Speak Out: Worth A Discussion

Posted by FreedomFadingFast on Tue, Feb 25, 2014, at 6:39 PM:



Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, began laying the groundwork for a major new populist economic strategy at a hearing today, including a "welfare-to-work" program that would strive to place unemployed Americans in the jobs amnesty advocates say they won't do.

"Every Senate Democrat voted for an immigration bill that was said to be needed to fill jobs Americans are unqualified to take," Sessions said during a Budget Committee hearing. "Would it not be better to transition those hurting Americans now on welfare into open jobs, rather than bringing in more new workers from abroad? We need a welfare-to-work program, not a doubling of guest workers. And it can be more than paid for with welfare savings," he added.

Sessions, a top conservative leader on immigration and spending issues, is working with GOP allies in the Senate to craft an agenda with the 2014 midterms -- and potential Republican control of the upper chamber -- in mind.

On immigration, he has worked to focus the debate on how increased immigration would depress wages for American workers and the new federal spending that would eventually occur to provide benefits to the influx of new citizens.

"We have a moral duty to take firm, principled steps that will actually help millions of struggling workers transition from joblessness and dependency to work and rising wages," Sessions said on Tuesday. "American workers are hurting. Wages are down, the workforce is shrinking, and the welfare rolls continue to grow," he said.

Sessions continued by arguing that the federal government borrowing and spending more money "is not the answer" and points to the trillions added to the national debt in recent years--and how 20 million people are "unemployed, underemployed, or have been discouraged from looking for jobs," among other economic distresses to the nation--as evidence.

He listed of a series of bullet points--like how about half of recent college graduates are underemployed, 800,000 fewer jobs exist in America since the recession began combined a population increase of more than 15 million people, how the percentage of the people "actually working" is the lowest it has been in 40 years, how American workers' wages are lower now than in 1999 and their take-home pay has dropped each year for the past half decade, and how more than 47 million Americans collect food stamps.

"We can't keep hurting our future to enjoy a sugar high today," Sessions said, while calling for a "dramatic new strategy" to fix the nation's fiscal woes.

"The centerpiece of the strategy should be a consuming national effort to reduce the welfare rolls and grow the employment rolls," Sessions said. "Currently, the federal government spends around $750 billion a year on means-tested welfare and poverty support. That's more than Medicare, more than Social Security, and more than Defense. Imagine how much could we could do if we redirected this spending to focus on job training, job placing, and work preparation. Wouldn't that be a better, more productive, and more compassionate plan? One that would work?"

Sessions will likely be further developing this message and plan throughout the year, and is scheduled to deliver remarks on this topic to the Tea Party Patriots' Tea Party movement fifth anniversary conference on Thursday. Other speakers at the conference include Fox News' Sean Hannity, radio's Mark Levin, Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY), among many other leaders.

Replies (4)

  • Seems being married makes a lot of difference.

    "According to a 2010 study by the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of married couple families living in poverty was 6.2%. For single-parent households in that same year, the poverty rate was 27.3%; for single mother households, the poverty rate was 29.9%.

    Research also shows that children born or raised in single-parent families are at higher risk for a variety of social ills, including welfare dependency, academic difficulties and criminal activity."

    -- Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Tue, Feb 25, 2014, at 8:30 PM
  • FFF, I reminded of a radio ad I heard about creating jobs by donating items no longer needed to support a charity. The ad states the money raised is used for job training and that creates jobs.

    I don't think that's the way it works.

    I reason the same with job training paid for with tax money for people not interesting in working.

    I do agree with the principle of welfare to work but have doubts in it's success.

    Something I could see as a more viable hand up would be a little different.

    I know a lot of folks that have full time low paying jobs and work overtime to support their families. These are the folks that could benefit and be more likely to better themselves with a little help. Maybe some help to turn that overtime into job training that would allow a move up to a better job.

    Now we come to the part about creating jobs....?

    -- Posted by Old John on Tue, Feb 25, 2014, at 8:37 PM
  • OJ

    I wouldn't waste my time providing job training to those not interested in working, nor would I expect the government to either. I'd simply let them go extinct. Society would benefit without them.

    -- Posted by FreedomFadingFast on Tue, Feb 25, 2014, at 8:49 PM
  • Many of these people have never worked a day in there life and their children have already gotten started with their own families. Many times they ruin their own kids by telling them they will never get ahead in the rich mans world.

    -- Posted by We Regret To Inform U on Tue, Feb 25, 2014, at 8:49 PM

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