Speak Out: The Report Is Out Are we Now Going To Be Americans, Or Continue To Be Political Partisans

Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 9:11 AM:

Barr layed it out, and Trump co-operated full according to him.

Replies (932)

  • That "obstruction of justice" has not been decided as yet , Trump is not fully exonerated . Either put an end to it or press the charges , 3 years of investigation should be more then enough time to sort the truth .

    In America , People are innocent until proven guilty -- there is no maybe , like being pregnant , it's either yes or no .

    I see just more division of the American People , this fiasco will continue to be Campaign Fodder .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 9:38 AM
  • A puzzle , why did that Barr dude release a 10 page summary first and then the full report .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 10:01 AM
  • Mueller Report Makes No Determination On Obstruction Of Justice

    "CARRIE JOHNSON, BYLINE: Yeah, I've been reading this letter written by the attorney general, Bill Barr, to Congress with an eye toward when he quotes Bob Mueller directly and when he paraphrases. And very importantly, Michel, with respect to obstruction, Bob Mueller says while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him. Now those are direct words from the Mueller report."


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 10:18 AM
  • Rick S.,

    It's more than a bit ironic that the Mueller report down played the obstruction case because White House Staff refused to obey the President's instructions.

    Were they competent because they didn't get him in trouble or incompetent because they failed to follow his orders?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 1:41 PM
  • Who hired the President's White House Staff ? How many White House Staff has come and gone for quitting or being fired . Why are Trump's actions always the fault of somebody else -- Obama-101 .

    Either way , he hasn't been exonerated by Mueller as yet , not even after a detailed 3 year investigation . "Redact" is a $5 dollar word for edited .

    Numbers aren't my friends but all of this doesn't add up somehow .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 2:41 PM
  • *

    I see the paper, in spite of no Google god warning, saw fit to remove my opinion.

    I will try again.

    There is no evidence that there was an indictable offense. If we choose not to believe the report why did we put out about 30 million dollars if we choose not to believe it on political grounds only. Total waste of time and money.

    Why is there no mention that this all started based on a phony dossier bought and paid for my Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

    Hillary Clinton lost the election, nowhere in history that I am aware of, has there been such an example of being a poor loser in this country by a political party. Get over it!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 2:41 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 2:43 PM
  • Wheels

    It was Mueller's himself words that said "not exonerated" . Not sure how somebody might be innocent or not innocent at the same time . Perhaps this was Mueller's way of washing his hands of the whole deal .

    Only Comey knows about Hillary and her actions , he was despised by both Parties in the end , Obama should have fired him . But again , Obama-101 ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 2:49 PM
  • Wheels

    You must have not passed through the Google Gate , it's pick and choose -- who , or what , can and can not .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 2:51 PM
  • ..all I can do is give my point of view but it's not sane , it's insane ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 2:59 PM
  • *


    It was Mueller's himself words that said "not exonerated" . Not sure how somebody might be innocent or not innocent at the same time . Perhaps this was Mueller's way of washing his hands of the whole deal .

    Only Comey knows about Hillary and her actions , he was despised by both Parties in the end , Obama should have fired him . But again , Obama-101 ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 2:49 PM

    Rick, our standard in this country is, you are innocent until proven guilty. All of this talk that boils down to, there is nothing to indict him on but I will not say he is innocent, is basically meaningless double talk. You either have evidence to indict, then indict or shut up instead of leaving a cloud hanging over someone.

    Put most of the politicians in Washington under 22 months of the extreme scrutiny Trump was under and I daresay you will come up with some indictments. Try Hillary Clinton and Barrack Hussein Obama for starters.

    Lets take Obama for instance, registers as a foreign student on the one hand and then runs for office as a citizen. Curious that.... isn't it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 3:27 PM
  • They're all dirty in DC , every last one of them . I believe the yearly pay for a Representative is $177,000 dollars yet they're all multi-millionaires . I don't care how much they make , just don't do it dirty , be clean .

    Nobody is going to make a decision on anything , it might cost votes , I'm surprised this Report came out before the official campaign time , when there's only two candidates for President .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 3:32 PM
  • The beat goes on , and the beat goes on .


    The Redacted Mueller Report Has Been Released

    Attorney General William Barr has released a redacted version of the special counsel’s findings


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 4:05 PM
  • Apparently, at the end of the report is a list of 12 ongoing investigations, of which 10 are redacted. Do they all involve the TCF?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 4:14 PM
  • One statement determines Russians bad but no Americans colluded with them. Sounds to me like Mueller purposely used wording giving the Democrats room to continue on the witch hunt while exonerating them in the court of public opinion.


    Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 1:41 PM

    Thought I heard a mockingbird, but it was just Uly trying to be a parrot. We will hear that repeated in lockstep by the "Get Trump at any cost to America" people until the next talking point replaces it.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 4:38 PM
  • *

    Guess I am not up to date but what does this say.....

    Do they all involve the TCF?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 4:48 PM
  • Maybe The Clinton Foundation?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 5:05 PM
  • yup , fodder for the campaign , nothing more , nothing less .

    How long is Trump going to keep bringing it up ? It's over , let sleeping dogs lie ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 6:17 PM
  • *

    How long is Trump going to keep bringing it up ? It's over , let sleeping dogs lie ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 6:17 PM

    Rick, someone really needs to pass that on to the Democrats. They have been running their mouths all afternoon. They are still going to go after Trump.. Count on it.

    They will never get over Hillary Clinton no making it to the Presidency.

    One more thing. They are shooting their mouths off now about that at least Trump knew about the Russian interference.

    Who did not know about it?

    I thought Obama was President in 2016. He knew about it. Does anyone remember that authoritative order he gave Putin. Cut it out! Like Russia was going to follow Obama's orders.

    Acting like a figure of authority instead of practing authority. I repeat, who in America did not know about Russia meddling in our election? Why did those in charge no do something about it?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 7:00 PM
  • Methinks Americans grow angry , the constant back~n~forth . Who knows what's going on , who even cares anymore .

    The Meuller Investigation is over yet multitudes of investigations go on , what was the whole point of the Meuller Investigation , what is the whole point in countless investigations , a total waste of tax payer's money , it starts to border on the Hillary e-mail fiasco , People tired of it and went another way . Trump should know this .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 7:27 PM
  • I see another one of my posts did not make it through the Google Gate ...Free Speech WAS such a great thing .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 7:36 PM
  • Oh say , does that star spangled banner still wave o'er the land of the Free and home of the brave ?

    Methinks there aren't enough brave to demand we're free anymore .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 7:41 PM
  • Still waiting for Mr. Lettau to reply to Mr. Van Gennip's inquiry.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 8:51 PM
  • Let the Democrats baby cry -- they've been doing just that since 2016 -- it is to be expected , who believes their hysteria ? They now have 15 Candidates for President , if that isn't chaos and mixfusion , what is ? They're just going to hand the Presidency to Trump in 2020 unless Trump stops baby crying about nothing in the Meuller Investigation , was he expecting more .

    Why does Trump complain about being clean , what's the point when the Democrats are digging their own grave .

    This is the USA and not the Daily Trump & Pelosi Hour Show .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 9:24 PM
  • Every day is an inch closer to revolt , maybe that needs to happen to put an end to political hissy fits .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 9:30 PM
  • A good revolt would be more swamp draining by voting out the career politicians. It's came to be that some can become wealthy by being a once candidate for congress. Too many run not to represent but to gain power and wealth.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 9:59 PM
  • Agree !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 10:10 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 9:59 PM


    First thing that needs to be stopped is the money flowing to these leaches over and above their salaries. If we could do that most of those that have no interest in anything but their own well being would leave on their own. The only area where our founding fathers failed at was to set term limits on everything including Supreme Court Justices.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 11:02 PM
  • Agree !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 4:22 AM
  • "Are we Now Going To Be Americans..."

    Step 1 is to review the report...

    Some Mueller Report Highlights

    Pages 66 to 173 describe 100’s of contacts between the administration, staff or advisors with Russian individuals. All of which could be considered “collusion” except that it’s not a crime.

    Appendix B identifies by name about 70 Russian or Ukrainian individuals in the report.

    Appendix C contains written questions for the President, and mentions:

    “We noted, among other things, that the President stated on more than 30 occasions that he "does not 'recall' or 'remember' or have an 'independent recollection"' of information called for by the questions. Other answers were "incomplete or imprecise." Page C-1

    A typical entry was:

    Question from Mueller Team: “When did you first learn that Donald Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort, or Jared Kushner was considering participating in a meeting in June 2016 concerning potentially negative information about Hillary Clinton? Describe who you learned the information from and the substance of the discussion.” Page C-3

    Answer from President Trump: “I have no recollection of learning at the time that Donald Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort, or Jared Kushner was considering participating in a meeting in June 2016 concerning potentially negative information about Hillary Clinton.” Page C-13.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Vol II Page 8

    “Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

    The bottom line is that if the President was innocent of obstruction, the report would have said so.

    Seems that by disobeying the President's orders, people around him, saved him from himself.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 10:15 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 10:15 AM

    Mister Lettau,

    Keep nit picking. You have the report. The taxpayers picked up the Democrats tab for about 30 million dollars for this witch hunt, started with a phony dossier, funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

    You have the results and don't like the conclusions reached, I suggest you pull 30 million out of your account and pick it up from here.

    As far as wasting any more taxpayer money on your Democratic cause..... nay, I don't think it is a good investment.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 10:35 AM
  • "The bottom line is that if the President was innocent of obstruction, the report would have said so."

    No, the bottom line is that if the President was guilty of obstruction, the report would have said so. It is not the purpose of a prosecutor to prove anyone innocent.

    As soon as the talking point about him being saved from himself gets old, they will start attacking anyone that tells the truth they don't like including those in their own party.

    Still waiting to know what TCF meant on Thu, Apr 18, 2019, at 4:14 PM.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 11:13 AM
  • Still ask , why is it always somebody else fault for Trump's actions ? It's the very same thing Obama did .

    Was he determined as guilty ? No. Was he determined as innocent ? no . This leaves the door open for speculations , this leaves the door open for nobody knowing what is actually going on . I ask again , why did Barr release a summary first before just handing over the original Report ?

    Something stinks in smallville here .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 11:23 AM
  • Trump was in charge , what happens starts at the top .

    Why does this one start in the middle or bottom , because the one at the top allowed it or because the one at the top was ignorant of what his crew was doing ?

    Either way , this does not make a good leader , someone who can't keep , or won't keep , his crew under control . If he's clueless , how does this make a good leader for 300 million People ?

    Something stinks in smallville here . The (R) tattooed to his forehead does not make invincible by any stretch of the truth .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 11:30 AM
  • No man stands above the Law .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 11:31 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Another portion of the report identifies 14 ongoing criminal investigations of which 12 are redacted.

    Shouldn't take too much thought to conclude what TCF stands for. Perhaps the Trump crime family?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 12:05 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    You don't have to worry about the taxpayers. Recall Manafort's forfeiture of between $42 to 46 million. How about a profit to cheer you up.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 12:11 PM
  • Get rid of all redactions and let the Peoples decide . To me , a redaction is to hide information from the People as needed .

    Hillary was not held accountable for the dossier because she was clueless . Trump was not held accountable for the obstruction of justice because he was clueless . If it was any of us we would be wearing an orange jump suit , cuffed , standing in front of a Federal Judge . Ignorance of the Law is no excuse , if a LEO stops you for speeding tell them you didn't know you were going that fast and see what happens -- you get a speeding ticket .

    6 of Trump's campaign staff have either pled guilty or sentenced in a court of Law . There was no communication between Trump and his staff , there was no communication between the staff itself ? In the real world , this is like a mfg. crew showing up for work and doing whatever they want and anything they want . The owner will fire the boss for no leadership , the boss is held accountable for their crew's actions . In the case of Hillary or Trump , the American People are the owners . Hold the boss accountable , redacted report or not .

    No man stands above the Law , ignorance or not .

    Something stinks in smallville . They are playing us as fools..


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 1:00 PM
  • What is TCF ?...dealer's choice ..



    Also found in: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 1:07 PM
  • Apparently Mr Lettau parrotted that remark without knowing what TCF means. He probably figured it referred to Their Continued Fishing

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 1:38 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Guess again. The report is full of redactions marked as HOM, which is for "Harm to Ongoing Matter" which coincidentally encompasses all of the ongoing criminal investigations involving Trump, his family, his businesses, his associates and his administration.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 1:53 PM
  • *

    Mister Lettau apparently read the report 7 times looking for the big gotcha Trump and couldn't find it.

    Keep looking Uly, maybe you will find where Trump jay walked as a teenager or something.

    So far you are empty handed. If Mueller had something he could prosecute Trump on, it would be done. I did a word search on the report and couldn't find Jay walking Uly, to save you some trouble.

    Perhaps and supposing don't hold water in a court of law.

    Wait until Barr opens up on those who created this fiasco.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 2:24 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...don't hold water in a court of law."

    Should you not have noticed, it was not a court of law, and Mueller relinquished the benefit of the doubt because of the position of the subject. As in:

    Vol II Page 8

    "Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

    I'm sure you understand what "does not exonerate him" means. The decision on how to proceed further is up to Congress.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    "Wait until Barr opens up on those who created this fiasco."

    Before "Bagdad Bill" thinks about "opening up" he'd best read pages 66 to 173 of the report which identified activities and associations that caused the FBI's concern. The silly republican initiated "dossier" had next to nothing to do with it. He'd also want to check exactly what the 70 or so, Russians and Ukrainians identified by name in the report, had to do with the Trump administration.

    Not too sure if even the President wants to go back and interview all those Russians to discover how they influenced his campaign.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 2:54 PM
  • There's a new Life Alert out. Mr Lettau should get one. Let's him know when he gets a life.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 2:54 PM
  • *

    Speaking of Presidents,Biden is going to announce. That will make 20 candidates for the Democrats, and not a viable one yet.

    They will have to rent a Ballpark for an all out debate.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 2:57 PM
  • *

    "The silly republican initiated "dossier" had next to nothing to do with it."

    Pure BS, first you do not have a name to credit a Republican to that fiasco so no proof it happened. Second it is what was used to get the FISA warrent to begin with. Without it they had nothing.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 3:05 PM
  • *

    "The silly republican initiated "dossier" had next to nothing to do with it."

    A fabrication, first you do not have a name to credit a Republican to that fiasco so no proof it happened. Second it is what was used to get the FISA warrent to begin with. Without it they had nothing.

    Duly noted google. I see nothing wrong with it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 3:09 PM
  • ".... they will start attacking anyone that tells the truth..." How long until AG Barr is an alien selling cigarettes to preschool children?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 3:24 PM
  • *

    "Before "Bagdad Bill" thinks about "opening up" he'd best read pages 66 to 173 of the report which identified activities and associations that caused the FBI's concern."

    Richard, you fudged a little and peeked. Surely you wouldn't have guessed Old Uly would start in on him this soon. :-)

    Very cute Uly but I will take Bill Barr's word as meaning more than 90 % of you rat pack Democrats combined at this point.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 4:15 PM
  • *

    "Before "Bagdad Bill" thinks about "opening up" he'd best read pages 66 to 173 of the report which identified activities and associations that caused the FBI's concern."

    Uly I started on Page 66 and read to Page 68. The Moscow Hotel Project, started well in advance of Trump's candidacy. and ended well before his Presidency. What kind of juicy tidbit have you there that I missed. The man has interests around the world, why wouldn't he look into a hotel in Moscow? If things read that exciting and condemning all the way through to Page 173, I believe I will spend my time on something more enlightening.

    As a PS to you, Mr Barr has already been through that bit of trivia you are so excited about.

    I don't know you personally but I am well enough versed in the human race to know that what they are going through in this report are well above your pay grade.

    Get over your loss of Broom Hilda and get on with life. Your little litany of BS started within 48 hours of Trump's election is very stale. Be an American for a change and start working for your country instead of your party.

    Most of us put up with your little half breed for 8 long years without going so far as trying to kick him out of the Presidency. Surely you are man enough to do the same.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 5:59 PM
  • KKK Byrd once said all that howling and noise you hear from the alley cats is just cats making more cats. I don't think all that howling we hear from those upset about the Mueller report is gonna make more Democrats. :)

    Someone once declared the Republican party would implode into irrelevance, the Democrats and Republicans traded places during reconstruction, single payer health care was not a gateway to socialism and claimed to want what's best for America while upholding Obama as a great president.

    Now the same mindset joins the kooks that are determined to bring down a duly elected president.

    I'm reminded of a theme one poster repeated on the forums: "You have no credibility here"

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 19, 2019, at 8:41 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    It would seem that the Mueller report has set you off. I wouldn't blame you for not daring to read it, too many inconvenient facts for the conservative psyche.

    I'm pretty certain that the White House staff won't show it to the President either. Too much truth.

    Being an American means facing up to reality, not sweeping it under a rug, and ignoring deceit at the highest level.

    Perhaps reading the whole report would help alleviate your confusion.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 6:45 AM
  • So why didn't Barr just release the Investigation report in it's entirety without redactions before the 10 page summary and been done with it ? How many redactions , or edited , were in the Mueller Investigation . Didn't Comey say he couldn't find enough evidence to put the Hillary actions to court ? He was the judge and jury .

    I'm not sure that dossier had anything to do with Mueller , or so the report claims . It's one of those "don't look at me , look at them" kind of deals .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 6:54 AM
  • *

    I'm not sure that dossier had anything to do with Mueller , or so the report claims . It's one of those "don't look at me , look at them" kind of deals .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 6:54 AM

    Rick it was what Comey used to get the FISA warrent approved, thereby allowing them to spy on the Trump campaign. That is what started the ball rolling.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 7:34 AM
  • Wasn't it Comey who let Hillary off the hook right before the election , this made the Democrats furious . Wasn't it Comey who did not recluse himself from the Trump investigating ? this didn't make the Republicans furious .

    I see Comey as a no player other then a scape goat by both parties .

    Trump was elected , that dossier meant nothing in the end .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 7:47 AM
  • All of that was no excuse , or reason , for Barr not releasing the full Mueller Investigation from the get go unredacted . If there truly was info about the dossier , seems like it would have been in it .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 7:53 AM
  • Like I say , nothing but "don't look at me , look at them" .

    More of the "let's watch them fight" .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 7:55 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 6:45 AM

    Mister Lettau,

    No, not afraid of reading it, just not interested in spending that much time. Mueller concluded his report with no indictment of Trump or his campaign. Thirty million dollars whizzed away, and that is just on the surface. What about all of the President's time wasted that could have been better used for the country. Mueller's idiotical, I don't find him guilty, but I don't find him innocent either is about as lame an excuse as a Prosecuter could come up with for 22 months of nothing.

    "I'm pretty certain that the White House staff won't show it to the President either. Too much truth."

    That is truly an ignorant statement. Trump could pull it up on his phone any time he wanted.

    "Being an American means facing up to reality, not sweeping it under a rug, and ignoring deceit at the highest level."

    So you only became an American during the Trump Presidency. What were you the previous 8 years.... the broom maker, to furnish brooms for doing the sweeping?

    And, I am not confused, I am a realist, I understand Trump is not a perfect human, nor is anyone else I know. They crucified the only perfect human I am aware of.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 8:00 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "Thirty million dollars..." with 40 million or so recovered by the investigation.

    "...the President's time wasted..." why would that be the case if he were innocent. Of course it could have cut into his Fox viewing time.

    "Trump could pull it up on his phone..." is about as unrealistic statement that any one could make. He doesn't care that it paints his administration as woefully incompetent as long as his worshippers remain faithful (and blind.)

