Letter to the Editor

Holiday Inn leaves many good memories

To the editor:

A gala celebration marking the end of 40 years for Cape Girardeau's Holiday Inn leaves many memories, both nostalgic and happy. My high school reunion was held there in 1970 and will leave precious memories of both.

I have on numerous occasions enjoyed delightful and delicious Holiday Inn meals that have always been served graciously and with the utmost dignity.

Thanks to MidAmerica Hotels Corp., Cape Girardeau in 2004 can look forward to a new Holiday Inn Express. MidAmerica is owned by Jim Drury, a man of wealth, respect, imminence, knowledge, courage and leadership. A great amount of credit certainly goes to him.

Cape Girardeau can boast of its leadership and skill in its many productive and beautiful improvements.

Cape Girardeau's Holiday Inn has served many celebrities, national business leaders and seminars. Memories of its rich history, I am sure, will never fade but will linger in our hearts for a very long time.


Cape Girardeau