Speak Out: 10 Lessons from the Government Shutdown

Posted by Robert* on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 8:56 AM:

I am on a schedule this morning so I do not have time for the video or research. So just a quick note.

This nation's economy has been operating for some time with artificially low interest rates which are intended to keep the cost of borrowing low and thus increase consumption, thus 'stimulating' the economy. It has not worked in the way the past two administrations intended. The low rates helped to cause the past recession and are now helping to inflate a new housing bubble.

Two related items will ultimately bring down our economy if present policies continue; the increasing federal debt and a return to normal interest rates. We are not that far from paying $1 trillion a year in interest on the national debt. It is somewhat the principle of compound interest. And the snowball is rolling down the hill, accumulating mass and picking up speed every day.

Replies (20)

  • BC, I'm pretty dense but I just read and watched and do understand some of that.

    I may have to move bankers ahead of law firms and insurance companies on my least favorite list.

    I will gladdly pay you twice Tuesday for a hamburger today. :)

    -- Posted by Old John on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 10:57 AM
  • To my way of thinking... the only way to stay remotely close to even is put your phoney dollars into something that is "real" and is taxed at a minimum. I will not live long enough to see this system changed and thankfully will not experience the chaos that is going to take place when the scam collapses. I fear for my children and grandchildren.

    It will collapse!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 11:05 AM
  • BC

    I feel they are all afraid to make the tough desision to slow the spending. It is time to kick the kids out of the house and make them live on their own. We did it back in my day but now the R&D's see entitlements as a way to keep their jobs.

    I had no problems during the shutdown because I didn't need their help even though the administration tried as hard as they could to make me feel some pain. I did show us one thing that we can do a lot of cutting and we will never know the difference. But you can count on the politicians hurting grandma instead of leaches to make a point.

    -- Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 8:08 PM
  • And the biggest conservative took $3 billion dollars home to Kentucky.

    -- Posted by Dexterite1 on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 9:29 PM
  • Sounds like that chaps your *** dexter. Obama could have turned it down. It's just a drop on the bucket of the $348 billion they did today. You guys rack up a few trillion and the gripe about $3 billion.

    -- Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 10:47 PM
  • BC, With central banking left in tact, would doing away with the Federal Reserve give remedy?

    Maybe it's time break up the big banks in Ma Bell fashion?

    -- Posted by Old John on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 11:00 PM
  • If you want to learn more about the evils of banking read The Protocals of the Learned Elders of Zion. It gives the detailed plans of how they own the world. Who are they let me give you two hints there name begins with J and they love gold.

    -- Posted by Some Random Guy on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 11:34 PM
  • SRG, The Elders of Zion dealt in money not currency.

    You didn't watch and read what the link presented, did you?

    -- Posted by Old John on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 11:41 PM
  • If Obama had really insisted on that 'clean CR' we have been hearing about there would have been no $3 billion for Kentucky. Just goes to show that 'clean CR' stuff was a bunch of bull.

    -- Posted by Robert* on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, at 11:58 PM
  • Robert, I think it just shows to go you that there are a lot of them on both sides on the wrong side of we the people.

    BC, Don't let your head get cold on my account. I ain't figured out what exuberance means yet. :)

    -- Posted by Old John on Sat, Oct 19, 2013, at 12:30 AM
  • Days gone by a couple out their saving in the bank and made 4or5 percent and the bank loans it out at 10 or 11 percent depening on your financial history.

    Now the fed is giving the money to the banks for 1 percent or less and telling them they have to loan money to deadbeats. Now the range is 6 percent and up to 18 percent.

    Now the couple saving their money only get less than 1 percent and the bankers are cutting a fat hog. The public was sold out.

    -- Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Sat, Oct 19, 2013, at 8:24 AM
  • "Now the fed is giving the money to the banks for 1 percent or less and telling them they have to loan money to deadbeats."

    Doesn't matter Regrets.... the crap is worthless, the government will just print some more and give it to the banks if they don't get paid back.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Oct 19, 2013, at 9:05 AM
  • Old John

    It is linked because who do you think own the Fed? The Fed is a privet bank own by the Jews.

    -- Posted by Some Random Guy on Sat, Oct 19, 2013, at 10:17 AM
  • SRG, We had a privet on a bank of the slew. I called it The Jim, just a better sounding place to have just been to. :)

    I think I don't know who owns the Fed, there are stock holders, most likely large private banks with political influence. I wouldn't think any particular ethnic group owns the fed.

    -- Posted by Old John on Sat, Oct 19, 2013, at 11:17 PM
  • OJ,

    I remember something I was told when I was younger;

    It is often better to remain silent and have others consider you ignorant than to open your mouth and remove all doubt...........Just saying..........

    -- Posted by Robert* on Sat, Oct 19, 2013, at 11:20 PM
  • Robert, I have heard that all my life too and sometimes not adhered to it.

    Like Dr Don said, Take my advice, I ain't using it. :)

    It would be interesting to research and try to identify the owners of the Fed, but even if found out, I doubt I would know who they were.

    To protect ourselves against inflation and/or the collaspe of the currency, we may need to establish a network of trading based on that old mule that was swapped between the three farmers for a profit each time. At least the money would be based on something [the mule] rather than nothing as our currency.

    Seriously, this is something that has been on my mind quite a while; what investment would hold up?

    Regret's Flat Black so far is the best I can think of but I can see government restricting irrigation and adding all kinds of taxes on everything from earth worms, dust and water.

    -- Posted by Old John on Sat, Oct 19, 2013, at 11:50 PM
  • The only way I could think of to possibly avoid inflation would be the barter system but you know that the way government spies on people they would find a way to tax that.

    I have a copy of Murray Rothbard's 'The Case Against the Fed' collecting dust on my bookshelf. I guess it is time to read it.

    -- Posted by Robert* on Sun, Oct 20, 2013, at 7:32 AM
  • OJ,

    Starting to read about the Fed led to my finding this. It seems that World Wars I and II could be blamed on creation of the Federal Reserve.


    -- Posted by Robert* on Sun, Oct 20, 2013, at 9:56 AM
  • BC Stoned,

    Thanks SO MUCH for the link to the video...great. The very best was was Steve Forbes' cheerfully optimistic words at the end: "...this is the statist's last stand!"

    Bless you!

    -- Posted by Givemeliberty on Sun, Oct 20, 2013, at 2:44 PM
  • http://www.usdebtclock.org/

    The U.S. Debt Clock officially rolls over 17 trillion dollars with an all time high of 126 trillion in unfunded liabilities it seems no one cares just keep printing money I guess. People that bring the subject up and want to make an effort to bring down the debt are criticized to a point that they just throw up their hands. It is totally left up to the people on whether they want to change this path the country is heading down. So sad to see our country in this mess.

    -- Posted by swampeastmissouri on Mon, Oct 21, 2013, at 12:03 PM

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