Letter to the Editor

Time to get new high court justices

To the editor:

The recent Supreme Court decision redefining eminent domain to include private interest is a threat to the basic principle on which America was built. The decision, in essence, makes it easier for a municipality to condemn and take title to land or property which it deems necessary to own in order to further its own progress.

There is a fundamental conflict of interest here. The municipality may condemn, and thus take title to, any property it wants regardless of intended use, so long as the municipality says it's necessary. Your home, my home, the factory which employs us -- all are at risk of assumption by the state, city or county if those bodies choose to move against the owners.

I think it may be high time to act against the Supreme Court. Perhaps it is time to launch a campaign to impeach the entire court. The justices have not acted in our interests but in the interests of business, developers and real estate concerns. Would we be worse off with an entirely new court?

We have had no support from our U.S. representatives and senators, whose concerns have not even been voiced. Well, I hereby voice my interest. Don't threaten my right of ownership, my right of choice and my right to live and work within the law. I hereby announce my intention to work to remove from the Supreme Court the elitists who populate it now.

JOHN JUSITS, Cape Girardeau