    You saying "...I am a realist..." is just ludicrous.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 8:23 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Could be you’re spending too much time associating with confused people and it’s rubbing off. Not sure which “someone” you’re referring to, but to clarify some of your misunderstandings…

    My opinion of the republican party’s future is that they are rapidly becoming the party of old white men, and that group is shrinking. The “irrelevance” of the party only surfaced when it became the “party of Trump.” Remember when the republican party stood for fiscal responsibility, anti-communism, free trade, American values of honesty and morality, support for democracy worldwide, a strong military, and decency in government? Now the “party” stands for free spending, pro-Russia, tax breaks for the 1%, ego-driven counterproductive tariffs, support for dictators, deceit and lying, undermining treaties, and a dismissal of the American value of honesty.

    I’ve pointed out that southerners switched from the democratic party to the republican party in the 1960’s with the civil rights acts, not during “reconstruction.”

    The single payer system is not socialism because doctors, hospitals and clinics are privately owned and operated, not run by the government.

    And of course I want what’s best for America, but that does not mean wanting what’s best for Trump and his businesses. As for my credibility or lack thereof, I tend to consider the source of opinions before giving “them” any “credibility.”

    Some SO conservative saying “you have no credibility here,” is meaningless.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 8:26 AM
  • Entertainment is Mr.Lettau's best purpose.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 8:40 AM
  • Rick L.

    I would still like the identity of who exactly are the 1% . Trump and a handful is not 1% of 300 million People , it's not even a blink of the eye . As far as Republicans being "old white men" , what is your definition of "old" , I mean age wise . How old are you ? Are you Republican ?

    As an Independent , I don't look at age , color , sex or whatever , I look at actions . Both Parties . How many "old" People of all walks of life are in Washington , DC ? Both Parties .

    You are correct , Trump increased spending and decreased revenue , this helps no one , even the supposed 1% , in America . It's just more debt on the Nation . Trump has turned the White House and Presidency into a Reality Show , basically . Absolutely no effort to unite all People in the USA , all walks of life . It's all about him , he makes sure he stays in the news with twitter and stuff . I would think the fire at Notre Dame would have ticked him off , there was no news regarding Trump that entire day , it stoled his thunder .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 9:07 AM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    "Thirty million dollars..." with 40 million or so recovered by the investigation.

    Response: Thirty million dollars is what Mueller spent. You claim he collected 40 million, which were unrelated charges. The total money wasted on this witch hunt, has not been tallied but I daresay 30 million is a drop in the bucket.


    "...the President's time wasted..." why would that be the case if he were innocent. Of course it could have cut into his Fox viewing time.

    Response: Mueller was charged with first of all, finding out if there was collusion with the Russians by the Trump campaign. His findings... there was no collusion, and That makes Trump innocent of the charge, period.

    Secondary to all of this, did Trump Obstruct? No evidence to charge him with Obstruction of Justice. And then he throws in, but that doesn't mean he didn't obstruct. In spite of the fact, (unlike Obama in the gun running fiasco) he did not claim executive privilege but turned in documentation he would not have been legally required to do so. Just what do you want Uly?


    "Trump could pull it up on his phone..." is about as unrealistic statement that any one could make. He doesn't care that it paints his administration as woefully incompetent as long as his worshippers remain faithful (and blind.)

    Response: Mr. Lettau, you made this statement relating to the Mueller report..... "I'm pretty certain that the White House staff won't show it to the President either. Too much truth."

    I responded with..... "That is truly an ignorant statement. Trump could pull it up on his phone any time he wanted."

    Just what about that is unrealistic. You made a statement now you are trying to obfuscate it, which is typical with you. If I can pull it up on my phone so can Trump, his staff cannot hide it from him.

    You failed again "Little Buddy"?


    You saying "...I am a realist..." is just ludicrous.

    Response: No, it is not "ludicrous". It is what I am and what I have always been. That is why I was able to peg you as a political hack from early on in the Obama years.


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 8:23 AM

    Now Mister Lettau, if my responses are not clear to you just ask and I will explain them to you.

    Duly Noted Google: My Third response is triggering something I cannot find. If I cut everything I tried to say, Google will not even clear the original post that I am commenting on.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 10:45 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    It's well known that education coupled with entertainment make the best combination for learning.

    I understand that SO conservative peer pressure will prevent you acknowledging this, but we know you've learned much. In either case, I'll continue to assist you in your schooling.

    You're welcome.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 11:57 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Your inability to "peg" anyone is blatantly obvious. Take for example, your belief that our President would read the Mueller report on his phone. According to his staff, he doesn't even read anything, much less a 448 page document that accurately describes his administration as a total disaster.

    Perhaps you should read the 10 valid and clear examples of obstruction that Mueller cites, and provides to Congress for their continuance of action.

    Possibly it also escaped you that Mueller declined to indict, purely in deference to the DOD belief that a sitting President cannot be.

    Should you desire more help, let me know.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 12:13 PM
  • "It's well known that education coupled with entertainment make the best combination for learning."

    Is this Mr Lettau admitting he gets his news from the late night Hollywood comedy shows?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 12:40 PM
  • "I understand that SO conservative peer pressure will prevent you acknowledging this, but we know you've learned much."

    We know not to put much stock in anything Mr Lettau says and if that qualifies for "much Learned" it negates any schooling he has to offer.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 12:48 PM
  • *

    "Possibly it also escaped you that Mueller declined to indict, purely in deference to the DOD belief that a sitting President cannot be."

    Mister Lettau, I could use some help understanding the above statement, then on the other hand, perhaps it is thee who has some issues with expressing himself.

    Pray tell, what does the DOD (Dept of Defense) have to do with this?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 6:29 PM
  • Typo..

    Reread as DOJ...


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 8:43 PM
  • Mr Lettau, From your assessment of the the Republican party[" Now the “party” stands for free spending, pro-Russia, tax breaks for the 1%, ego-driven counterproductive tariffs, support for dictators, deceit and lying, undermining treaties, and a dismissal of the American value of honesty."] may I offer my assessment of the Democrat party you are in lockstep with?

    The party of old wealthy black men claiming they are there to help poor minorities, the party of career politicians bent on supporting abortion after birth, the party of queers and people too confused to know what gender they are, the party that stirs up racial division by claiming everyone is a victim of white privilege. I could go on.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 12:56 AM
  • That Mueller Investigation was suppose to be the final answer . Nay , multiple investigations carry on , multiple tax dollars continue to be flushed down the toilet . Even the People can't agree it's the final answer , either Party , just more mixfusion and organized chaos from Washington , DC .

    Have faith , the word injun will always make it through the Google Gate . Other such words as the "N word" will definitely not . It's not about race , it's about the (D) and the (R) in the end . Certain words either pro or con against either party will not make it through the Google Gate , Freedom of the Press and Free Speech now hides behind the Politically Correct and/or Twitter .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 7:35 AM
  • Don't worry about , don't speak of doubt , don't think aloud , don't scream about . Don't throw away your basic needs, ambiance and vanity.

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 8:44 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    In reviewing your wishful list, a few things jump right off of the page.

    “…old wealthy black men…” are much more likely to be republicans by virtue of the significance they may put on wealth.

    The “…party of career politicians…” is more often republican, which is obvious by looking at the composition of Congress, specifically the most recent Congressional class.

    “There is no such thing as “…abortion after birth…” which even you should realize if you read it again.

    The “…party of queers…” is just as likely to be republican, except they may still be in the closet.

    “…people too confused to know what gender they are…” obviously are beyond help, and their numbers are too small to worry about.

    The groups that are inventing “…racial division by claiming everyone is a victim of white privilege…” are in variable those that have it, and spend too much time denying it rather than solving the problems it creates.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    What you left out in your claim is the 70 million of the 71.5 million voters that did not vote for Candidate Trump. That group is almost entirely composed of honest working people of every race, color and creed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 10:10 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    You claiming, "We know not to put much stock in anything Mr. Lettau says..."

    The "we" used by Mr. Bess, reminds me of the old political saying...

    "You can lead a conservative to the truth, but you can't make him accept it."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 10:17 AM
  • *

    Your inability to "peg" anyone is blatantly obvious. Take for example, your belief that our President would read the Mueller report on his phone. According to his staff, he doesn't even read anything, much less a 448 page document that accurately describes his administration as a total disaster.

    Response: Mr Lettau, I had you pegged correctly, that is good enough for this exercise.

    So far as Trump reading it on his phone, I never said he would.... I said he could, and that was after you made the statement that his aides would withhold the report from him. Opening your mouth and letting your tongue wag out of control always seems to produce ridiculous statements from you, and when you are properly schooled on how dumb your statement was, you try to turn it around on the teacher. You flunked again.


    Perhaps you should read the 10 valid and clear examples of obstruction that Mueller cites, and provides to Congress for their continuance of action.

    Possibly it also escaped you that Mueller declined to indict, purely in deference to the DOD belief that a sitting President cannot be.

    Response: Would you like to show us where Mueller stated that he had defered to the DOJ, or as is normally the case, you once again are adding words to suit your purpose?

    DOD.... already addressed that error.


    Should you desire more help, let me know.

    Response: No help needed after I found out that it wasn't the DOD involved, it was easily understood how your entire post was confused.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 20, 2019, at 12:13 PM

    Duly noted Google... for some reason you seem to think anything I respond to this poster is inappropriate. Why?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 10:27 AM
  • Now I feel badly for causing Mr Lettau to reply and further expose himself as what he has been "pegged" to be by his ridiculous response this morning.

    And yes this is the most civil way I can put it.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 11:26 AM
  • Only in the mind of Mr Lettau do suppositions become reality.

    A hollow chocolate bunny head.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 11:46 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Please, don't hold back, do your best.

    The simplistic SO conservative responses are of zero concern to anyone.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 1:30 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    I'm aware that you're not one to be able to respond to legitimate questions.

    What so-called "suppositions" are you having trouble comprehending?

    To save the trouble of you not responding, I'll just add "Thought so."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 1:39 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 1:39 PM

    I know exactly what DA/Rock is speaking to.... Wish I had kept track of all of the supposes, maybes and the likes as Mister Lettau bootlicked for the Leftist Democrats. However I did not, and way too old to remember them.

    Maybe I will start keeping track and numbering them. Wouldn't be fair starting with 001 though. I think maybe I will start at 301 and will call it the Uly list.

    The SO Socialist deserves some recognition.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 4:10 PM
  • I'm supposing he sucked all the air out of his Easter Bunny,Wheels.

    All air,no chocolate.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 4:49 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Seems the “thought so” was 100% appropriate.

    Invariably, SO conservatives make a spurious claim or comment, and when asked to provide specific examples they melt away like chocolate Easter bunnies in the noonday sun.

    Even the brilliant Mr. VanGennip, was unable to help, echoing the Trumpian excuse “I can’t remember.” And as you should know, when he starts dishing out insults, it’s a sure sign that that he’s losing it, so don’t expect much.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 7:02 PM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau

    Item 301

    "It's more than a bit ironic that the Mueller report down played the obstruction case because White House Staff refused to obey the President's instructions."

    Show us this is not some of your supposing and that it was so stated in the report.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 7:54 PM
  • *


    The list titled....

    The Uly List (A list of Supposins by our Resident SO Socialist)

    Has been started and saved in Evernote.

    Please feel fee to supply an entry as it is entirely possible I would miss some. I did not have perfect recall when I was 18. Now that I am 81, it has not improved. Unlike the SO Socialist, I am not perfect.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 8:11 PM
  • *

    Mister Lettau,

    As a sidenote, in the interest of accuracey, feel free to supply entries of your own.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 8:14 PM
  • His third grade prattle is for entertainment only. I just like to trip his switch with a one or two line poke that gets a few paragraphs of nonsense.

    BTW,one of his heroines,Rep Ilhan Omar sent this Easter message:

    A long time ago some fairy tale has it that some people did something to some guy.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 8:37 PM
  • *

    "A long time ago some fairy tale has it that some people did something to some guy."

    Rock, I certainly hope you jest. Even that sand fairy cannot be dense enough to repeat her last screw-up.

    I have been kind of sidelined with what seems like a terminal case of allergies and hayfever. So not keeping up.

    Went to Church, went to Grandson's to see his new apartment and a late brunch, then napped all afternoon.

    Sitting here sipping some liquid coming from a bottle who's inials are J.D.. doesn't seem to help my sore throat a lot, but I feel like I am getting a lot smarter.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 9:15 PM
  • The simplistic SO conservative responses are of zero concern to anyone.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 1:30 PM

    Think about that for a while and tell us why your convoluted responses cause concern to anyone with simple superior conservative logic.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 10:23 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    You claiming, "We know not to put much stock in anything Mr. Lettau says..."

    The "we" used by Mr. Bess, reminds me of the old political saying...

    "You can lead a conservative to the truth, but you can't make him accept it."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 10:17 AM

    I'm not sure who "we" is , I don't remember signing up for anything , I've always went solo .



    BTW,one of his heroines,Rep Ilhan Omar sent this Easter message:

    A long time ago some fairy tale has it that some people did something to some guy.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Apr 21, 2019, at 8:37 PM

    I'm sure she meant Muhammad as she seems mixfused 90% of the time...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 6:34 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 6:38 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...and that it was so stated in the report."

    Mueller Report - Vol II Page 158

    “The President's efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests. Corney did not end the investigation of Flynn, which ultimately resulted in Flynn's prosecution and conviction for lying to the FBI. McGahn did not tell the Acting Attorney General that the Special Counsel must be removed, but was instead prepared to resign over the President's order.”

    Here's the applicable extract from the report. It would be much more efficient if you were able to read it for yourself, but I guess it's that SO conservative aversion to facts that holds you back.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    "...where Mueller stated that he had defered to the [Congress]...

    And here's the portion of the report where Mueller addressing the responsibilities of Congress...

    Mueller Report - Vol II Page 8

    “With respect to whether the President can be found to have obstructed justice by exercising his powers under Article II of the Constitution, we concluded that Congress has authority to prohibit a President's corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice.”

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 9:13 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    As for this claim...

    "...your convoluted responses cause concern to anyone with simple superior conservative logic."

    If some of my responses are too complicated for you, I'll try to keep them simpler in the future.

    And I have yet to see or read anything on SO that displays "simple superior conservative logic." Possibly you can cite an example.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 9:18 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Here's what you claimed...

    "...do suppositions become reality."

    Call it "poking" or what ever you prefer, but the fact is, you were and apparently still are,unable to come up with any examples of these "suppositions."

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Instead you start making things up...

    "BTW,one of his heroines..."

    Why would you fabricate this untruth?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 9:26 AM
  • Switch tripped

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 9:28 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Expected nothing, and was not disappointed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 9:53 AM
  • *

    As Lent is over my self exile on Speak Out is over until the Google God bans me for I don't intend to be civil with my comments on this forum.


    Mr. Lettau: I see you still get all of your comments from the DNC talking points. What no original thoughts of your own.

    Schaefer's World


    It might be a short stay on here by myself - first comment ticked the Google god off.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 10:19 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "...all of your comments from the DNC talking points."

    Sorry, can't help you with this. Since I don't pay any attention to DNC talking points, and you apparently do, you should be able to tell me which facts are supposedly from them.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 11:17 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 11:17 AM

    Mr. Lettau: All one has to do is to read your so call comments to know where you got them....seems that nothing has changed with you. Now you and your Socialists friends can go out and have fun doing your anti-Trump rants. Good to be back in order to school you once again - have a great afternoon, I know that I will.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 11:42 AM
  • Since Mr. Lettau seems to think all conservatives have some flaw that prevents their comprehension of his claims or ability to recognize his "facts" I must ask; Why keep babbling on in a quest to "get" Trump? Uly, Maybe it's time to switch back to explaining what was said by some of the other sources you pay no mind to.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 12:20 PM
  • *

    Here's the applicable extract from the report. It would be much more efficient if you were able to read it for yourself, but I guess it's that SO conservative aversion to facts that holds you back.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 9:13 AM

    Mister Lettau,

    Let me clear the air for you and set you straight on a few facts.

    First of all, I do not trust you to report things as read when you start your supposing and maybes as is quite normal for you.

    I do not trust you to report as exactly what was printed in a report from a committee out to get Trump. You have a habit of embellishing it. If I am to believe you it will have to be word for word along with quotation marks, Page Number and any other identifying information.

    Your deep hatred for Trump has caused you to read and re-read this report how many times now Uly?

    I am satisfied with the conclusion that there was NO COLLUSION and basically no evidence found to support Trump interfering in the process. Didn't need you or Mueller either one to tell me that Congress has authority to address wrong doing of a President. I have lived through watching Bill Clinton be impeached. And yes, he squirmed and maneuvered and did a number of things to forgo impeachment down to lying under oath, albeit unsuccessfully. Did you blame him for trying as you are blaming Trump?

    The bottom line is, Mueller and crew, along with the Leftist Socialist Democrats hammered Trump for 22 months and found no Collusion took place and there was nothing chargeable for Obstruction. So now congress can waste some more precious time on it.

    And in spite of this harassment, Trump has done more positive good for this country in just over two years than his predecessor, Obama, was able to accomplish in 8. Notwithstanding the fact that he had the undying loyalty and accolades of the Leftist Press.

    About all Mueller established to be a fact is that the Russians interfered with our election.... but we already knew that didn't we? If we didn't we must have had our heads where the sun doesn't shine. Even Obama would have to admit that he knew it then and he knows it now. Otherwise why would he have puffed out his Chest and ordered Vlad to "Cut it out"

    Do you remember when he and Vlad were buddy buddy and he left instructions to Vlad to wait until after the election.......?

    Sure you do Uly but you will ignore it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 2:52 PM
  • *

    "As Lent is over my self exile on Speak Out is over until the Google God bans me for I don't intend to be civil with my comments on this forum."

    Welcome home Mr. Schaefer

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 2:58 PM
  • *

    Mr Bess,

    Our SO Conservative facts will undergo the test and stand vindicated. Unlike Ulrich's SO Socialist fables.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 3:00 PM
  • One thing I've noticed about Trump , anyone who argues with him or doesn't agree 100% with him seem to quietly go away and never heard about again . His personal staff he hired would be a few examples . Where is Jeff Sessions now , what is he doing ? Hiding under the radar ?

    Where is Comey now -- he wasn't a staff member -- what is doing ? Hiding under the table ?

    How about all the press conference speakers before Huckabee , where are they , disappeared into the stratosphere ?

    Of course Trump has the right to hire and fire as he pleases , the amount of turn over in his staff tells me he's saying "shut up , it's my way and just my way , I don't need advice from anyone , if you don't like it , you're gone and forgotten ." What's the point of even having a staff -- hell , it includes his personal Lawyers too .

    Mehinks Mueller took the low road , he didn't say yes or no just to stay out of Trump's way . The truth is , Trump was not exonerated by Mueller and now the Democrats smell blood . The Democrats are begging Mueller to testify in Congress now . Talk of impeachment ..what is really going on in the rest of this Nation besides the daily Trump drama .

    What a way to run a country ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 3:30 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Start with my 9:13 this morning.

    I'll get to your misunderstandings and misinformation later.

    You're welcome.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 4:09 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 4:56 PM
  • Ah,well. Had a couple of minutes from Spring chores for Mr Lettau.

    Suppositions as fact? How about 1% are all old Republican white men? I bet Oprah,Robert Johnson would disagree. Not to discriminate but Kerry,Soros,Pelosi,Gates(I could go on). Also 1%Republicans? The extra popular vote for Clinton was made up almost entirely of hard working honest people? A fact only in Lettau's world but stated as such.

