Letter to the Editor

Country suffering due to dabbling in rest of world

To the editor:

Some of us are up in arms about the comments of Nelson Mandela regarding the "atrocities" of the United States. Are we expecting an apology?

While we were combating Hitler's regime, we were lynching blacks without due recourse of law. How about the Cherokee people who were forced from their homeland and died of exposure and diseased blankets furnished by the government? How about all the broken treaties with these people? How about senior citizens who cannot afford to pay for their prescriptions? How about the millions of unborn children who have been brutally murdered due to our Supreme Court? What about people in our country who live with terrorism in their own neighborhoods every day? How about homeless veterans living in cardboard boxes? How about children barely out of school being sent to war and dying thousands of miles from home to fulfill someone else's agenda? What about a constant onslaught of taxes to improve this or that, yet nothing seems to improve?

Our president has been let off the hook by all the attention he's giving to terrorism. Our country is suffering, yet he is considered great by many because he is dabbling in everything else going on in the world.


Cape Girardeau