Letter to the Editor

Only the U.S. should decide on U.N.'s role

To the editor:

Alan Journet and people of like mind have absolutely no credibility on the issue of Iraq or what is best for a post-Saddam Iraq. They were completely wrong about every aspect of the conflict, and I suspect Journet is completely wrong about the role of the United Nations in rebuilding Iraq.

Nothing that the United States can do will change the reported attitude that we acted in an imperialistic manner "bent on a land and oil grab." That attitude will always have a home with liberals, socialists, Arabs, Muslims and others who deplore the values this country was founded on.

President Bush and his advisors have been right about the conflict and are the only ones qualified to decide what type of role the United Nations is to have. Until I hear the administration say the United Nations should supervise the humanitarian aid and the political reconstruction of Iraq, I will not believe that it is the right thing to do.


Chaffee, Mo.