    Always contradicting. Dissses Alinsky but,this is a supposition,voted for two admirers. Talks down socialism constantly but will have a real issue coming up in 2020 as that herd of anti-Trumpers is all about it. Uncle Joe may be the most moderate but the SJW's will eat him for lunch. Accused a lot for defending anything and all about Obama but repeatedly listed some disagreements with his policy. How about a list of a few things you agree with Trump? Asked and ignored several times. Afraid someone might question your Democratic loyalty?

    It's not that I disagree with everything you post it's just that you are a disagreeable type person. Humorless old man with a chip on the shoulder.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 5:50 PM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    Start with my 9:13 this morning.

    I'll get to your misunderstandings and misinformation later.

    You're welcome.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 4:09 PM

    That is precisely where I started!

    Where did you think I got this?

    "Here's the applicable extract from the report. It would be much more efficient if you were able to read it for yourself, but I guess it's that SO conservative aversion to facts that holds you back."

    You need not bother, there is no misunderstanding. I read it and checked it for accuracy. You got the wording correct, it is your reading too much into what was said is where the problem begins. Your hatred of Trump makes you read into the slightest thing, something that isn't there. You are desperate to try and find something. Give it up... it will drive you crazy man.... well nuttier than you are anyway.

    Go back, sit down and slowly read what I typed.

    I think the Uly Item 301 still stands.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 6:02 PM
  • How much is the Clinton Foundation worth ?

    "Old white guys" 1% , aye ? Not Republicans either .

    Best be trying to find another enthymeme , that holds no water .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 6:10 PM
  • In other words , both political parties are wealthy , most politicians are .

    That 1% can not be identified , it's open to subjections .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 6:13 PM
  • The pysch doc changed my meds , she said I ways nucking futs . Now I'm getting nasty notices from the Government asking if I own or have firearms in my possession . Yeah , right , a bongo-bongo ex-felon is going to tell them anything about anything . If they come with a search warrant they best bring the SWAT team too because this ol' boy ain't going peaceful , not to this Government anyway .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 7:42 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Thanks for your comments, somewhat long in coming but that’s not significant…

    “How about 1% are all old Republican white men?”

    I agree that all are not. I would seriously doubt that I ever said exactly that, but you are correct, there plenty of rich democrats of all colors and ages. My opinion has always been that republicans are much more obsessed with money than the average American is.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “The extra popular vote for Clinton was made up almost entirely of hard working honest people?”

    That’s not exactly what I wrote, as you can see…

    “…of the 70 million of the 71.5 million voters that did not vote for Candidate Trump. That group is almost entirely composed of honest working people of every race, color and creed.”

    All that says is that almost all American voters, of either party, are honest working people of every race, color and creed.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Dissses Alinsky…”

    All I’ve said in the past is that I think he’s a fool. If others disagree, that’s their opinion, but I’ve also never heard anyone “admiring” him. If you have that in writing, I’d be curious as to who said what.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Talks down socialism constantly…”

    Why not? No one wants socialism in the true sense of the term, (i.e. government ownership of all means of production, etc.

    Fixing social security and expanding Medicare are still not “socialism.”

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “…2020 as that herd of anti-Trumpers…”

    Why would you expect democratic candidate to be “pro-Trump” as the President, in my opinion, has done more than enough damage to the country already. Some, probably all of the “progressive” candidates will fall by the wayside, which is not a problem.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Uncle Joe may be the most moderate but the SJW's…”

    That I’d disagree with, even though I’m not sure what “SJW’s” are (but I’m guessing it’s nothing good.

    My opinion is that Biden will walk all over Trump, but I’d suggest that he commit to a single term and then turn the nation over to the next generation of democratic leaders.

    The first thing Biden can do is go to the rust-belt and coal states where the President swore he would bring jobs back and “open all those mines.” He did neither.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Accused a lot for defending anything and all about Obama…”

    Not “anything and all,” primarily just correcting SO conservative misinformation and misunderstandings. And as you noted, I have disagreed with him on various issues,

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “…list of a few things you agree with Trump?”

    Of course there are some, but precious few.

    Even then he often manages to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. As in the tax reform that rightfully cut corporate taxes, gave a small tax cut to the middle class, but then gave an unneeded cut of billions to the 1%. Recall when the President told his buddies at Mar-a-Lago that he had just made them all a lot richer.

    Possibly some of the regulatory reforms may have made sense, but then he went overboard. Recall he opened up the Atlantic coast for off shore drilling with the exception of southern Florida.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Afraid someone might question your Democratic loyalty?

    Not in the least, why would that concern me?

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “…it's just that you are a disagreeable type person.”

    That may be your opinion, but without knowing what you base it on, it’s pretty much irrelevant.

    If it’s based on my pointing out facts concerning President Trump’s administration, I’d be more than willing to accept accurate, factual corrections. The most recent issue is the Mueller Report, which it seems most SO conservatives dismiss or ignore. If posting facts from the report makes me “disagreeable,” I guess I’ll just have to grin and bear it.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    "Humorless old man with a chip on the shoulder."

    Again, that may be your opinion, but I’ve experienced years of exposure to the SO conservative’s missing humor gene.

    Pointing out misunderstandings, false impressions, oversights etc. doesn’t constitute a “chip.”

    In any case, I’m perfectly willing to discuss any issue civilly, without any petty insults or complaining.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Thanks again for the comments, hopefully my responses were helpful. Have a good night.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 7:54 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "You are desperate to try and find something..."

    How so, it's all there in the report. Sounds like someone is "desperate" to deny everything.

    Perhaps you can find the sections on White House Counsel Don McGahn.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 8:06 PM
  • SJW's...Social Justice Warriors

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 8:11 PM
  • Rick L.

    I think maybe that guy dis-appeared into the Bermuda Triangle too .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 8:22 PM
  • *

    IMO, Uncle Joe (touchy feely) would do better then the other so call Democratic candidates against Pres. Trump (still will lose to Trump) - the rest are the biggest class of losers I have ever seen.

    Schaefer's World

    Google god what's wrong with the above.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 8:44 PM
  • I reckon all the phony Hillary votes have been forgotten.

    Regarding Biden committing to one term, Trump is already Committed.

    I'm still waiting for an answer to my question of 12:20.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 9:21 PM
  • *

    The start and results of the investigation into the corrupt FISA Warrants Scandal will show how the hoax started and hopefully make those folks pay for their part in it....lady justice will be working overtime.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 9:23 PM
  • *

    From Page 9 of Vol I of the Mueller Report I read the following......

    "Section V of the report provides detailed explanations of the Office's charging decisions, which contain three main components"

    Note: Upon doing a copy and past of the first and third, they made little sense due to redactions. However the second componet is complete and pretty much spells things out. It follows.

    "Second, while the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges. Among other things, the evidence was not sufficient to charge any Campaign official as an unregistered agent of the Russian government or other Russian principal. And our evidence about the June 9, 2016 meeting and WikiLeaks's releases of hacked materials was not sufficient to charge a criminal campaign-finance violation. Further, the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives ofthe Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election."

    What more should our SO Socialist need to get on with life and realize Trump is not guilty of collusion with the Russians? Which is what this was stated to be about when this fiasco was commenced.

    Now it is a screeching of the brakes and shifting gears to another witch hunt.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 10:13 PM
  • *

    Just a side note. Trump has been described as an egotist who loves the sound of his own name. Well he got some real coverage in the Mueller report, my search of the name Trump showed it appearing 1614 times in those 480 pages.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 10:17 PM
  • *

    Ooops, make that 448 pages.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 10:21 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "Why keep babbling on in a quest to "get" Trump?"

    Actually, I've mentioned previously that I agree with the position that impeachment is not worth the time and trouble.

    It will be tremendously less difficult to simply remove him by voting. His latest approval level is 37% which means 2/3's are not for him. That also means that in an election with 150 million voters, 100 million would be for him and 50 million against,

    The only way he'd be impeached would be if the republicans in Congress decide to "Nixon" him, by telling him to resign or get removed by impeachment.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 10:34 PM
  • *

    Mister Lettau,

    You are only fooling yourself.

    What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week's Key Polls - Rasmussen ...


    Saturday, April 20, 2019. In surveys last week, this is what America told Rasmussen Reports: - President Trump ended the week with a daily job approval of 49% ...

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 10:46 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Possibly no one informed you that Rasmussen is the Fox news of polling.

    Don't believe them, they're always inflating the results.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 10:57 PM
  • *

    Who do you use Uly... the ones that told you Hillary would now be your President?

    Good luck.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 11:11 PM
  • *

    Mister Lettau, hope you are still up, I would love to make your evening, but morning will do.

    Here goes.....

    It will be tremendously less difficult to simply remove him by voting. His latest approval level is 37% which means 2/3's are not for him. That also means that in an election with 150 million voters, 100 million would be for him and 50 million against,

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 10:34 PM

    This is the part I like...... "That also means that in an election with 150 million voters, 100 million would be for him and 50 million against,"

    Do you ever read what you post, certainly if not before, then after so you can correct yourself before I have to? This is the hi-lite of the day. :-) :-)

    With your numbers Trump will be be a record setter, winning by a huge landslide.

    You have been schooled once again....

    You're welcome.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 11:34 PM
  • "Actually, I've mentioned previously that I agree with the position that impeachment is not worth the time and trouble."

    Did I mention impeachment? Even Pelosi knows that won't work, It is obvious you are invested in new revelations of obstruction of justice. Better chance of new revelations of Hillary and Obama colluding with Russians to keep pay to play going.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Apr 22, 2019, at 11:44 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 5:25 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: The only national poll to get the 2016 election right was the Rasmussen Poll. The others show Hillary would be President - thank God that they were wrong. This is why I only look at Rasmussen for polling info. BTW, if you look at the daily tracking both President Trump and King Obama had 47% approval on April 22 in their first terms. What would Trump's be if he had the media behind him like King Obama did. School's over for now.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 6:58 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...which means 2/3's are not for him."

    You're right. I should have stopped there, pointing out that 2/3's of the country does not support our President.

    Instead I got the "for" and "against" interchanged.

    My mistake, but if my miscue helps to send a thrill down your leg, and if this is the hi-lite of your day, good for you.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 7:36 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "...get the 2016 election right was the Rasmussen Poll."

    I'd suggest that the national polls attempt to predict the popular vote, not the electoral college outcome. So it seems that Rasmussen was wrong even then.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 7:42 AM
  • *

    So it seems that Rasmussen was wrong even then.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 7:42 AM

    Mr. Lettau: If the Rasmussen poll was wrong then why is it President Trump and not President Hillary. Have you forgotten all the Illegals that were allowed to vote in California and in New York - that's why we have an Electoral College to protect the USA from voter fraud.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 7:51 AM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    "...which means 2/3's are not for him."

    You're right. I should have stopped there, pointing out that 2/3's of the country does not support our President.

    Instead I got the "for" and "against" interchanged.

    My mistake, but if my miscue helps to send a thrill down your leg, and if this is the hi-lite of your day, good for you.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 7:36 AM

    No, Mr. Lettau, you should have stopped before you started. Deception is your stock in trade and tripping yourself up seems to go along with it.

    And you definitely have the thrill and leg confused. That wasn't me, that was one of the Democratic Lackey newspeople when Obama was elected and it was a thrill up his leg, not down. Christ Mathews I believe it was.

    Just happy you understand, I was correct again.

    Anything else you need help with this morning. I had a good night's sleep and am 'rarin to go'.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 8:31 AM
  • President Trump and Mr Lettau suffer from the same personality disorder. Inflated egos that can't take criticism. One fires back on Twitter and the other uses SO. One became President and the other,well,complains,but sure both have a report card that said "Does not play well with others".

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 8:52 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    "...egos that can't take criticism."

    Not sure what you base that on, as I said above, you identified areas that you considered "suppositions" and I replied to your post. Some things I agreed with, others I supplied my position and opinions, and concluded...

    "In any case, I’m perfectly willing to discuss any issue civilly, without any petty insults or complaining."

    I don't see where that reflects poorly on "playing with others.

    On a number of instances, I pointed out the SO conservatives are probably nice people when met in person, and I've offered to do so several times.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 10:13 AM
  • Polls are like food , everyone has their favorite . It's easier to think for yourself then follow the herd .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 10:29 AM
  • Dealing with some People is like trying to nail Jello to a wall .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 10:32 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 10:33 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "Deception is your stock in trade..."

    "Trump approval drops 3 points to 2019 low after release of Mueller report: Reuters/Ipsos poll"

    "The poll, conducted Thursday afternoon to Friday morning, is the first national survey to measure the response from the American public after the U.S. Justice Department released Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page report that recounted numerous occasions in which Trump may have interfered with the investigation.

    "According to the poll, 37 percent of adults in the United States approved of Trump’s performance in office, down from 40 percent in a similar poll conducted on April 15 and matching the lowest level of the year. That is also down from 43 percent in a poll conducted shortly after U.S. Attorney General William Barr circulated a summary of the report in March."


    That clearly means that 2/3's don't approve of his performance. How is that deception?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 10:34 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: Even with using the biased Reuters poll what do you expect with 90% of the news media reporting 24/7 with their anti-Trump reports after the release of the Mueller report. Seems like the country should be glad that their President was innocent but alas the Democrats have their own agenda being to get rid of their President by any means available.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 11:23 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    I'm sure everybody would...

    "...be glad that their President was innocent..."

    ...if that were true. Try reading the Mueller Report.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 11:40 AM
  • *

    All the Socialist Democrats running for office wants to make health care, college, slavery reparations free by taxing those making more than a few million per year. Problem is there are not enough rich folks to raise the trillions needed....then it's the middle class who will then pick up the slack. Trump 2020

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 11:42 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: There is nothing in the Mueller report that says President Trump did anything wrong. Wonder what comments would be revealed if there was an actual investigation of Obama and Hillary during their corrupt administration concerning Bengazi, Uranium One, Emailgate, and the fake Trump dossier....hummmm that would be very colorful I would say.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 11:51 AM
  • *

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 11:51 AM


    Uly has a closed mind. Within 48 hours of Trump being elected he started his BS about Trump. He follows the DNC dictates and is totally clueless left to think for himself.

    At 10:13 last night I posted a portion of the Mueller Teams logic in clearing Trump and his team of any Collusion regarding the Russian meddling in the 2016 election. It is on Page 9 of Vol I.

    Lettau disregards any such information and tries hammering his assumptions in as fact. He us determined to find Trump guilty of something. And of course after he poll shops to find one suitable to his needs, all other polls are to be discredited.

    Rock nailed it.... "Does not play well with others."

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 3:01 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Probably Mr. Lettau was the last one to be chosen for the playground games. Need to go, girlfriend needs a drink while mowing the yard.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 3:13 PM
  • *

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 3:13 PM

    Soon going to get hot and she will need to cut at night. Better look for a good light to hold for her, so she can do a good job.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 3:24 PM
  • *

    Wheels: I got girlfriend a new spot light for Valentines Day.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 5:52 PM
  • Problem is there are not enough rich folks to raise the trillions needed....then it's the middle class who will then pick up the slack. Trump 2020

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Apr 23, 2019, at 11:42 AM

    Ahh , but it was Trump who gave the most more and the least less . There will be more rich folks after a 17% gain and less for the middle -- the burden is on the middle's back now . No one's doing or fault but Trump , the middle should have got the most , not the top ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 7:16 AM
  • When a Nation is committed to any loud mouth brash Leader , Rights go away as needed -- just as Ireland and Germany .


    Sunday , Bloody Sunday -- U2


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 7:21 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 7:33 AM
  • *

    No one's doing or fault but Trump , the middle should have got the most , not the top ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 7:16 AM

    Rick: Every individual got the same percentage of tax cuts - it's the only fair way to do it. However; if a person didn't have federal tax withheld then they did not receive a tax cut is a given. The 17% was a corporate tax cut.


    We should all be proud that ole Bernie and a few other Socialist Democrats wants to allow prisoners to vote. Thought those that were convicted and sent to prison were stripped of their rights. Remember their victims and not the cons.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 7:41 AM
  • Rick: - it's the only fair way to do it. However; if a person didn't have federal tax withheld then they did not receive a tax cut is a given. The 17% was a corporate tax cut.


    If the Corporate was a higher tax cut then non-corporate , it's impossible for every individual to get the same percentage of tax cuts . Also , read the fine print , Corporate is permanent , non-Corporate is not -- it's impossible that every one got the same cut .

    The 17% corporate tax is being invested into future technology , not People . And , more then likely , into their self .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 7:48 AM
  • *

    If the Corporate was a higher tax cut then non-corporate , it's impossible for every individual to get the same percentage of tax cuts.

    Rick: A corporation is not an individual all individual's were the same rate - providing federal taxes were withheld.

    Also , read the fine print , Corporate is permanent , non-Corporate is not -- it's impossible that every one got the same cut. The 17% corporate tax is being invested into future technology , not People . And , more then likely , into their self .

    Rick: Corporations plan for the long run in order to invest into their operations. They need a constant tax cut for this to happen. Maybe the Socialist Democratic controlled House of Representatives will extend the individual tax cuts.

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 7:48 AM

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:00 AM
  • *

    If the Socialist Democrats take over D.C in 2020 then we won't have to worry about tax cuts because it will only be tax increases to pay for all the free stuff that they are pushing for votes. Trump 2020

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:03 AM
  • The People of America should be one entity , not 2 entities , corporate and non-corporate . Corporate is suppose to hand down some of it's 17% to the middle trough job growth . What is the need for a middle man , Corporate , and not just the Government itself ? I don't need a middle man to determine how much I'm going to earn or not , let me deal with the Government taxes only , no middle man .

    Amazon , one of the biggest or maybe the biggest , Corporate in the USA did not pay one dime of Federal Taxes , a huge loss of revenue while spending by the Government has increased . This helps no one , it's even farther in Nation debt .

    The continuing rise of Health Care or "more affordable" by the knuckle head Obama , eats up a lot of take home pay or tax savings to the middle . Where are all of these new jobs that were suppose to be created by Corporate ?

    The economy has dropped off in 2019 and projections don't look promising . Nobody wins in this scenario ..nobody ..


    U.S. employment slows as only 160,000 jobs created in April, joblessness rate at 5.0 percent


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:24 AM
  • "Tell a big simple lie and keep repeating it . Eventually the People tend to believe it ."

    ~~ Adolf Hitler

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:25 AM
  • f the Socialist Democrats take over D.C in 2020 then we won't have to worry about tax cuts because it will only be tax increases to pay for all the free stuff that they are pushing for votes. Trump 2020

    Schaefer's World


    Tax increases for health care alone has not went down one penny , it continues to rise . As Corporate continues to invest in A.I. or robotics instead of People and workers , jobs go away . 1 Robot can do the work of 5 People , 5 jobs gone away forever . Who will pay for all their new Entitlements ?

    The middle , that's who .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:30 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:24 AM

    Rick: Your link was from May 6, 2016. April 2019 results will be out in early May.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:34 AM
  • *

    March 2019 labor data was an increase of 196,000 jobs with an unemployment rate of 3.8%.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:37 AM
  • *

    Who will pay for all their new Entitlements ?

    The middle , that's who .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:30 AM

    Rick: True, the middle class gets the finger with no Vaseline every time.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:42 AM
  • "March 2019 labor data was an increase of 196,000 jobs with an unemployment rate of 3.8%."


    196,000 jobs isn't even a drop in the bucket to a Nation with 300 million population . Total jobs created since the "Trump years" isn't even a drop in the bucket .

    The new tax law , created by Trump , Charlie Chan , or Elvis Presley , all is the same math no matter who it was .

    An increase of spending and a decrease of revenue . This doesn't help me , you , or any other American . A loss is a loss .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 9:13 AM
  • ...and Trump tries to hide this fact with daily high school tweets of sensational unimportant tweets . Tweets with anyone , Hollywood actors , athletes , whoever he feels like arguing with . If nothing is going on or his name isn't in the new , he'll find a way to get it there . Create crisis then forget about them and start a new one .

