f/8 and Be There
Fred Lynch

Chamber fishing for members

Posted Monday, August 26, 2013, at 12:00 AM

April 20, 1962 Southeast Missourian

These Chamber of Commerce members, bedecked with straw hats and holding fishing poles, are shown carrying out the theme of this year's annual membership drive -- "Fishing for New Members." They met Thursday and set May 9 as the day teams of Chamber members will contact and try to recruit new members. In the canoe, at right, is Jerry Nottebrok, co-chairman of the membership committee, along with Clarence Lee Shirrell. Behind the canoe, from left, are Walter A. Funk, Vernon Fee, chamber president; R.E.L. Lamkin, Luther M. Hahs, Vernon X. Bader, Vernon Auer, David S. Patterson, Robert J. Stiegemeyer, Stephen E. Strom, Vernon H. Landgraf, chamber manager Allen Robinson and Mr. Landgraf's son, Luke. (Southeast Missourian archive)

Previous blogs:

Chamber gunning for members

Cape Chamber "Round Up"

Cape Chamber of Commerce on Broadway


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