Speak Out: Speak Out 9/21/20

Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Sep 22, 2020, at 9:56 AM:

Fake news

It’s hard to believe there are actually people out there who believed the article in The Atlantic about President Trump supposedly calling deceased military veterans “losers” and “suckers.” Seriously? If this had a shred of truth to it we would have heard about it two years ago. Completely anonymous “sources” for this slanderous article just demonstrates how much these liberals hate President Trump.

Federal funding

Trump wants to cut funding to “Blue States” for coronavirus relief. Let him. But cut funding to Florida, Texas and the “Red” states, too. In fact, let’s deny recovery money to the Golf Coast for hurricane issues. They chose to live there. They should handle disasters better. Why should the Midwest bail out coastal elites? Or coastal poor? Or help anybody. Forget humanity, empathy, or even self-interest for a strong nation. Let them all suffer.

Mask conspiracies

For those of you saying masks don’t work: We don’t have massive numbers because of the masks. Trying to prove the benefit is pointless, though, to a bunch of conspiracy nuts who listen to Alex Jones for “news.”00

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    Fake news: Funny that The Atlantic has come back and said that their "source" can't prove the original statements - folks that's what is called Fake News when the news media publish an article without double checking their "sources".

    Federal funding: See above for Fake News by individuals or the news media. President Trump never said such a thing - he wanted to cut funding for cities and states that did not try to control the looting/burning/rioting by the BLM/ANTIFA....it just happens that this is happening in Blue Cities and Blue States.

    Mask conspiracies: It would had helped if the CDC and Dr. Doom would not had first stated that masks don't help....however, it you want to wear one then wear one if not don't it's your body - right Liberals.

    And that's the way it should be according to Schaefer's World....Tuesday September 22, 2020.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Sep 22, 2020, at 10:07 AM

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