    For instance :

    North Korea tested a new strategic weapon last week . Not a tweet about it .

    Whatever happened to the tariffs , where do they stand , what were the numbers before and the numbers now .

    The "Wall" , lost in the hallways of the courts . Mexico didn't pay for it , the money should have been found when Washington , DC was completed controlled by the Republicans . Curious that .

    Whatever happened with NATO not paying it's share , has this really changed ? If so , why the need for increased spending on Defense . Not another word heard , no tweets , no nothing .

    The list goes on and on , too many tweets to remember ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 9:23 AM
  • I refuse to be committed to Trump , I just won't do it , doesn't matter if he's the (R) or the (D) or otherwise .

    That's the way I roll ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 9:25 AM
  • *


    Right now, if Biden enters the race as stated you will have 20 Democrats all trying to out promise one another to buy votes. Currently they do not have a viable candidate among the 19 and if Biden gets in there and talks his usual nonsense that will make 20.

    Trump is far from perfect, but you might want to be careful of what you wish for if you are hoping one of these current losers that want to challenge him wins.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:29 AM
  • *


    Have you noticed, when you give Mr Lettau a fact that refutes his BS, he disappears like that proverbial relative/friend when the bar or dinner check arrives?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:32 AM
  • Wheels

    Right now , I don't care for any of them , (R) , (D) , or otherwise , they're all modern day politicians who promise the sun , the moon , and the sky .

    IMO , when , or if , Biden joins the race a whole lot of the current 20 will melt away just as the early morning mist in the rising sun shine .

    It's a no win situation , this Nation did not get trillion$ and trillion$ of dollars in debt by any one particular Party , it's team effort . Trump has only added to this amount , either way will only add to this amount . It's all about them and not us .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:43 AM
  • *


    Typically at this point in history a President ends up getting 8 years. It pretty much then boils down to.....

    2 years working

    2 years running for re-election

    4 years polishing their image for the record books

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:51 AM
  • *

    Well the Google god deleted my post imagine that. That's why I quit earlier, couldn't write anything to appease the Google god. Hey Google god the first Amendment doesn't say you have to be civil. Facebook and Twitter also have been censoring but mostly those comments from Conservatives.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:57 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    “Within 48 hours of Trump being elected he started his BS about Trump. He follows the DNC dictates and is totally clueless left to think for himself.”

    Not sure at all, where you dig up all of your fantasies. I have no idea what the DNC “dictates.”

    Were you to find something I taken verbatim from there, let me know and I’ll straighten you out.

    As for President Trump’s BS, it started within hours of his inauguration. Remember when he told Sean Spicer to go on live TV and lie about the size of his “inauguration crowd” being the “biggest” ever.

    Actually it started even earlier, on the escalator.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Have you noticed…”

    No. I’ll get to back to schooling you when time permits.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:00 AM
  • Wheels

    IMO , a President should have one term of 6 years instead of 2 terms of 4 years , this would eliminate some of the truth you speak . Representatives should have 1 term of 10 years as with Senators . And get rid of the life long benefits of being a politician , all of them . They are suppose to work for us , not us work for them .

    Politics should not be a career .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:06 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: The only schooling will be of you. Poor ole Socialist Democrats want to give away all the free stuff in return for the freeloader's votes. More schooling as time permits. LOL at you as always.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:07 AM
  • I have wondered , should a civilization actually be built on Mars , would the first person born there be a Martian or an Earthling ? And if they should come back to Earth , would they be an "illegal immigrant" ? The "second coming" ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:11 AM
  • Another thing about Mars , a tiny piece of bacteria is considered to be a sign of life but here on Earth a heartbeat is not .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:19 AM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:11 AM

    Rick: If a Socialist Democrat was in charge on Mars the baby would be aborted even if born alive. Also cows would not be allowed due to their flatulence.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:37 AM
  • *

    “Have you noticed…”

    No. I’ll get to back to schooling you when time permits.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:00 AM

    Mister Lettau,

    No schooling necessary. All I am interested in as how you can read the three items on Page 9 Vol 1 and especially Item #2 and then keep coming off with that BS about how many Russians were talked to etc. etc.

    It only seems to bother you when a Republican talks to a Russian, doesn't seem to have any bearing on what is discussed. But on the other hand you have no problems with Democrats speaking to Russians, even when it goes to the point of selling and giving them and giving them control of our Uranium supply.

    Tell me now like North Korea did to Bill Clinton, it will only be used for peaceful purposes.

    I will be waiting.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 12:21 PM
  • Rick: If a Socialist Democrat was in charge on Mars the baby would be aborted even if born alive. Also cows would not be allowed due to their flatulence.


    Doubt if that would happen , not going to be all that many jobs there , mostly scientist Not so sure there would be political parties anyway . Not sure if cows could even survive there either , what would they eat , I'm thinking the majority of food would be needed for the People .

    Shoot , there wouldn't even be an out house are Mars --dunno how that would work .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 2:12 PM
  • Seriously doubt there would be the same political systems , like Congress and/or a President . One would hope they'd all get together and figure out what they're going to do as far as politics go . Maybe go back to the Good Days , a Sit Down of some sort .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 2:17 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 2:22 PM
  • Even religion could be different , the majority of religions say "God" created Earth and everything on it save for the few who claim the Star People created Earth . Would the same be true of Mars ? Christianity , Muslim ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 2:31 PM
  • Mr VanGennip,

    I have read the entire page…

    The first paragraph specified the two principle Russian interference actions which violated US law and the Russians involved have been charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States among other crimes. That paragraph establishes Russian interference, and that the Russians hacked into the Clinton campaign.

    The second paragraph discusses the numerous links “…between individuals with ties to the Russian Government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign…” The paragraph goes on to state that there was insufficient evidence to charge any campaign official as an unregistered Russian agent, and the evidence was insufficient to charge any member with criminal campaign finance violations, and there was insufficient evidence to charge any member of the Trump campaign with criminal conspiracy.

    The third paragraph goes over all the individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign the lied about their “…interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters." And those are only ones that got caught.

    Back to the second paragraph, which in fact says nothing about all those campaign officials being innocent of collusion. And as you surely recall, Rudy Giuliani constantly crowed about how “collusion is not a crime.” That being the case, the President’s persistent gloating about “No Collusion” is irrelevant.

    The second paragraph does not mention collusion, it just confirms that there was insufficient evidence to prove criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt. So basically, the report shows a large number of questionable interactions without rising to an indictable level. Guess you could say that they weren’t innocent, just not guilty enough.

    Reading the page in its entirety, you'd come away with the facts that the Russians helped get Trump elected, his people weren't open enough to prove conspiracy, and others lied to the FBI and Congress.

    Not a very glowing, flattering nor favorable depiction of the Trump administration.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 3:24 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...the point of selling and giving them and giving them control of our Uranium supply."

    Perhaps this is what you're wrong about...

    "We have noted repeatedly that extracted uranium could not be exported by Russia without a license — which Rosatom does not have — but even so, this 20 percent figure is especially misleading. (*See update below.) At the Fact Checker, we have described it a bit more precisely as “mining licenses for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium extraction capacity.” But we were out of date; it turns out “20 percent” is an especially stale number.

    The Facts

    "The original 20 percent figure comes from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, one of the agencies that approved the deal in 2010. It stated that as of 2010, the licenses “represent approximately 20 percent of the currently licensed uranium in-situ recovery production capacity” in the United States. But that did not mean 20 percent of U.S. uranium reserves.

    "In-situ recovery (ISR) is one of two ways to obtain uranium from underground; it’s the main method in the United States. It’s generally used for low-grade ore that would be otherwise too expensive to mine. A solution is pumped into the ore deposit to dissolve the uranium. The resulting liquid is then pumped back out, dried so it becomes “yellowcake” and placed in 55-gallon drums before it is taken to a uranium conversion facility for eventual use in a nuclear power reactor."


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 3:43 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 3:43 PM

    Mr. Lettau: Your link doesn't work unless you are a paid subscriber. However; the following link does work and it smells of a crime and a coverup by Hillary and Obama. Since there are two conflicting views lets investigate investigate investigate the Uranium One deal and get to the bottom. Then lets investigate investigate investigate the Hillary email schadal (now that Comey is out). Then lets investigate investigate investigate the collusion between Hillary/DNC/Russian and the fake Trump dossier. Guess both parties will just investigate investigate investigate.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 4:21 PM
  • *

    schadal should be scandal.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 4:24 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 3:24 PM

    The Russian "hacking" happened during the Obama Presidency .

    Why didn't he try to stop it from the get go , why has him and his "close Associates" not been investigated as to why nothing was done to defend the USA ?

    Every coin has two sides..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 5:07 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 5:07 PM

    Rick: Think that AG Barr will be taking this matter up....investigate investigate investigate.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 5:18 PM
  • Today :

    "We will take back this Country , don't give up."

    ~~ Joe Biden


    First off , who is "we" , I don't remember signing up for anything . ..I think for myself

    Secondly . America is still here , a little screwed-up from the floor up , but it hasn't went anywhere , nobody has taken it -- they will if the Washington , DC doesn't get their act together -- it could be taken without a shot fired .

    He speaks of separation , fear , and hate . A common rhetoric theme in the current USA . Curiously , no endorsements yet from Obama . Could this be because Biden has told Obama to shut up , you're not helping me a bit , no more then you helped Hillary .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 5:22 PM
  • Here we go .


    Eight pedestrians struck by car in a suspected intentional crash

    Police say the incident appears to be intentional and the FBI is now assisting in the investigation.

    According to witnesses and police, shortly after 6:30 p.m. local time, a car plowed into people on a busy sidewalk, not seeming to slow down or trying to avoid pedestrians in the town about 40 miles from San Francisco.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 5:40 PM
  • And ISIS has been defeated , ain't that right Trump ? USA citizens were killed in this bombing Trump , stop trying to get votes...


    ISIS Claims Responsibility for Sri Lanka Terrorist Attack

    The terrorist group ISIS has claimed responsibility for the bomb attacks on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka that killed at least 321 people on Easter Sunday, but provided no evidence.

    In a bulletin posted by its Aamaq news agency, ISIS said: “The perpetrators of the attack that targeted nationals of the countries of the coalitions and Christians in Sri Lanka before yesterday are fighters from the Islamic State,” according to a translation by the Associated Press.

    The news came on Tuesday as the Sri Lankan minister of defense Ruwan Wijewardene said the attacks were in retaliation for last month’s terrorist attack against Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, in which 50 people were killed. He did not immediately offer any evidence. “The preliminary investigations have revealed that what happened in Sri Lanka was in retaliation for the attack against Muslims in Christchurch,” he told the Sri Lankan parliament.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 5:47 PM
  • *

    ISIS was defeated in Syrian and not world wide.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 6:11 PM
  • *

    Socialist Democrats are upset that one of the questions on the new Census forms ask if the person filling out the form is a USA citizen or not. The updated Census is used to divvy up seats in the House as a proportion of their population based on the head count.

    The Electoral College is pegged to the number of State congressional delegations.

    More people equal more seats. More illegals equal more power that's why the Socialist Democrats are against asking the citizenship question. Illegals have no rights in the USA. If they want rights then enter the USA legally like the millions of other immigrates have done.....Trump 2020

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 6:48 PM
  • Reading the page in its entirety, you'd come away with the facts that the Russians helped get Trump elected, his people weren't open enough to prove conspiracy, and others lied to the FBI and Congress.

    Not a very glowing, flattering nor favorable depiction of the Trump administration.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 3:24 PM

    Let me correct your wording Mr. Lettau. I'm sure it should read: Reading the page in its entirety, I've come away with the fantasy that the Russians helped get Trump elected, Mellers democrat Hillary supporting people weren't open enough to see the conspiracy on her part, and others lied to the FBI and Congress.

    For what reason would Russia not want to see Hillary in charge?

    Oh and how come we are just now hearing some of those hidden Emails were found in Obama's White House, there all along all over again kinda like Yogi said?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:09 PM
  • "ISIS was defeated in Syrian and not world wide."

    It has not been eliminated as promised . This is weakness , do not claim you did what you did not do . It goes in line with North Korea being de-nuclearized , nothing is further from the truth , it tested new strategic weapons just last week .

    The Founders of this Nation created a 3 Leg Branch of Government to try and prevent the current 2 Party system where each Party demands the entire population to become one of them . So now , it's blame and accusations , one against the other when both are doing the very same thing . All problems and issues are the other Party's fault , no solutions , a Nation screaming at each other .

    A 2 party system will not work and will never work , something the Founders realized long ago .

    "With every opportunity there is a set back , with every set back there is an opportunity ." This equals zero .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:14 PM
  • "Trump 2020" ?

    4 more years of inane and useless daily high school tweets ? Haven't Americans had enuff of this non-sense yet ? There other options to limit "Socialist Democrats" besides just Trump ...he is not a King , he is not the ultimate Ruler .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:17 PM
  • Do People like Trump for just Trump or are they 150% committed to a letter of the alphabet -- the (R) ?

    Do People dislike Trump for just Trump or are they 150% committed to a letter of the alphabet -- the (D) ?

    How about trying the letter (A) , American .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:20 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Sorry, you clearly made up the wrong page. Vol 1 page 9 says nothing about Hillary, nothing about Mellers, but a lot about the Trump campaign staff associating with Russians.

    Maybe you should read it again.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 8:35 PM
  • Uly, My point being you're getting excited over nothing. No Collusion, No obstruction of investigating a crime that never happened. Maybe you should reflect upon how the Rose Law Firm files were found in Hillary's White House living quarters and now she is calling for investigating obstruction of justice. Your whole babble is based on hypocrisy. I may not have a discounted government indoctrination of higher education but my BS detector seldom misleads me.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 9:19 PM
  • Rick L.

    There still is no reason as to why or how Obama wasn't held accountable for letting the Russian hack to occur , after all , rumor is Russia hacked the DNC , isn't this a shot in the foot of the Democrat Party ?

    And the alledged Dossier , has anyone actually seen or read the unredacted report ?

    Methinks the working with Russia is a double edged knife with no hilt , it cuts anyone who tries to handle it , just more don't look at me , look at them .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 9:20 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    If you believe "no collusion, no obstruction" your BS detector has not read the Mueller report.

    Just read it all, before fabricating more stories. You can thank me later.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 9:52 PM
  • Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 9:52 PM

    What would I thank you for? Show me the factual evidence of Collusion and obstruction. It is all wishful thinking on your part. The only chance you have of keeping Trump from a second term is constant fake news to fool the easily fooled people like yourself. IMO the only one that might seriously challenge Trump would be your favorite RHINO if he switched parties.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:24 PM
  • *

    Mr VanGennip,

    I have read the entire page…

    The first paragraph specified the two principle Russian interference actions which violated US law and the Russians involved have been charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States among other crimes. That paragraph establishes Russian interference, and that the Russians hacked into the Clinton campaign.

    Resonse: And Pray tell, why didn't your President do something about it? Trump was running for President. Obama was derelect in his duty to protect Americans. Why didn't he protect Hillary Clinton and her campaign? Why blame Trump for what Clinton failed at.? Cut it out, Clinton puffs up and spouts!


    The second paragraph discusses the numerous links “…between individuals with ties to the Russian Government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign…” The paragraph goes on to state that there was insufficient evidence to charge any campaign official as an unregistered Russian agent, and the evidence was insufficient to charge any member with criminal campaign finance violations, and there was insufficient evidence to charge any member of the Trump campaign with criminal conspiracy.

    Response: Insufficient evidence, so there was no collusion, you got that one correct Uly.


    The third paragraph goes over all the individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign the lied about their “…interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters." And those are only ones that got caught.

    Response: Strictly your opinion Ully which counts for nothing here.


    Back to the second paragraph, which in fact says nothing about all those campaign officials being innocent of collusion. And as you surely recall, Rudy Giuliani constantly crowed about how “collusion is not a crime.” That being the case, the President’s persistent gloating about “No Collusion” is irrelevant.

    Response: More of your opinion which is meaningless here. The American system says Innocent until proven guilty. Nobody was proved guilty therefore they are innocent, no matter what Mueller says, or any other Trump hater including you Uly.


    The second paragraph does not mention collusion, it just confirms that there was insufficient evidence to prove criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt. So basically, the report shows a large number of questionable interactions without rising to an indictable level. Guess you could say that they weren’t innocent, just not guilty enough.

    Response: "Guess you could say that they weren’t innocent, just not guilty enough." What ludicrouse BS. I will repeat, in America you are innocent until proven guilty. Nobody was proven guilty.... got it??


    Reading the page in its entirety, you'd come away with the facts that the Russians helped get Trump elected, his people weren't open enough to prove conspiracy, and others lied to the FBI and Congress.

    Not a very glowing, flattering nor favorable depiction of the Trump administration.

    Response: "Reading the page in its entirety, you'd come away with the facts that the Russians helped get Trump elected," No Mister Lettau, that is something a derelict mind like yours would come away with. That is just more of your BS opinion and supposing again.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 3:24 PM

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:42 PM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    "...the point of selling and giving them and giving them control of our Uranium supply."

    Perhaps this is what you're wrong about...

    "We have noted repeatedly that extracted uranium could not be exported by Russia without a license — which Rosatom does not have — but even so, this 20 percent figure is especially misleading. (*See update below.) At the Fact Checker, we have described it a bit more precisely as “mining licenses for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium extraction capacity.” But we were out of date; it turns out “20 percent” is an especially stale number.

    The Facts

    "The original 20 percent figure comes from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, one of the agencies that approved the deal in 2010. It stated that as of 2010, the licenses “represent approximately 20 percent of the currently licensed uranium in-situ recovery production capacity” in the United States. But that did not mean 20 percent of U.S. uranium reserves.

    "In-situ recovery (ISR) is one of two ways to obtain uranium from underground; it’s the main method in the United States. It’s generally used for low-grade ore that would be otherwise too expensive to mine. A solution is pumped into the ore deposit to dissolve the uranium. The resulting liquid is then pumped back out, dried so it becomes “yellowcake” and placed in 55-gallon drums before it is taken to a uranium conversion facility for eventual use in a nuclear power reactor."


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 3:43 PM

    Mister Lettau,

    The bottom line here, no matter the percentage. The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton did do some colluding with Russians here and you have no problem with it. Which makes you a hypocritical Socialist Democrat hack.

    Enough said, it is as I said, you have no problem with Democrats talking to Russians but Republicans better not so much as tip their hat to one.

    One more thing, if you think the Russians influenced any votes away from Hillary Clinton, would it excede the number of illegal votes she got in places like California, which is becoming the armpit of the nation.

    What was the number of votes the Russians influenced to vote for Trump, you seem to know all about it, so how many was it Uly?

    Now you can get back to memorizing the Mueller report, I have other things to do and all this is accomplishing is keeping me from finishing and going to bed.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:51 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    If you want facts, just read the report. It's that easy.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 10:51 PM
  • What better place for a bull in a china shop than a china shop that sells fake china and promises rebates to poor people only to redirect rewards back to the suppliers. Drain the swamp!

    Yes Mr Google god let her rip!

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:07 PM
  • Wheels. Is it true democrats have been known to elect a dead person with dead people votes?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:20 PM
  • *

    Wheels. Is it true democrats have been known to elect a dead person with dead people votes?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 11:20 PM

    The answer is yes! Old John you win the prize for that one.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 12:12 AM
  • There is absolutely no proof all 100% of Democrats are Socialist then all 100% of Republicans are greedy money grabbers


    Socialism does not work .

    "Don't forget my Legacy".

