Letter to the Editor

State crackdown on deadbeat dads ripe for mistakes

To the editor:

Have we gone too far with child-support enforcement? Obviously, we have. A few days ago I had my $987 Missouri income tax refund held to go toward past-due child support. I have paid my child support regularly out of every paycheck. But on April 14 I learned that I have had my checking and savings accounts frozen. So now I have checks being returned for insufficient funds even though I have well enough in my accounts to cover my checks.

This might be understandable if I was past due. I am even ashamed to submit a letter to the editor about my situation. Is our state in such a financial bind that we now are targeting all child support-paying fathers?

A criminal has rights until he is proven guilty, but a father who is on the child-support list is guilty until he can prove himself innocent. God bless America, and keep a hand on your wallet.


Dexter, Mo.