.

You'd think politicians would welcome the opportunity to lay out the limits of condemnation -- states' rights and all that. But much as they fuss, watch them squirm when push comes to shove and they have to tell a developer or small community government they can't use condemnation. I don't think they'll stand up and do it, not when all is said and done.

BOB TODD, Piedmont, Mo.