    ~~ Barack Obama

    Sanders openly claimed he was a Socialist and was badly defeated by the Democrats their selves . Republicans swept the 2016 and took control of Washington DC .


    Poplar Vote does not matter , the Law of the Land says majority of Electoral College does . 5 Presidents out of 45 won with a Higher Electoral College count then Popular Vote count .


    Not one single person can stop Socialism including Trump , he is not Superman sent from heaven to save America . Should Trump be re-elected , how will the spread of Socialism be stopped in 2024 ? Trump is not the end all answer .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:48 AM
  • *

    Slept on it and decided this needed to go into the Supposen List.

    Item 302

    "Reading the page in its entirety, you'd come away with the facts that the Russians helped get Trump elected, his people weren't open enough to prove conspiracy, and others lied to the FBI and Congress." (Re: Page 9 Vol I of Mueller Report)

    Mister Lettau, that is not how "facts" are gathered, except perhaps in your small world.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:53 AM
  • *

    I heard from reliable sources that there is a big surprise coming within 2 weeks from the Mueller report - and it's not about Trump....hummmmmmmm

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 8:27 AM
  • *

    From the Redacted area.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 8:30 AM
  • *

    Who will be the next Socialist Democrat to announce as a candidate....Michael Obama?

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:09 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Instead of launching yourself headlong into some foolish “supposition” exercise, try thinking for yourself for once.

    Simply give your answers to the following questions with respect to page 9, Vol I, of the Mueller Report:

    Is it a fact that the first paragraph covers Russian interference in the 2016 election?

    Is it a fact that the Russians wanted Clinton to lose the election?

    Is a fact that the second paragraph discusses the numerous associations between Russian operatives and Trump campaign members, and that there was evidence of “collusion” but it was insufficient to prove conspiracy?

    Is it a fact that "insufficient evidence" is different than "no evidence?"

    Is it a fact that the third paragraph says that several members of the Trump campaign lied to the FBI and to Congress?

    Just to make it easy on you, all of the answers are yes. All of your “spinning” and whining don’t change the facts.

    If you'd like to live in the real world, get used to the truth, otherwise, stay in your version of Schaefer's fantasy world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:17 AM
  • *

    Mister Lettau, I will ask you one question.... Is it a fact that Mueller proved Trump and his Campaign guilty of absolutely nothing provable in a court of law?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:37 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:47 AM
  • *

    Russians, Russians & more Russians, methinks Mr Lettau has Russians on the brain.

    We all knew the Russians were interfering. So why didn't the party in power do something about its? Aside from "Cut it out" that is.

    Mister Ulrich states the Russians didn't want Hillary as President. What would that statement prove other than maybe they were smarter than the people who nominated her?

    Trump certainly hasn't proven to be a patsy for them the way Hillary and Obama was.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:50 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    To answer your question…

    “What was the number of votes the Russians influenced to vote for Trump…”

    The answer could be 5 or 10 million. Can you prove it wasn’t?

    There is no way for either of us to tell exactly what that number was. But if you agreed with any of these ads, you may have been influenced by the Russians to vote for Trump.


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:53 AM
  • *


    Would you like to state what that particular item they can prove is?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:54 AM
  • After years and years of wasted tax money , the Mueller Investigation is over , nothing will change this . Inside out , outside in , it's done . Without actually reading the non-redacted Report , it's all speculation . The question is , why did the DOJ make this decision and how is it fair to all Americans for one person to make this decision .

    Just because a Candidate files as a Socialist does not guarantee they will win anything , ask Barry Sanders .

    More Nations who went Socialist have either went back out or fold , Socialism clearly does not work . Keeping People equally poor causes dissent and revolt by the People . The Socialist have tried for years and years to take over in America with no success , I take the Socialist finally doing it now as nothing but fear rhetoric from Trump for votes .

    The Ukraine has elected a TV/comedian/actor as it's President , how will this effect the USA and it's build up in the Ukraine against Russia . Yesterday the Kim/Putin Summit ended -- no tweets about that -- apparently they are the best of friends now .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:55 AM
  • After years and years of wasted tax money , the Mueller Investigation is over , nothing will change this . Inside out , outside in , it's done . Without actually reading the non-redacted Report , it's all speculation . The question is , why did the DOJ make this decision and how is it fair to all Americans for one person to make this decision .

    Just because a Candidate files as a Socialist does not guarantee they will win anything , ask Barry Sanders .

    More Nations who went Socialist have either went back out or fold , Socialism clearly does not work . Keeping People equally poor causes dissent and revolt by the People . The Socialist have tried for years and years to take over in America with no success , I take the Socialist finally doing it now as nothing but fear rhetoric from Trump for votes .

    The Ukraine has elected a TV/comedian/actor as it's President , how will this effect the USA and it's build up in the Ukraine against Russia . Yesterday the Kim/Putin Summit ended -- no tweets about that -- apparently they are the best of friends now .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:55 AM
  • *

    The answer could be 5 or 10 million. Can you prove it wasn’t?

    No, can you prove it was?

    Also the answer could be 3.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:56 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    “Russians didn't want Hillary as President….”

    “Putin Admits "I Wanted Trump To Win": Full Highlights From Historic Summit…”


    You don’t get out much, or know very much, do you Mr. VanGennip?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:58 AM
  • *

    Mister Lettau, I could not be influenced by Facebook Ads. I don't do Facebook.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:58 AM
  • *

    Mister Lettau do you think it was wrong for the Russians to meddle in our election?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:00 AM
  • *

    “Putin Admits "I Wanted Trump To Win": Full Highlights From Historic Summit…”

    Mister Lettau, that makes Trump guilty of what?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:02 AM
  • Years of Democratic Investigations only make the wounds fester . Give it up , Hillary lost by the Law of the Lands . Stop baby crying and move on , this Nation is now stuck in idle .

    Stop it . Grow up , address America's growing domestic issues . All politicians and political Parties ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:04 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    “…Trump and his Campaign guilty of absolutely nothing provable in a court of law?”

    Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Gates, Cohen, and don’t forget there are about 12 ongoing investigations that were redacted from the Mueller Report.

    You’re really not very well informed, are you Mr. VanGennip?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:06 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:04 AM

    Rick, I am not inclined to allow Lettau's lies and supposeins go unanswered.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:08 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...that makes Trump guilty of what?"

    It makes him beholden to the Russians who tried to influence the campaign on his behalf, and guilty of lying about it. (Ask yourself, did he ever publicly thank the Russians for their help or did he only do it in private?)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:11 AM
  • *

    "Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Gates, Cohen, and don’t forget there are about 12 ongoing investigations that were redacted from the Mueller Report."

    Unrelated charges, all of them.

    Yes I do consider myself reasonably uninformed. Because I don't buy into BS does not leave me uninformed.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:11 AM
  • Anybody remember who Hitler and the Nazi's wanted to win as President of the USA ? Did it really mean anything , did the USA become Nazis ? The Nazis had campaigns in America , one including a 20,000 crowd at Madison Square Garden .

    Did it do anything or amount to anything ? This "Russia decided who America's President" would be is not only childish , it amounts to nothing just the same as Hitler's Nazis .

    The fact is , Hillary lost , stop trying to find excuses . Trump is playing the fear card for votes in 2020 -- stop it , true Americans do not fear .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:12 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "...lies and supposeins go unanswered."

    Unfortunately, there are no lies, and Mr. VanGennip is singularly unqualified to make any judgements on issues that he understands so little about.

    I'd recommend that the "supposeins" be simply ignored.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:14 AM
  • *

    It makes him beholden to the Russians who tried to influence the campaign on his behalf, and guilty of lying about it. (Ask yourself, did he ever publicly thank the Russians for their help or did he only do it in private?)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:11 AM

    You really think so? Is that the reason Trump has been tougher on the Russians than Obama was?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:15 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:14 AM

    Mister Lettau, your continued insults have no effect, as I always consider the source.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:17 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "Unrelated charges, all of them."

    Right, like Gen Flynn "negotiating" with the Russian Ambassador and lying about it to the FBI and the VP.

    At least you admit how uninformed you really are.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:18 AM
  • Enough entertainment for today, thanks Mr. VanGennip...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:19 AM
  • *

    I'd recommend that the "supposeins" be simply ignored.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:14 AM

    That is precisely what I do with your supposeins Mister Lettau, then log tthem lest you deny them in the future

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:20 AM
  • Rick L.

    I call BS on that one -- Obama told Russia he would work with them on missiles if re-elected . Obviously the Russians wanted him to win the election .

    Is Obama guilty of anything and if not , why so ?

    Dude , Hillary lost .Accept the fact .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:20 AM
  • And no , I neither voted Hillary or Trump , the 3 ring circus side show was a waste of time , who would elect either one of these equally unqualified candidates .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:22 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:19 AM

    You need not go away with your tail tucked between your legs Uly! 😂

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:24 AM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    "Unrelated charges, all of them."

    Right, like Gen Flynn "negotiating" with the Russian Ambassador and lying about it to the FBI and the VP.

    At least you admit how uninformed you really are.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:18 AM

    And he was convicted of what? Oh yes lying to the FBI, not conspiring with the Russians.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:28 AM
  • If Trump , Putin , and Russia are the best of friends then why does the USA continue to have a Military build up in the Ukraine and Balkans ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:29 AM
  • If ISIS is defeated then why does the USA still have forces in Syria , if Bin Laden is dead , then why does the USA still have forces in Afghanistan , the longest USA war in history ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:34 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Catching up on the forums and see where you schooled Mr. Lettau already this morning....he could save himself and the State some money and get his education here on these forums.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:46 AM
  • *

    ....he could save himself and the State some money and get his education here on these forums.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:46 AM

    Bet he never thought about that while he is free loading at taxpayer expense at the college trough.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 11:23 AM
  • Shoot , I get schooled every day .

    If a person doesn't learn something everyday , why are we here ? What's the purpose or use of knowledge

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 11:38 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 11:38 AM

    Rick, you are correct, a person should learn something every day. And learning was never intended to stop when you put the books away. What is started at that point is true education.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 12:57 PM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "...the State some money and get his education here on these forums."

    That's got to be the most outlandish statement made on SO in the past year or so. Amazing how much the SO conservative egos are inflated. They may have to put lead weights in their pockets to keep from floating away.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 12:58 PM
  • Wheels

    Believe I've learned more from folks who don't use the books , just keep their ear to the ground and have some good sense but I could be mixfused again ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 1:12 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 12:58 PM

    Mr. Lettau: wonder how you got that comment pass the Google god....oh, you're a Socialist Democrat so no censoring. Time to take your meds don't want you to have a stroke. BTW,

    Schaefer's World schooling is free to all Socialist Democrats....your welcome. LOL at you as always.

    Now Google god what's wrong....oh I'm a Conservative so censorship.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 1:42 PM
  • *

    I really like making comments on these forums and seeing the censorship from a computerized program.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 1:45 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 1:54 PM
  • Money Watch reports 39 million People will not go on vacation this year because they have to pay their bills . 44% of those say Medical Bills are their biggest cost .

    Questions :

    1.) Where are those great tax breaks to create more take home pay passed by Trump ? Has he created 39 million jobs ?

    2.) Where is that More Affordable Health Care promised by the bald face liar Obama ? The biggest lie of this Century .

    3.) Are the politicians and their dedicated followers clueless as to what's happening to the Citizens of the United States of America ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 4:40 PM
  • Plus , a larger tax return would have helped People pay their bills .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 4:51 PM
  • Why doesn't the members of the House include fast food/gas station workers , construction workers , and minimum wage workers ..the same goes for the Senate ?

    Why is Washington , DC for the elite chosen few ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:02 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 1:12 PM

    Rick you may use whatever name you like,Elders,Parents,Peers and a host of other names, but they are your teachers.

    Not to say there are not other ways, you can learn from computers, radio, tv, instruction manuals and books. Self teaching , trial and error, there are literally hundreds of ways to improve your education.

    Classwork as a youngster should give you the tools to get an education. Once you leave that scene it is all up to you.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:03 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 4:40 PM

    Rick: Look like no vacations or little vacations were also back in 5/24/17.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:04 PM
  • Rick: Look like no vacations or little vacations were also back in 5/24/17.


    Would these be the Trump years ? If so , why didn't things get better in 2017 . Politicians spend more time dividing the People instead of uniting the People .



    You're right , I never looked at that way .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:07 PM
  • If People couldn't afford vacations in 2017 , what has changed since they can't in the year 2019 either ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:08 PM
  • *

    A retired person can also let the State pay for most of their college expenses while taking money away from a deserving young student.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:10 PM
  • Wheels

    I do learn something everyday ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:12 PM
  • A retired person can also let the State pay for most of their college expenses while taking money away from a deserving young student.


    Hollywood stars , Universeries , and coaches do the same thing .

    Vets shouldn't have to pay a dime for College .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:14 PM
  • *

    Creepy ole Uncle Joe got into the Socialist Democratic bunch of non-winners today. BTW, his campaign slogan is: #IFeelYou.

    Come on Google god, it's only a joke - can't a computer program take a joke.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:20 PM
  • Defense spending has increased to $700 billion dollar$ .

    A person would hope a portion of this would be to support our Vets , retired or active .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:31 PM
  • *

     Report comment to editor

    If People couldn't afford vacations in 2017 , what has changed since they can't in the year 2019 either ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:08 PM

    Rick: we take our trips don't know why others don't....maybe it's not their priority. Can't get off of social media long enough to take a trip....who knows.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 6:23 PM
  • *

    A person would hope a portion of this would be to support our Vets , retired or active .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 5:31 PM

    Rick: There is a Veteran Administration budget that Pres. Trump has increased every year since being president. Also better health care for our brave vets.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 6:27 PM
  • Trump ain't all that plus a free bag of chips too .


    Gold Star Family to Pay Hundreds More in Taxes Under New Tax Code

    For the last eight years, Becky Welch has been a single mom to her two boys. It's a reality she knew was possible, though hoped would never happen when her husband Rob deployed to Afghanistan in January 2011.

    "When I went to the door there were two uniformed military officers and they informed me that Rob had been killed earlier that day. And you know, your whole world stops. It stops for a minute. You don't ever dream that that knock's going to be on your door," said Welch.

    All of a sudden, she and her boys were thrown into a new reality. But she said they had support of their military family, both emotionally and monetarily.

    "When a soldier dies, the military helps pick up that slack so that they can help pick up the income you would've had if your soldier was here," said Welch.

    Every month for the last eight years, Welch and her boys have each received benefits.

    "When we started claiming those benefits, I actually found out that my minor children, because of the way they get their benefits, actually have to file as individuals through the IRS," said Welch.

    Usually, Welch says they owed about $200 each. But under this year's new tax code, the family was surprised to see the total due at nearly $1,100 for each of her boys.

    Her CPA explained it was due to changes with the Kiddie Tax. Until now the taxable portion of her boys' benefits was taxed at the same rate she was, which as a single stay at home mom fell in the lowest threshold.

    But under the new tax code, their benefits are treated the same as a trust fund or estate tax. For her boys, that means a rate of 35 percent.

    "To me it almost feels like a punishment. Like we honor the sacrifice your dad made, but now you owe us all this money. It just really seems confusing to me," said Welch.

    Before April 15, she'll write two checks for $1,094 to send to the IRS. But she's hopeful if enough families like her's speak up, a change will be made to accommodate families who've already paid the ultimate sacrifice.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:27 PM
  • The man is using dead soldier's children to raise taxes .

    This is so wrong on so many levels , doesn't matter who did it . Has the man no Honor for those who pay the ultimate Sacrifice , has he no scruples ?

    What happens to dead Soldier's who have 5 kids ? How is this in any way , shape , or form helping the Veterans ?

    Yeah , increase the Veterans Administration , the big shots who run it deserve big 17% tax cuts .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:36 PM
  • *

    Rick: You don't think that Trump personally wrote the changes do you? Hopefully the IRS Director will see the error in the new rules and make the necessary changes. The article that you linked Hopefully will get the right attention.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:49 PM
  • You don't think that Trump personally wrote the changes do you?


    No , I think the man created , supported , and signed into Law those changes . He robs graves for votes . Plain and simple .

    There is no excuse , none .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:52 PM
  • *

    Rick: The budget of the Veterans Administration was increased - it's not a business so they don't get a tax cut but you knew that.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:53 PM
  • I refuse to be blinded by any politician or any political party .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:53 PM
  • ick: The budget of the Veterans Administration was increased - it's not a business so they don't get a tax cut but you knew that.


    If that Administration isn't going to be responsible for it's actions , like allowing dead Soldier's kids become tax increases , get rid of it and start all over again .

    So you condone Trump's actions , he did sign the Bill into Law .

    There are no excuses , none

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:56 PM
  • *

    What happened to Uly? Think he ran out of BS?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 8:04 PM
  • For the wives and husbands of the Warriors who paid the ultimate price ...and now robbed by the very Government those Warriors paid the price for


    David Gilmour - Wish You Were Here - Live 2002


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 8:10 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Don't know where Mr. Lettau is unless he's at one of his taxpayers college courses. He is going to be real invisible when AG Barr starts in with the investigate investigate investigate of the hoax Trump/Russian collusion and the real Russian collusion of Hillary and her gang.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 8:34 PM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "...starts in with the investigate investigate investigate..."

    Only in Schaefer's fantasy world. Good attempt at humor anyhow.

    In the real world the Russians were to busy helping Trump.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 8:47 PM
  • Mr. Lettau, Now that I know you're here, Could you tell us what Rush had to say about your Russian Theories today? I was busy with other things today.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:19 PM
  • *

    In the real world the Russians were to busy helping Trump.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 8:47 PM

    Mr. Lettau: You know that is a bald face mistruth....but hey that's all you Socialist Democrats have left. LOL at you as always.

    What's wrong Google god upset that a Democrat got spanked by a Conservative.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:20 PM
  • So you condone Trump's actions , he did sign the Bill into Law .

    There are no excuses , none

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 7:56 PM

    What Bill?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:22 PM
  • *

    Only 12 years before doomsday according to the newly elected bartender from New York City....$93 trillion dollars for the New Green Deal - we might just be working for nothing but hey isn't that the Socialist way - everyone gets free health care free everything just work for nothing....good grief.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:28 PM
  • Semo, Trump has said he hopes that new green deal is a joke and at the same time he hopes they run on it. :)

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 10:17 PM
  • *

    Ran into an ex Marine this afternoon who would like to give Mister Lettau his opinion of Single Payer Healthcare and the VA. Spent time in and out of the VA hospital with no improvement. Finally went to a doctor outside the system and he finds he is eaten up with cancer. Started in his lungs and he says he is just hanging around waiting to die. Went back to the VA with questions about why they didn't find the cancer . Been an ongoing situation trying to get information out of them and he states now they cannot find any records pertaining to him.

    His opinion, keep the government out of our health care.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 11:33 PM
  • What Bill?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 9:22 PM

    I thought everyone was a aware of the new Tax Bill Legislation that was approved by Congress then signed into Law by Trump .

    Either way , if a President is not aware of everything in any new Legislation or Bill , they should not sign it .

    Anybody remember these :

    "Let's pass this Bill to see what's in it ."

    ~~ Nancy Pelosi

    "If you like your insurance you can keep it . Period ."

    ~~ Barack Obama

    It doesn't matter how deeply People are committed to any politician or Party , what happened to the American Warriors is flat out wrong . The deserve way more then having their graves robbed by the Government .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 11:35 PM
  • Trump is not another great , almighty , God Politician .

    Not even by a little bit .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 11:36 PM
  • In the real world the Russians were to busy helping Trump.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 8:47 PM

    Were they helping Obama too after his missile promise ?

