
Jackson soccer park gets generous donations

Generosity can lead to wonderful things.

A recent example is the Jackson Soccer Park Association, a private organization that is building a much needed soccer park using money collected from generous businesses, service clubs and individuals.

Construction of the 18-field soccer park will make life easier on the organizers and 900 youngsters who have been sharing five Jackson fields. Scheduling practices and games has been chaotic. Some teams use pastures and orange cones to create makeshift fields. The new fields will be seen as a godsend by the young players and their coaches.

And the park will be completed largely because of donations.

The contributors aren't just handing over pennies either. To date, the association has collected $45,000 and has pledges for another $35,000. Jackson will also get some help from a federal grant as well as a national soccer organization grant.

But special thanks goes out to the generous people who gave money to this worthy cause. Such efforts deserve to be praised.
