Letter to the Editor

Republicans change stripes on key issues

To the editor:

I have in the past pointed out how much the Republican Party has changed over the years. Republicans raised all kinds of Cain when the assault weapons ban was before Congress 10 years ago but now show their approval since President Bush has endorsed the legislation to renew the ban. Are Republicans hypocrites, or what? The Republican Party was also hypocritical about education. In 1994 they were for abolishing the Department of Education, but with the election of Bush they expanded it. Of course they also said they were for rolling back government, but the federal government has increased faster under Bush than any president since Lyndon Johnson.

Since Bush is the leader of the Republican Party, one has to assume that Republicans are for gun control. It can also be assumed that they also rival Clinton's legacy for being liars. It does tend to make one wonder what else they have up their sleeves.


Marble Hill, Mo.