    How is one different then the other ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 11:43 PM
  • BTW , Joe Biden said on the TV today he does not want Obama's endorsement .

    Now why would that be , Obamberals ? Gotta an answer to that ? Maybe because Obama endorsed Hillary .

    What say you ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Apr 25, 2019, at 11:48 PM
  • *


    You have to quit bothering poor old Uly. He is busy memorizing the 448 page Mueller Report.

    He is not sure where it is but he knows, somewhere in those 448 pages there is the gotcha that is going to get Trump. It's just that nobody has found it yet

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 12:15 AM
  • My dad , Mr.Scaggs , was a sniper in Korea leaving behind 4 kids . My brother was 82nd Airborn Ranger leaving behind 11 kids . My intent was to go Airborne too before Wounded Knee happened . What has the new tax law done ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:01 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "It's just that nobody has found it yet."

    Of course they have. Volume I catalogues the "collusion," the proof of which is spelled out along with the stipulation that the evidence doesn’t rise to the level of criminal conspiracy.

    Volume II passes on to Congress the evidence of obstruction. What’s ironic is that our President’s futile efforts to block testimony and subpoenas creates even further evidence of obstruction.

    A more astonishing consequence of the report being released, is that it revealed an honest republican…

    “Friday, April 19, 2019

    “WASHINGTON— U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) released the following statement regarding the Mueller report:

    “I have now read the redacted Mueller report and offer my personal reaction.

    “It is good news that there was insufficient evidence to charge the President of the United States with having conspired with a foreign adversary or with having obstructed justice. The alternative would have taken us through a wrenching process with the potential for constitutional crisis. The business of government can move on.

    “Even so, I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President. I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia—including information that had been illegally obtained; that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement; and that the campaign chairman was actively promoting Russian interests in Ukraine.”

    “Reading the report is a sobering revelation of how far we have strayed from the aspirations and principles of the founders.”


    I’d suggest that Senator Romney is saying out loud, what the majority of republicans believe.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:33 AM
  • *

    Rick: Your Dad and Brother are American heroes who died for their country. As with most new laws, refinement to them are needed....All Gold Star families' kids should be taxed at the same rate of their single parent and nothing more.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:37 AM
  • *

    I’d suggest that Senator Romney is saying out loud, what the majority of republicans believe.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:33 AM

    Mr. Lettau: Did you vote and like what Romney said back in 2012 or is your new liking of Romney due to his anti-Trump comments - speaks volumes about you and the other Socialist Democrats. BTW, Romney was at the White House begging for the Sec. of State job but was turned down - do you think his comments might be sour grapes. Anyhow Pres. Trump has been proven innocent by the Mueller report....now it's investigate investigate investigate those that started this hoax upon the American public. Stay tune for further developments from those redacted areas - maybe it's about Obama and Hillary.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:47 AM
  • *

    It must be very disturbing to wake up every morning knowing that Queen Hillary didn't win even with a rigged primary and a rigged 2016 election with the help from Russia in the fake Trump dossier.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:50 AM
  • *

    Sunny day everyone enjoy - out of here.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:39 AM
  • Romney,Lettau,Trump. An enemy of his enemy is suddenly a friend. Strange bedfellows.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 9:51 AM
  • Rick L.

    There are many things that have happened in politics which make no sense . Apparently they will eventually have to be accepted , no necessary liked , but accepted . Nothing more will come from the Mueller Investigation except talking points for the 2020 election .

    The "what if's" of life can drive a person crazy if they're dwelled on , nothing will ever change the "what if's" or after the fact .

    I'm as guilty as the next , I was absolutely furious after the PPACA became Federal Law -- still am -- but I've learned to accept the fact it's not going away .

    Bottom line , that Report is only campaign fodder now , nothing more , nothing less .

    Life goes on , a reason I refuse to be committed to any politician of any Party . Today's are childish IMO , nothing is going to change until this political system changes .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:19 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:33 AM

    Mister Lettau,

    You may as well get over it, what Mitt Romney has to say is about as important and enlightening as your utterances. He is just another sore loser. He had his chance and blew it.

    I will enlighten you on the Democrats plan to investigate, investigate, investigate. It will produce even less red meat for the hungry Trump haters like you than the Mueller Report. Just look at some of those mush heads doing the shouting against Trump, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell. Their combined IQ score wouldn't impress anyone.

    All they are going to accomplish is to waste taxpayer resources and time that should be put to some constructive use. Dear old Adam, he has the evidence, but he won't tell anybody what it is. What a hoot.

    Duly noted Google, I see nothing wrong with this post.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:24 AM
  • *

    Wheels: The Google god favors the Socialist Democrats' comments. Same way as in FB and Twitter. Google thinks that it is an all knowing god but it is wrong maybe a spy but not a god.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:33 AM
  • *

    - Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:33 AM


    Only way these Super Sized outfits like Google, Facebook and the rest can influence people is if their head is empty and they are weak minded to begin with... like the SO Socislist.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 11:57 AM
  • Whoever said life was fair sure did lie , found that out a long time ago . Things won't always go as planned or get my way , found that out a long time ago too . You'll win some and you lose some , it all averages out in the end . Put the blame and/or excuse on something else or somebody else will not change these things . Live life , don't live hate as hate will eat a person up from the inside out ,

    These are some things the Elders have told and taught me , I found their words to ring true .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 1:20 PM
  • Working on a way to get around the Google God and get allowed through the Google Gate...close but not quite there yet , where there's a will , there's a way .

    I got friends in lowly places ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 2:42 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...what Mitt Romney has to say is about as important and enlightening as your utterances."

    That's interesting. I give you an honest republican and you "throw him under the bus."

    Normal republican and even conservatives value honesty and the truth. Why don't you?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 3:10 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    "An enemy of his enemy is suddenly a friend."

    What does "enemies" have to do with anything? Everyone knows that our President is deceitful, to put it mildly, and Romney rightfully called him out.

    Why is that wrong?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 3:14 PM
  • *

    Normal republican and even conservatives value honesty and the truth. Why don't you?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 3:10 PM

    Mr. Lettau: We do value honesty and the truth that's why we don't have any respect what Mr. Romney has to say that are sour grapes comments. You Socialists can relate to that with Biden's comments about Queen Hillary defeat.



    Everyone knows that our President is deceitful, to put it mildly, and Romney rightfully called him out.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 3:14 PM

    Mr. Lettau: If you want to see Real deceit wait till the leaders of the hoax or some would say a coup attempt by Obama and Hillary is revealed from investigate investigate investigate of the fake Trump dossier and the FISA court documents....measure both of them for their orange jump suits.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 4:27 PM
  • *

    Working on a way to get around the Google God and get allowed through the Google Gate.-- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 2:42 PM

    Rick: The only time that I revise my wording is will I get the message that my comment won't be posted until it is reviewed then I'll change a word to make it to the are you sure your comment is civil....I believe we all have a 1st Amendment right to say what we feel - don't see be civil in the Constitution. The SE Missourian newspaper is a privately owned business but like the baker who wouldn't bake a queer cake the paper has to be a public servant unless it wants to terminate it's business....did you catch that Google god.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 4:38 PM
  • Why is that wrong?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 3:14 PM

    Romney called Obama deceitful,also.

    Obama called Romney deceitful.

    So many deceitfuls it gets hard to count and means BS.

    Just wondering what the over/under on how fast an unredacted Mueller report would be leaked if given to Congress?

    My bet is ONE hour and that's after Mad Maxine has someone read the big words for her.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 5:25 PM
  • semo

    Need 3 algorithms , instantiates , and jail breaks , tied together with 3 different macros orders . Got the macros almost figured out , it's a matter of finding the correct orders the algorithms , instantiate , and jail break need to be locked in , or , the correct repetitive subsets .

    A person's post is created from each user's device , this back door rat by-passes the Google God's filters and goes directly to the source . It has to be programmed into the users device or IP Address . There could be a way make those nasty messages disappear when reviewing a post before hitting the Post command too .

    I'm too stubborn , or "determined" as Wheels has taught me , to stop trying . The codex is possible ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 6:59 PM
  • " Everyone knows that our President is deceitful, to put it mildly, and Romney rightfully called him out."

    Is "everyone" used here in place of "Me, Myself and I" as in all three of you? Is Rommey an umpire now and is Trump playing in your imaginary ball game?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:03 PM
  • The Mueller Report is as useless as teats on a boar pig now . There's a better chance of debating with a garden hose then there is finding an answer without a non-redacted copy .

    Who knows where that is , how many times was the original redacted before it was released to the DOJ who redacted it again ? People have a better change of grasping a handful of wind then ever knowing the exact information .

    It appears to me that Report says "yes , no , or maybe" .

    A massive waste of tax money and time that could have been used on higher domestic priorities . How much more will be wasted with endless Investigations ? A slow self inflicted bleeding death ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:17 PM
  • Regarding "everyone knows about Romney" doesn't really include me , I never paid any attention to the guy myself . Just another better at a poker table of political parties .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:23 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Do you really belive our President is honest and tells the truth?

    Do you believe Romney is not?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:36 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 6:59 PM

    Rick: Be very determined.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:37 PM
  • *

    Do you believe Romney is not?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:36 PM

    Mr. Lettau: You didn't believe Romney in 2012 so why do you believe him now.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:40 PM
  • When it suits him Mr Lettsu switches positions more often than Stormy Daniels.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 7:56 PM
  • Mr. Lettau, I am convinced that if Trump was an angel with an undisputed halo, you would still be whining and complaining with whatever twist and turn you could think of to try to get him out of office for your greater good even if it meant changing our form of government.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:04 PM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "You didn't believe Romney in 2012 so why do you believe him now."

    I did not support his policies nor his approach on the issues. That does not mean I believe him to be dishonest and deceitful.

    And therefore, I have no problem believing his accurate description of President Trump.

    So, do you think that Romney is deceitful and dishonest, if so why did you support him in 2012?

    Mr. Braswell,

    Same question. So, do you think that Romney is deceitful and dishonest, if so why did you support him in 2012?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:10 PM
  • Rick L.

    Although I'm not Mr.Bess but I can look you in the eye and say I don't believe there's been an honest President in years , either Party .

    Obama would be at the top of the pile .

    For anyone to claim Trump , and Trump alone , is the only President not honest and truthful would not be an honest and true accusation in of itself .

    Tell me which politician in DC is honest and truthful ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:11 PM
  • *

    OJ: Mr. Lettau and others like him are wanting to change our government from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist one.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:13 PM
  • R.W.Bess

    did you support Romney in 2012 or is this just an assumption ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:14 PM
  • semo

    I believe some Socialist Nations have Constitutions , the Rights might be different but they still have one .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:16 PM
  • *

    So, do you think that Romney is deceitful and dishonest, if so why did you support him in 2012?-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:10 PM

    Mr. Lettau: Simple, he is being deceitful and dishonest now but was not in 2012. He has soured thru the years.

    Now then do you think that Hillary is deceitful and dishonest as well as Obama and that they will be indicted for their unlawful dealings in the 2016 election and the attempted coup.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:20 PM
  • Mr. Bess

    "...if Trump was an angel with an undisputed halo..." he would not have turned to the republican party. But since he's not an "angel" so he became a republican.

    "...you could think of to try to get him out of office..." As I mentioned before he'll be turned out of office on the 3rd of November, 2020, unless of course the republicans in Congress get tired of his antics (or read the Mueller Report) and join in with his impeachment.

    When either of those things happen, our government will return to sanity, not change form.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:22 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:16 PM

    Rick: If they do have a constitution it's probably nothing like ours.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:24 PM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "...that they will be indicted for their unlawful dealings in the 2016 election and the attempted coup."

    That will happen only in Schaefer's fantasy world, so the rest of the nation is not concerned.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:27 PM
  • *

    When either of those things happen, our government will return to sanity, not change form.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:22 PM

    Mr. Lettau: You are so funny, you need to be on a late night talk show and do your routine - I'm crazy as Mad Maxine is. LOL at you as always.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:28 PM
  • Rick S, I never supported Romney or Jeb Bush.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:29 PM
  • *

    so the rest of the nation is not concerned.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:27 PM

    Mr. Lettau: You now speak for the nation - LOL at you as always.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:32 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "For anyone to claim Trump, and Trump alone, is the only President not honest and truthful would not be an honest and true accusation in of itself."

    Clearly you're correct, however, President Trump has set a new and probably insurmountably high level of untruthfulness, deceit, dishonesty, immorality and narcissism.

    It's not just my opinion, all you have to do is read the Mueller Report.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:41 PM
  • semo

    It's getting to the point where the USA Constitution is nothing like ours . Rights are slowly being morphed into privileges which can be given or taken away as needed .

    A few things that makes me not like Trump , he'd argue with a lump of coal on twitter . He goes from greatest National Security threat to another . First was the Middle East immigrant ban , then the trade with China and tariffs , then North Korea , now the "Wall" , there's no telling what will be next . Soon the "boy who cried wolf" will set in , People won't listen to him nor care . So when there is actually a National Security threat nobody will take him serious . His new tax cut law which is some permanent and some temporary , this is not fair to all 100% of the People . He feeds off sensationalism . The man will not sit down and have a press conference , the Press is the enemy of the People as an excuse .

    Will he be re-elected , more then likely unless the roof caves in -- if he's not careful , he could be the roof .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:42 PM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    It's very appropriate for you to sign off with "Schaefer's fantasy world" so no one mistakes your comments as applying to the real world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:45 PM
  • The Democrat candidates are scattered all over like bird droppings , they're everywhere . A clear and evident of chaos , the favorite Biden will not make a difference .

    A political Party suicide .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:47 PM
  • Rick L.

    I got a message that I reported one of your comments , this is not so , I have fat finger flu , I DO NOT report comments of any kind .

    Sorry if it disappears .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:51 PM
  • Just read the report is getting old. I'm reminded of one of those dummy things you can knock down easily but since it's just a dummy it doesn't know any better and pops right back up.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:58 PM
  • *

     Report comment to editor

    Mr. VanGennip,

    "...what Mitt Romney has to say is about as important and enlightening as your utterances."

    That's interesting. I give you an honest republican and you "throw him under the bus."

    Normal republican and even conservatives value honesty and the truth. Why don't you?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 3:10 PM

    Mister Lettau, I stand on what I said originally. You gave me nothing and I did not throw Romney under the bus. Romney crawled under the bus on his belly, like a snake.

    I never voted for Romney, I voted against Barack Hussein Obama. Same thing applies to John McCain.

    You err when you put me down as a blind political hack like yourself who will stand behind anyone wearing a certain political label. I have supported and will continue to support those who's values most closely resemble my own Conservative values.

    If that doesn't please you.... TS.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 9:15 PM
  • *

    It's very appropriate for you to sign off with "Schaefer's fantasy world" so no one mistakes your comments as applying to the real world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:45 PM

    Mr. Lettau: That's Schaefer's World....but hey you can call me anything that you want to because I just laugh at you for being a non-smart person (to clear the Google god) who is good for a laugh....now go read that Mueller report and see if you can imagine Obama and Hillary in some of those redacted areas....time will come for their justice and remember who told you so.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 9:31 PM
  • *

    Biden's campaign slogan - #IFeelYou.

    Biden's campaign slogan - #You're in good hands.

    Biden's campaign slogan - #FreeHugs.

    Biden's campaign slogan - #It was Obama's fault.

    Biden's campaign slogan - #Sniff Sniff.

    Biden's campaign slogan - #Dirty ole man.

    Biden's campaign slogan - #Hillary's puppy

    Biden's campaign slogan - #I have nothing else to do.

    Biden's campaign slogan - #Creeps R Me

    Pick which one you like the best.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 9:42 PM
  • *

    Kamala Harris campaign slogan - #I Slept with the Best.

    Kamala Harris campaign slogan - #Mad Maxine is my Hero.

    Kamala Harris campaign slogan - #Hoe for President.

    Pick which one you like best.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 9:48 PM
  • Someone said Biden was going to have a fundraising event, He will smell your hair for a $100.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 9:49 PM
  • *

    Cory Booker campaign slogan - #Obama is my Dad.

    Cory Booker campaign slogan - #The best that money can buy.

    Cory Booker campaign slogan - #Black is Beautiful.

    Cory Booker campaign slogan - #Hair growth spokesperson.

    Cory Booker campaign slogan - #New Jersey Finest.

    Cory Booker campaign slogan - #She lied.

    Pick which one you like best.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 9:56 PM
  • *

    President Trump campaign slogan - #FMueller.

    President Trump campaign slogan - #Illegals go home.

    President Trump campaign slogan - #Trump 4 more Years.

    President Trump campaign slogan - #Trump 2020.

    President Trump campaign slogan - #Winning with Trump.

    Pick which one you like best.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:01 PM
  • *

    Campaign slogan for the rest of the non-winners - Good Night.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:03 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    So don't read the report. Your ability and willingness to ignore facts and the truth doesn't change them.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:11 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    ...continue to support those with your conservative "values" just as you blindly support our President and his values.

    You appear to be just as modest as he is, just as honest as he is, just as moral as he is, and just as ethical as he is. Really qualities to be proud of.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:42 PM
  • Lettau, So read the report. Your ability to ignore what it says and imagine it says something else doesn't change the fact that no more will be in it than what is in it. We will wait and see.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:47 PM
  • Trump Logo: "We'll See"

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 10:49 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Same question. So, do you think that Romney is deceitful and dishonest, if so why did you support him in 2012?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:10 PM

    Whoa there,Sparky! Is that just another supposition or you've convinced yourself of another fact?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:04 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    No supposition, just two yes or no questions.

    Do you believe Romney is deceitful and dishonest?

    Did you vote for him?

    That shouldn't be complicated.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:09 AM
  • Trump 2020 slogan...

    "Not indicted, not impeached, not yet."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:10 AM
  • Someone said Biden was going to have a fundraising event, He will smell your hair for a $100.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 9:49 PM

    Amongst other things , as if , which hair , head or crouch ?


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:11 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    If you actually believed in and practiced conservative values, you'd be for impeachment, so Pence could take over.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:14 AM
  • Clearly you're correct, however, President Trump has set a new and probably insurmountably high level of untruthfulness, deceit, dishonesty, immorality and narcissism.

    It's not just my opinion, all you have to do is read the Mueller Report.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Apr 26, 2019, at 8:41 PM

    I have to disagree , Obama would be on the top of that list .

    The irony of "Clearly you're correct, however, President Trump has set a new and probably insurmountably high level of untruthfulness, deceit, dishonesty, immorality and narcissism" is as thick as thieves .

    Barak Obama is the worst President in the history of the United States of America , he even tops Woodrow Wilson , Andrew Jackson , and Abraham Lincoln .

    "Correct" , me , even a blind hog can an acorn .

    The Mueller Investigation is over and done with , I'm not much on reading fantasies .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:40 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    If you actually believed in and practiced conservative values, you'd be for impeachment, so Pence could take over.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:14 AM

    Another irony , if Pence takes over he will pardon Trump who will retain Pence and then run for President all over again .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:42 AM
  • Ricl S.,

    Not quite that simple. If the President is impeached, it's final but not necessarily a criminal offense and pardons don't apply.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 7:16 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "Obama would be on the top of that list."

    That may well be your opinion, but you're one of about 6 people that I'm aware of that feel the same way.

    Of course President Obama had his faults, but he doesn't go around bragging about silly things like his crowd being "bigger" than Trump's (even though it was.)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 7:21 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: It must be very disturbing to wake up every morning knowing that Queen Hillary didn't win even with a rigged primary and a rigged 2016 election with the help from the spying CIA and with Russia in the fake Trump dossier.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 7:27 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: From the only true public opinion poll looks like more Americans approved Trump 49% then Obama 46% on this same day 4/26 in 2019 vs 2011. What would Trump's be if he had the media behind him like Obama had.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 7:40 AM
  • Not sure what Mr Lettau was saying about Romney during the presidential race but I'm supposing it was more than dishonest and deceitful. How I got drug into what my thoughts on him at that time is puzzling. Romney called Obama deceitful. Did you vote for him? As far as my vote. It wasn't him(Romney).

