Letter to the Editor

Scientologists' pursuits are humanitarian

To the editor:

Last month, in covering the plight of Rodney Yoder, references were made to the Church of Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, containing errors. Hubbard was a humanitarian. His discoveries and developments in drug-rehabilitation and criminal reform are renowned. For example, the Narconon drug-rehab program, based on Hubbard discoveries, has a 70 percent to 80 percent success rate, distinguished from a typical rehab clinic boasting 3 percent success rates. Hubbard-based Criminon (criminal reform) has similar success statistics, in contrast to our revolving-door prison system.

Years of investigative reporting reveal abuses in the psychiatric industry are conspicuous and rampant. It is no secret that Hubbard spoke out against such atrocities. A person's chances of dying while under psychiatric detention in a mental institution are 15 times greater than being killed in battle.

The intentions of Scientologists and the religion's founder were stated in 1969 and have been borne out many times over. They include the creation of a safe environment by protesting the use of hypnotism, violent treatment and illegal seizure of people and conducting activities as good citizens working in the interest of the country. In short, Scientologists decry human rights violations and do what they can to change such conditions.


Director, Community Affairs

Church of Scientology of Missouri

St. Louis