Letter to the Editor

Protesters' real agenda- opposing President Bush

To the editor:

It's interesting that the anti-war protesters have become so vocal regarding violence when they were so silent in the past. Where were they when Saddam Hussein was murdering the Kurds in Northern Iraq? Where were they when Saddam invaded Kuwait? Where have they been while Saddam has been exterminating the Shiites? And where are they now, when Saddam is utilizing Iraqi citizens as human shields and parading our American POWs on Iraqi television?

Could it be that the protesters' agenda is only to highlight their hate of our president and their displeasure that George Bush, not Al Gore, is residing in the White House?

I support the protesters' right to disagree with the administration. Generations of soldiers have fought for their right to do so. But when protesting causes the disruption of the daily lives of others, it has gone too far.

I cannot dispute that oil is a factor in this war. Ponder what would have happened had we allowed another evil regime in Germany to continue its course until it possessed a significant percentage of the world's oil resources. Would the world be better off?

I work for a living and haven't the time to spend protesting or I would be present as a counter-protester. I will better utilize my time by praying daily for our troops and our president.


Piedmont, Mo.