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 8:25 AM
  • *

    Mister Lettau,

    I will answer all of your loud mouthed supposeins with this one post.

    First, this is what I said....

    "I have supported and will continue to support those who's values most closely resemble my own Conservative values."

    Twist it, turn it, lie about it, which is a bad habit of yours, but it changes nothing.

    Trump had no acceptable competition in the 2016 election. I am proud to have voted against Hillary Clinton and would do the same thing again

    Donald Trump has committed no impeachable offense, therefore I am against impeachment. I am an American and believe in allowing a duly elected President to serve his/her term. With Obama, I tolerated 8 years of the worst President ever elected to that office without screaming impeachment. Don't expect me to make an exception because of your whining and crybabying about everything Trump says or does.

    "Not quite that simple. If the President is impeached, it's final but not necessarily a criminal offense and pardons don't apply.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 7:16 AM"

    Mister Lettau, impeachment is not final. A majority in the house may impeach. The Senate has to ratify it to remove him from office. Thought you knew that.

    Regarding your comparison of Trump and Obama, Trump has drawn no "Red Lines" he did have the guts to stand up to.

    Meanwhile despite your whining it is Saturday April 27, 2019, God is in Heaven, Donald Trump is President and all is well as can be given the circumstances.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 8:47 AM
  • *

    Typo...."Regarding your comparison of Trump and Obama, Trump has drawn no "Red Lines" he did have the guts to stand up to."

    Should read....

    'Regarding your comparison of Trump and Obama, Trump has drawn no "Red Lines" he did NOT have the guts to stand up to.'

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 8:51 AM
  • *

    An old one...

    The elderly gentleman walks up to the gate at the White House.

    The guard... state your business sir.

    Elderly gentleman... I am here to see President Hillary Clinton.

    The guard... Sir, Mrs Clinton lost the election, Donald Trump is President.

    Next day same thing, and the next, and the next.

    Finally curiosity get's the better of the guard after the old guy states again.... I am here to see President Hillary Clinton.

    The guard... Sir I have told you every day for months now, Mrs. Clinton lost the election and Donald Trump is President.

    Elderly gentleman... I know young man, but it sounds so good hearing you say it, I cannot get enough hearing it.

    The Guard snapping to attention and saluting the elderly gentleman... Yes Sir! See you tomorrow Sir!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 9:37 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 9:37 AM

    Wheels: Good one!

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 9:58 AM
  • *

    With a 1st quarter GDP of 3.2%, yes Obama Pres. Trump does have a magic wand. (from 6/1/16 Obama comment)


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:06 AM
  • *

    Good morning Semo471,

    Where did the "Mouth" of the "South" (Missouri anyway) go?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:08 AM
  • *

    Justice is coming, Obama better head for Kenya and set up residence there....don't nobody tell him that the USA has an extradition treaty with Kenya.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:18 AM
  • *

    Wheels: That's an insult to Southern Missouri - try Mouth of Scopus. lol

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:20 AM
  • *


    One dictionary defines Opus as....

    o·pus  (ō′pəs)

    n. pl. o·pe·ra (ō′pər-ə, ŏp′ər-ə) or o·pus·es

    A creative work, 

    Maybe I should just call him...

    "The Opus From Scopus"

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:30 AM
  • *

    Scopus, Mo. the hotbed of Socialism.

    Schaefer's World


    Having so much fun but need to do something or girlfriend will be upset.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:38 AM
  • *


    It''s raining here and I'll probably spend my day inside, got my fresh air cutting grass at the farm.yesterday.

    Got some rolls of 35mm film given to me. May scan some of them into the computer to see what life was like about 70 years ago.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:49 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    For a change, your story was funny.

    It will be even funnier in Jauuary 2021 when a guy gets turned away after asking to see President Trump.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 11:21 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 11:21 AM

    Keep telling yourself that Uly, maybe even you will start believing it.

    Meanwhile, you don't have a viable candidate out of 20. You had the Creepy Porn Lawyer the Leftist Media was going GA GA over. But looks like he will be in prison by then.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 11:56 AM
  • Rick L.

    I'm only one of the 6 you're aware of who thinks Obama was the worst President in the history of the United States of America ?

    Do you honestly believe I care ? I think for myself , I'm not one of a herd , I go solo , it's the way I roll .

    Do you honestly believe I care who you think is or was ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 1:08 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "Do you honestly believe I care?"

    Of course not. Why should you?

    "I think for myself, I'm not one of a herd, I go solo, it's the way I roll."

    More power to you. I'm sure that a few people feel just as you do. It's their right too.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 3:25 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:51 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "Do you honestly believe I care?"

    Of course not. Why should you?

    "I think for myself, I'm not one of a herd, I go solo, it's the way I roll."

    More power to you. I'm sure that a few people feel just as you do. It's their right too.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 3:25 PM

    "Of course not. Why should you?"

    You brought it up dude , I defended myself .

    "I'm sure that a few people feel just as you do."

    Nobody feels just as I do .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 6:57 PM
  • No 2 posters feel and think exactly the same way .

    Everybody's got a story to tell ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 7:02 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 7:34 PM
  • With other things to do I thought about these forums and was reminded how I can many times watch and enjoy an old TV show even though I can remember how it's going to turn out. I just caught up on this thread and realize that is not the case here.

    It will take more time than what has past since those '50s shows to make Mr. Lettau's daily reruns seem interesting.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:28 PM
  • I watched some of the president tonight and switched to the WH correspondents thing. Best part about that thing was watching people mill around afterwards doing the Biden shoulder rub and trying to scarf down the food and drink before the staff got to it. Lots of loud and happy victims of Trump there.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:44 PM
  • I heard a MSNBC talking head explain today that in every area that caused Trump to win, hate crimes have increased. Seems his win gave empowerment to anti semites and other hate groups including Nazis.

    Gee I'm on a Scaggs roll here. What's next?

    Oh The google god of course.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 10:59 PM
  • I guess what's next is to touch on a subject no one seems to go to. IMO since Obama woke up a lot of people with his National Prayer Day remarks to prayers for our nation me thinks and wonder if Trump unknowing to himself is the result of the many prayers for our nation Obama inspired. Can't find a person throughout Biblical history used by God that was likeable to his peers. Just a thought.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Apr 27, 2019, at 11:20 PM
  • Gee I'm on a Scaggs roll here. What's next?


    That's the best thing I've heard in a long time .

    Somebody besides me believes Trump ain't all that plus a bag of free chips too .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 6:38 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 7:09 AM
  • *

    Rick, you post some good ones. That one is exceptional. Was thinking of being buried face down myself.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 8:14 AM
  • Wheels

    You have taught me many things , one being if folks don't like me they can kiss me between my back pockets

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 8:24 AM
  • *


    When you cannot please everybody, you have to please yourself.

    Have no idea who said that first, but it wasn't me. But I do agree with it and think it falls in line with being true to one's self. Something else I did not say first.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 8:40 AM
  • Was that Uncle Joe I saw in the construction zone holding the "Shoulder Work" sign?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 9:30 AM
  • One anonymous call and another statue is taken down and banning God Bless America is another victory dance song for those SJW's.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 10:07 AM
  • *


    What is going to happen if this is allowed to contiue, we will be the only nation in the world with no link to our past and a very limited future.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 10:15 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 9:30 AM

    Old John, if it was, they at least found a job suitable for him.

    One thing for sure, I will.never quote him again, even with "redactions". Old MeLange got me banned for that one.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 10:21 AM
  • Biden and the "Democrats" remain mute to the Sacred Lands , they walk as blind as the darkness of the forest at night . Nor do they feel the winds blow or the sounds of the night .

    The Blind Faith .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 10:41 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 12:30 PM
  • Bill Maher has an occasional moment of clarity when he observed that Democrats used to be the defender of people,now they defend feelings.(sic)

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 7:09 PM
  • When you pass a car that still has a Hillary 2016 bumper sticker can you resist looking back to see who's driving?

    BTW-it was funnier before I was made to change the one "I" word that more correctly described the driver.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 7:23 PM
  • *

    Everyone should read Mike Jensen's current opinion column concerning the state of the Democratic party....JFK would roll over in his grave if he knew what has happened to his party.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 7:25 PM
  • Trump's "I'm a victim card" grows old . The more he plays it the more who fall at his feet from fear or hate .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 8:06 PM
  • *

    Rick: In your words then, Trump is getting a lot more support.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 8:19 PM
  • Sadly , yes .

    "People are being soooo mean to me!"

    ~~ Donald Trump

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 8:31 PM
  • "They're liars , all liars !"

    ~~ Donald Trump

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 8:36 PM
  • *

    Rick: Keep saying that and hopefully more will also join you, Trump needs the support to fight the Socialist Democrats and the 90% biased news media.


    Speaking of Socialists where is the one from Scopus?

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 8:45 PM
  • When a h0use is infested with skunks the owner can put up with an exterminator that smells like shlitz

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 9:27 PM
  • David, The Democrats are a united party. All they all hate Trump.

    Uly may have fell asleep on his couch re-reading and dreaming about what the report says in his imagination.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Apr 28, 2019, at 9:45 PM
  • A total of 468 seats, 33 Senate and all 435 House seats are up for election on Nov.3,2020.

    Time to clean house

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 6:07 AM
  • Rick: Keep saying that and hopefully more will also join you, Trump needs the support to fight the Socialist Democrats and the 90% biased news media.


    I'm not frightened of Socialist , just don't like them . Trump's rhetoric is wrong , not all 100% of Democrats are Socialist , I can only think of 2 .

    Trump's constant rhetoric of "us vs. them" fear isn't a good thing at all , not for every American including the millions who don't care one way or the other , plus won't or can't be brain washed by either Party . If the news media is 90% bias , which I don't believe , it's Freedom of the Press , a guaranteed Constitutional Right . Now Trump's daily tweets , that's bias and believed as the only truth by millions .

    "They lie , they all lie ! The evil liberal Democrat Socialist are out to get me !"

    ~~ Donald Trump


    "Tell a big simple lie and keep repeating it . Eventually People will believe it."

    ~~ Adolf Hitler

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 6:23 AM
  • These are things happening the "90% bias news" are covering instead of the Trump "us vs. them" fear tactic . btw , what happened to those tariffs on China ?


    2 Men Busted For Allegedly Trafficking Deadly Elephant Tranquilizer From China

    NORRISTOWN, Pa. (CBS) — Officials in Montgomery County say a drug bust, which started when a man overdosed in the elevator of an upscale apartment complex in Bala Cynwyd, has resulted in the seizure of a deadly carfentanil used to tranquilize elephants.

    “Carfentanil is an elephant tranquilizer,” said Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele. “This poison can incapacitate a 6,600-pound elephant and someone is selling it, this incredibly deadly poison, to humans.”

    Steele says Chapman and his nephew, 23-year-old Nasai Chapman, trafficked the drugs, which they ordered, purchased and had shipped from China, to residences in Lower Merion and Upper Merion Townships.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 6:41 AM
  • *

    Rick: Being biased doesn't keep them from reporting other news. It's when they speak about Trump it's normally 90% negative (per the Harvard study). But hey let them do what they want our numbers only grow when they do their negative reporting. Would seem that they would spend a little time investigating those that started the hoax Mueller report....just saying.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 7:35 AM
  • semo

    Would this thread be 90% biased .

    Are Trump's daily tweets 90% bias .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 7:43 AM
  • btw..what are the chances of somebody hacking Trump's cell phone twitter account .

    Is Trump's cell phone twitter account Government issued or is it not like Hillary's e-mails .

    Bias is open to subjection , it can be ingrained into a person's mind .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 7:48 AM
  • Now watch what you say , they'll be calling you a radical , a liberal , fanatical , a criminal .

    ~~ Supertramp

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 8:13 AM
  • As Trump stands by Charlottesville remarks, rise of white-nationalist violence becomes an issue in 2020 presidential race

    Those events have pushed the rising tide of white nationalism to the forefront of the 2020 presidential campaign, putting Trump on the defensive and prompting even some Republicans to acknowledge that the president is taking a political risk by continuing to stand by his Charlottesville comments.

    “The president’s handling of Charlottesville was not one of the finer moments of his time in office,” Republican strategist Ryan Williams said. “He shouldn’t take Joe Biden’s bait and re-litigate this controversy.”


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 8:25 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 7:43 AM

    Rick: This forum is not the news media it's a opinion for individuals.


    - Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 7:48 AM

    Rick: Hillary's emails were not public whereas Trump's tweets are public. Only the Russians were able to hack Hillary's closet email server for secret/top secret emails.


    Rick: That's all the time that I have check back later.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 8:38 AM
  • Rick: Hillary's emails were not public whereas Trump's tweets are public. Only the Russians were able to hack Hillary's closet email server for secret/top secret emails.


    But are they both Government issued ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 9:11 AM
  • Trump's twitter account can't be hacked to spread hate and deception ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 9:12 AM
  • I've had my ups and downs when investing but while cooking up breakfast and the price of bacon I realize not raising hogs but buying crabgrass futures may have been a poor choice.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 9:57 AM
  • *

    "I realize not raising hogs but buying crabgrass futures may have been a poor choice."


    Probably not any worse than me buying GE stock when it was in the $30's.

    Gave up on it ever coming back and dumped it in December to help keep the taxes down on the sale of the last rental house.

    Companies seemed to head for bankruptcy when I bought their stock.

    Put your money in a sock (make sure there are no holes in it) it's a better investment.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 10:40 AM
  • Figure out a way to make crabgrass marketable and some politician will want a tax on it.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 10:46 AM
  • Wheels, By the time I bought a pair of baby sized socks, [can't buy just one] I would have no money left.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 10:54 AM
  • *


    That's how I felt when I sold GE.

    I have a hard time with names, but GE was doing very well under their leader and he retired. The new guy, a friend of Obama's who was made the Jobs Czar, took a lot of the company to China and to the crapper in stock price.

    So much for being the JOBS CZAR.

    What happened to all of the Czars? Was that just an added layer during the King Obama reign of terror to reward his "friends" with a gubbiment check?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 11:41 AM
  • *

    Come to think of it... isn'the a Czar the name for the Russian leaders through history. Perhaps Obama's ties to Russia were a lot stronger than Trump's. Hmmmmm.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 11:45 AM
  • They say the restoration on Notre Dame could take 75-100 years . The only person who will see it finished is Keith Richards .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 1:19 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 1:28 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 5:21 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 6:12 PM
  • *

    Another Democrat indicted today. Steve Stenger is indicted on threat counts of Pay for Play and Mail Fraud. He resigned as St Louis County Executive this morning. Each of the three counts carries a maximum 20 year sentence and a $250,000 fine.

    Looks like another Democrat who won't be voting in 2020.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 7:24 PM
  • To answer the question posed on this forum,yes the political partisanship will continue. Too many feelings were hurt but the biggest was the nominee herself.

    Even had to rewrite what was surely going to be a victory tome......but

    She hacked her party

    Stole the nomination

    Stole debate questions

    Destroyed evidence

    Financed a fake dossier

    Outspent her opponent

    Spied on her opponent

    Had nearly all the press in her corner

    Promised free everything

    (I could go on but I'm getting a cramp)

    And STILL LOST to the guy she called incompetent.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 8:09 PM
  • Хиллари Клинтон.

    That's Russian for Hillary Clinton.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 8:16 PM
  • *


    I think what you said, the Democrats had no candidate. And I left out the word viable because viability wasn't even an afterthought.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 8:19 PM
  • But yet , the FBI and intellency Agencies lie...or so the rumor goes


    Army veteran who feds say supported Islamic State charged in plot to bomb white nationalist rally

    LOS ANGELES — Federal prosecutors charged a 26-year-old U.S. Army veteran who they say expressed support for the Islamic State with plotting to bomb a local white nationalists rally. They say he also considered targeting churches, military facilities, police and Jewish holiday gatherings.

    In a 30-page complaint unsealed Monday, federal prosecutors offered a detailed account of a government sting operation in which Mark Steven Domingo allegedly told FBI informants of his desire for a mass-casualty event on the scale of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting massacre and 2013 Boston Marathon bombing in retribution for last month's attacks on two New Zealand mosques that left nearly 50 dead.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 8:25 PM
  • Was thinking any attacks on Jews or Muslims will be Trump's fault sooner or later. I could have posted that when I thought it but no one wants to hear a "told you so". Check out what Dick Turbin said today.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Apr 29, 2019, at 10:31 PM
  • Today is the 74th Anniversary of Adolf Hitler's death , wouldn't be surprised one bit if there aren't more attacks on synagogues .


    The FBI Agent who set-up 26-year-old U.S. Army veteran Mark Steven Domingo with a dud IUD bomb was a young Muslim woman , wearing a hajib and all .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 6:17 AM
  • *

    The U.S. Army veteran Mark Steven Domingo was a recent convert to the "peaceful" Islam religion. Good work FBI.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 7:05 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 7:34 AM
  • A whole lot cheaper then $700 billion dollars


    There’s a new alleged Russian spy. It’s a beluga whale.

    BERLIN — When Norwegian fishermen spotted a beluga whale last week, there was nothing that immediately indicated a national security threat.

    But when the whale defied normal behavior and continued to harass their boats, the fishermen spotted a strange harness wrapped around the whale’s body. “Equipment of St. Petersburg,” read an inscription on the harness they later recovered, according to Norwegian media outlets.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 8:35 AM
  • *

    Not much threat from fishing boats, the Russians need a refund. Maybe the USA could retrain the whale to be a counterspy.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 9:22 AM
  • *

    Happy Birthday Willie Nelson.....85 and going strong!!

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 9:24 AM
  • *

    Wait until the SO Socialist shows up.

    Trump will be behind that whale in some way!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 9:56 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 2:20 PM
  • *

    Socialism at work....notice the defenseless citizens- no guns to fight the tyranny of the government.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 5:43 PM
  • People who are born into this World today are born into a freak show . People born in the USA have a front seat to the show .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 9:06 PM
  • oops , wrong thread.

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Apr 30, 2019, at 9:08 PM
  • The crisis in Venezuela comes at a tricky time in the oil markets. Crude prices have surged in 2019 in response to deep supply cuts by OPEC and the Trump administration’s crackdowns on two OPEC nations: Iran and Venezuela.



    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 8:32 AM
  • *

    The Missourian doesn't seem to have their string stretched tight enough this morning.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:01 AM
  • *

    Looks like creepy Joe Biden continues his lying as from the Obama administration days.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:19 AM
  • *

    The Missourian doesn't seem to have their string stretched tight enough this morning.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:01 AM

    Wheels: Might be an update of the Google god programming.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:25 AM
  • 1st of the month , most probably doing maintence on the website , some are trying to crack the Google God Gate .


    Another school shooting yesterday , not surprising being Hitler's death and all . The new Civil War -- what's so civil about war ? -- started under the Obama years , mass shootings and all , it's now a steady drip . Like any stone , dripping water will break it over time .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:34 AM
  • Anybody else watching the Twilight Zone show of Congress and Barr ?

    Nothing more then the "us vs. them" political garbage going on in this Nation .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 11:31 AM
  • It is now Barr vs. Mueller , the President is a no player . More great distraction work . I was under the impression Mueller's un-biased Investigation would be the end all answer , silly me , what was I thinking ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 12:57 PM
  • Rick S.,

    Columbine HS was in 1999.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 4:00 PM
  • Oh , yeah , the Clinton years , I forgot . Exactly how many were there during the Clinton years , once a month ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 4:16 PM
  • ..and no , I DO NOT know everything .

    I'm a skilled , trained professional in pointing out the obvious and fluent in sarcasm .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 4:28 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 4:32 PM
  • -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 5:23 PM
  • Is this USA not trying to influence the Venezuela Presidential election right now , including talks of sending Military and sanctions ? Will Venezuela just be another Vietnam/Afghanistan ?

    The Mueller Investigation has now morphed into the Barr Investigation . Enough already . Stop it . Move on . Who cares anymore ? I watched FOX for 10 minutes and then CNN for 10 minutes after watching the Barr ordeal today . It seemed to me those two Media outlets were reporting on two different things or two different meetings . Enough already . Stop it .

    Be American , not Democrat or Republican -- American !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 6:01 PM
  • *

    Be American , not Democrat or Republican -- American !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 6:01 PM

    Rick: It's impossible because the media is stroking the flames for better ratings. The only time for the USA being all American was the 2 terms of Pres. Washington.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 6:11 PM
  • There was no such thing as Democrat or Republicans for decades . This 2 Party political system -- one the Founders warned about and tried to prevent with the Constitution -- does not work and will not work .

    Until it's Country before Party , this mess will go on and on .

    Blaming the media for everything is really weak , IMO . Trump was , and still is , the Master of this...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 6:28 PM
  • Step 1 : Remove the (R) and (D) from behind Politicians names .

    Media such as FOX , CNN , or whatever will go away . a no player , stop People from screaming at each other .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 6:35 PM
  • *

    Rick: Not the current R & D but a two party system.

    First Party System: 1792–1824

    The First Party System of the United States featured the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party (also called "Democratic-Republican" or "Jeffersonian Republican"). The Federalist Party grew from the national network of Washington's Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, who favored a strong united central government, close ties to Britain, a centralized banking system, and close links between the government and men of wealth.

    The Democratic-Republican Party was founded by Madison and Thomas Jefferson, who strongly opposed Hamilton's agenda.[10] The Jeffersonians came to power in 1800 and the Federalists were too elitist to compete effectively. They survived in the Northeast, but their refusal to support the War of 1812 verged on secession and was a devastating blow when the war ended well. The Era of Good Feelings under President James Monroe (1816–1824) marked the end of the First Party System and a brief period in which partisanship was minimal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_parties_in_the_United_States

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 6:37 PM
  • I actually watched the whole thing today and the only Republican to make any grandstanding of political opinion of no substance was our new senator from Missouri that I would have voted against if opposed by anyone with a chance of winning except Claire.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 7:32 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "A display of that high road:"

    Except she was absolutely correct. AG Barr has abdicated his position as America's top law enforcement figure, and become the President's personal lawyer.

    His priorities are warped.

    Read Mueller's letter of March 27th. Barr lied about it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 7:54 PM
  • Mr. Lettau, Except there is no reason for such an unprecedented personal attack. Reckon that's all your ilk can muster when you have nothing else but an agenda of revenge for losing to Trump. Your constant read this and read that as if you are the only one that has is getting old.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:24 PM
  • semo

    Thnx for the info .

    I'm still not convinced today's political system works , it hasn't proved this to me anyway .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:28 PM
  • How about a 3 Party system to break the tie ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:28 PM
  • Either way , both Democrats and Republicans are Americans , none is more important then the other .

    The People are what counts ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:32 PM
  • *

    AG Barr has abdicated his position as America's top law enforcement figure, and become the President's personal lawyer.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 7:54 PM

    Mr. Lettau: Did you say anything about Mr. Holder when he was Obama's wingman during the Fast and Furious scandal - no, I didn't think so....just shut up and go to bed.



    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:32 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:36 PM
  • semo

    My point exactly regarding Holder , all of DC is dirty , all of them , every last one

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:43 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    So are you implying that AG Barr did not mislead in his interpretation of the Mueller report.

    My opinion is that he had every reason to do so, with the specific intention of subverting attention from his bosses actions.

    So you should be aware of all this, right?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:45 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:52 PM
  • Only in Schaefer's fantasy world.

    President Obama had not been found guilty of obstruction of justice by a special council investigation and was not potentially facing impeachment.

    Big difference.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:59 PM
  • Wait..has Trump been "found guilty" of anything ?

    Is this the Twilight Zone or what ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 10:06 PM
  • Has impeachment moves even been made yet ?

    Is this a wish or a promise by you , Rick L.

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 10:08 PM
  • Whatever happened to Fast and Furious ? It went to Holder and was dropped , no more Investigations . Obama never made promises to Russia about missiles either , did he ?

    Yup , Rick L. , your boy was squeaky clean . Yet you can't understand why Trump was elected .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 10:36 PM
  • *

    President Obama had not been found guilty of obstruction of justice by a special council investigation and was not potentially facing impeachment.

    Big difference.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:59 PM

    Mr. Lettau: What did you do, go to bed and dream the above comment - come on stay up with the big dogs or go back to bed.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 10:46 PM
  • Not sure why but this site has been unavailable since right after Mr Lettau's reply to my post.

    So you should be aware of all this, right?

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:45 PM

    President Obama had not been found guilty of obstruction of justice by a special council investigation and was not potentially facing impeachment.

    Big difference.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 9:59 PM


    You should be aware I understand your twist and spin and diversions like your comment about Obama not found guilty. Your attempt to imply Trump has been found guilty of anything is another fail in your twist and spin. Why not just admit you are on board with those that hate Trump so much for throwing a wrench into the cogs of destroying our nation's government in favor of Forward and Progressive [Words associated with Marx and Lennon]?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 11:04 PM
  • Rick L.

    Hillary finally fessed-up about those e-mails , Obama let her slide with she "just used poor judgement" . Why didn't this go through the Courts , is this not Obstruction of Justice ?

    Yup , your boy is squeaky clean alright .

    Yet you can't understand why Trump was elected . Is Trump trying to take advantage of this -- of course he is ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 1, 2019, at 11:22 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "Why not just admit you are on board with those that hate Trump so much for throwing a wrench into the cogs of destroying our nation's government ..."

    First of all, because it's not true. Here's a good analysis...

    “The fear of economic extinction is a powerful inducement to see Trump in the best possible light — to focus on things you like (tax cuts, judges, Israel) while ignoring or excusing things that are hard to defend, like blatant xenophobia, attacks on the media as the “enemy of the people,” demands to lock up the opposition, declarations of “love” for Kim Jong Un, etc.

    “You begin by saying “I don’t like Trump but …” and then you explain why you have to support him to save America from Hillary Clinton. Now it’s to save America from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). There is always some villain on the horizon far worse than the one in the White House.

    “You excuse his outrageous utterances — “those are just tweets.”

    “When you can’t actually defend him, you instead attack his critics, claiming they are suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

    “The more that critics attack you for your support of Trump, the more you dig in. The more Trump misconduct you defend, the more you feel compelled to defend. In for a penny, in for a pound. No going back now.

    “You tell yourself that only by staying loyal to the president can you check his worst excesses and channel his instincts in a more constructive and conservative direction. You are convinced that you are too valuable to America in your current position to risk losing it — and that whoever replaces you will be far more of a Trump enabler than you are.

    “Eventually you end up excusing the most blatant assault on the rule of law since Watergate and saying that Trump is the best president ever.

    “And then,” as Comey wrote, “you are lost. He has eaten your soul."


    I'll get back to this subject later...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 6:09 AM
  • Rick L.

    Both Parties are equally blind faith , one is no better then the other . People will say , "I didn't vote for a person , I voted against the other political Party. " People are voting for a letter of the alphabet instead of the 3 letters U.S.A. .

    Should Trump be watched and checked , yes . Should Obama have been watched and checked , yes . But voters don't hold a Person accountable for their actions -- actions are louder then words -- they vote straight up political Party .

    Obama promised "fundamental change" when no change was needed .

    Trump promised to "make America great again" when America was great long before him or Obama .

    This Nation is just as splintered as it already was . Just imagine how great America could be if everybody got along instead of working against each other .

    Actions such as these led to the Civil War when it was the Blue vs. the Gray ...today it would be the Blue vs. the Red . With today's technology , can you just imaged how ugly a Civil War could get , how many more People would die then the Civil War ?

    Until it's Country before Party , this knot will remained tied , the U.S.A will be just as split as ever . Nobody's right when everybody's wrong .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:21 AM
  • ...and yes , you can blame Obama for the first hammer strike of the crack , Trump is the result of Obama's hammer ....an even wider crack of the foundation .

    It is what it is until the People unite again .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:24 AM
  • "Speak Out: The Report Is Out Are we Now Going To Be Americans, Or Continue To Be Political Partisans"

    Appears to be straight up Partisan to me , the same ol' , same ol' ..deja'vu all over again .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:26 AM
  • *

    “And then,” as Comey wrote, “you are lost. He has eaten your soul."-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 6:09 AM

    Mr. Lettau: That's funny coming from the worst FBI head ever in the USA. BTW, looks like AG Barr is going to clean up and investigate investigate investigate those (the list is very long) who started and shared in the hoax to set up a coup of a USA President....very sad for America to have had such a corrupt Obama administration.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:27 AM
  • "looks like AG Barr is going to clean up and investigate investigate investigate those"

    Shouldn't he have done this from the get-go instead of just releasing a Summary of what he Judged everything should be .

    It's Holder-101 all over again .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:45 AM
  • So Barr is going to "drain the swamp" , not Trump ? How does that work .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:45 AM
  • *

    So Barr is going to "drain the swamp" , not Trump ? How does that work .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:45 AM

    Rick: Got to do it legally something that the Socialist Democrats know nothing about.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:49 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:52 AM
  • semo

    I'm still not convinced all Democrats are Socialist .

    Chief Justice Roberts , a presume Republican , was the tie breaking decision in the Supreme Court on "ObamaCare" .

    Would this be a Socialist Republican ?

    Trump's fear tactic of Democrat Socialist is nothing but begging for votes and keeping this Nation divided .

    NAZIs held rally all across this Nation in the late 1920's , did anything come of that , did America become NAZIs . No .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:01 AM
  • *

    Rick: Good song with a meaning that seems to be lost to some.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:01 AM
  • semo

    That song has one line that says it all .

    "if you whistle in the wind it's only make one sound you'll hear , you're hell bound ."

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:04 AM
  • *

    Would this be a Socialist Republican ?-- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:01 AM

    Rick: No but guess he thought Obamacare was legal due to the mandatory tax included.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:05 AM
  • *

    Rick: Here's another good song by the 85 year old Willie Nelson:


    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:10 AM
  • yup , I've always liked Willie from the get-go .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:13 AM
  • To make America great again or a head wind to the Great Depression ?


    NAZIs hold rally of over 20,000 People in Madison Square Garden , 1929


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:19 AM
  • Republicans and Democrats


    Tears on a river

    Push on a shove

    Match on a fire

    Cold on ice

    Whisper on a scream

    Doesn't mean much , doesn't change a thing

    ~~ Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Blue On Red

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:34 AM
  • *

    I'll get back to this subject later...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 6:09 AM

    How about... Make it much later?

    After Barr cleans house and exposes those who started the witch hunt with the phony dossier the Clinton campaign bought and paid for in conjunction with the DNC.

    Someone needs to answer for this. You do not spy on American Citizens without just cause, and just cause does not include political gain.

    Let the chips fall where they may.

    And the answer is NOT, the Russians were meddling etc. The Obama Regime was well aware of it and did nothing. The responsibility lay with Obama not with a political candidate who had no power to stop it.

    Too many unanswered legal questions to stop here and simply say it's finished.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:54 AM
  • *

    Democrat Alabama State Rep. John Rogers made horrifying remarks on the floor of the Alabama House of Representatives on Tuesday about abortion, saying: "Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later."


    Duly noted Google.... I think it is civil... and truthful.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:20 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Don't worry about the Google god because you are quoting a Democrat and it doesn't delete anything that they say.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:42 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:42 AM

    Unfortunately, I think you are correct Semo471.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:47 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    Why would you refer to Comey as the "...worst FBI head ever..." the President thought he was great when he praised him so extensively in the White House, until Comey told him that he wouldn't lie for him and wouldn't drop the Flynn investigation.

    In addition, Comey saved his button twice including days before the election. Talk about being ungrateful.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:59 AM
  • Let man who's free from sin cast the first stone and begin the violence . Let man whose words ring true speak on up till his voice breaks through the silence .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:30 AM
  • The Republicans just loved Comey when he made the announcement about Hillary right before the election , curious that .

    When Trump was knocking off the main player Republicans one by one in the Primaries , Democrats just loved him to death . curious that too .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:33 AM
  • Hot potato !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:38 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    When I refer to Comey, I'm dealing with him in the real world, meaning no criminal activity.

    What his "record" is in Schaefer's fantasy world, is not known to any one but you, so you can make any claim you'd like.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:42 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:46 AM
  • *

    "When I refer to Comey, I'm dealing with him in the real world, meaning no criminal activity."

    Mister Lettau, by that I presume, you mean that he has not been indicted or convicted of anything?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:49 AM
  • *

    When I refer to Comey, I'm dealing with him in the real world, meaning no criminal activity.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:42 AM

    Mr. Lettau: You know this how - blind faith. Guess we have to wait and let AG Barr investigate investigate investigate Comey and the others in the hoax and attempted coup of an American President. Hope there is enough room at Gitmo for all the guilty Democrats involved including Obama and Hillary.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:56 AM
  • "attempted coup of an American President"

    coups happen to Dictators and Regimes , is Trump a Dictator or Regime . He was not President when all this went down , how can it possibly be against a President .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:06 AM
  • *

    how can it possibly be against a President .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:06 AM

    Rick: It started when he was the Republican nominee and then continued while President. Sorry but the Dictionary states:




    a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:14 AM
  • "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government."

    By who ?? The "oh , poor , pitiful Trump , everybody's picking on him" grows old and tired .

    Where it is usually depends on where you start .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:19 AM
  • Trump was not a member of Government until after he was elected . He was only a candidate before .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:21 AM
  • *

    Rick: My 11:14am comment is the answer that you seek.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:24 AM
  • There is no evidence of a "coup" , it's only more Political Party rhetoric to keep the People divided . No more evidence then Trump did anything wrong . Political Parties have become equal to Religious Belief in the U.S.A. .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:27 AM
  • No it's not any answer I seek -- it remains a question .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:28 AM
  • The "oh , poor , pitiful Trump , everybody's picking on him" grows old and tired .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:28 AM
  • Barr refuses to testify in front of the House today .

    Why so ? Curious that , if there's nothing to hide .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:32 AM
  • I have no time , or pity , for one of today's politicians including Trump . It's time he stood on his hind legs and stop it .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:35 AM
  • *

    Barr refuses to testify in front of the House today .

    Why so ? Curious that , if there's nothing to hide .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:32 AM


    The house wanted to question Barr. He agreed, then the House changes the format and wants to allow their attorneys to question Barr after they are through grilling him. He says no deal and I do not blame him. All they are trying to do is lay a trap for him and try to catch him in something they can construe to be a misstatement.

    If the House or Representatives needs an attorney to ask the questions they want to ask, why do we send their sorry behinds up there to begin with? Are they saying they are not smart enough to be up there taking care of the people's business? Sorry that was a dumb question, we already know a segment of them aren't smart enough to be there.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:00 PM
  • *

    Time for the FBI to raid Comey, Obama, Hillary, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Bruce Ohr. Nellie Ohr, James Baker, John Brennan and James Clapper homes with swat teams like they did to Roger Stone to retrieve all the evidence needed to put them all in Gitmo.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:15 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:15 PM


    Do you suppose if they were to raid Hillary's home they would find anything of Bill's there or would they need to go to one of his lady friend's home and raid.

    Sure wouldn't want Bill to be left alone should they lock Hillary up. He deserves to spend as much "quality" time with her as possible.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:36 PM
  • The house wanted to question Barr. He agreed, then the House changes the format and wants to allow their attorneys to question Barr after they are through grilling him. He says no deal and I do not blame him. All they are trying to do is lay a trap for him and try to catch him in something they can construe to be a misstatement.


    Why not show up and just take the 5th ? Both political Parties in the House wanted to question him , not just one . One would love him and the other hate him , a continue of division in Congress .

    The same thing happened yesterday in the Senate , how is today any different , one is Republican controlled and the other Democrat controlled .

    From my point of view his decision makes him and the AG position -- the top of Law in the USA -- look bad .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:39 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Thought about adding Bill to the list but figured he has done his time by being married to Hillary all these years.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:39 PM
  • No man stands above the Law .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:39 PM
  • IMO , it's another diversion .

    "Don't look at me , look at them."

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:42 PM
  • *

    From my point of view his decision makes him and the AG position -- the top of Law in the USA -- look bad .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:39 PM

    Rick from my point of view, the Democrats are out to get Trump and it doesn't matter a tinker's dam, they are going to try to run through or over anyone who gets in the way.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:44 PM
  • *

    The same thing happened yesterday in the Senate , how is today any different , one is Republican controlled and the other Democrat controlled.

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 12:39 PM

    Rick: Yesterday the Senators asked the questions....no additional lawyers questions - just like it always is for members of the cabinet in hearings before Congress.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 1:36 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 1:36 PM

    Basically what the Democratic controlled House is trying to do is stack the deck.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 1:42 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...lay a trap..."

    Right, that is funny...

    Isn't that what all innocent people fear most?

    Possibly that's what the White House was getting at when they panicked about the President stumbling into a "perjury trap" by testifying in person under oath.

    Guess when you've told over 10,000 lies, it's probably really hard to keep them all straight.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 2:10 PM
  • *

    Mister Lettau, at 10:49, I asked you for clarification on something you said and got no response. Question too hard?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 2:33 PM
  • Rick: Yesterday the Senators asked the questions....no additional lawyers questions - just like it always is for members of the cabinet in hearings before Congress.


    It really makes no sense to show up for one and not the other . Either go to both or neither one of them . The only reason I see is more political game grandstanding , from both sides of the isle .

    Pelosi screams "Impeachment!" after today , but she's been screaming that long before today , just more political game grandstanding from both sides of the isle .

    It's all for votes from a bunch of dirty , filthy , city of rats worried about their self and their Political careers instead all 300 million Americans . Spread that hate , make it a Religion . Bunch of rats living off fat stacks .

    And , it crumbles that way when you play the game .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 4:16 PM
  • "Don't look at me -- look at them !" .

    Hot potato !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 4:17 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 4:20 PM
  • Obama was going to fix the inner cities -- a brother was elected ! The inner cities stayed just as dirty and rat filled as before when Obama left . Lies...

    Now Trump is going to , or making , America great again . Go to any inner city and you'll see that's just not true at all , not even close to the real world . Lies ..

    Sad enough , People blame each other for these 2 dude's actions instead pf holding these 2 dudes responsible , it's always somebody else fault . Always .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 4:29 PM
  • *

    Two squirrely Socialist Democats now predicting our demise.

    AOC says do it her way or we only got 12 years left. Beto O'Rourke has one upped her, we do it his way or we have only 10 years left.

    They prove at least one point... the first liar hasn't got a chance.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 6:46 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "Question too hard?" No.

    Answer was yes, of course, because no crime was committed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 6:49 PM
  • It's neither the Democrat's fault or the Republican's fault Barr didn't show up today . It's the voter's fault for letting this dog~n~pony show go on .

    If the "Socialist Democrats" can see the future , give me the winning lotto numbers . Like the rest , they lie .

    Politicians work for us , we don't work for them , no matter who it is .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:08 PM
  • Clinton now wants China to get Trump to release his taxes.

    Time for another special prosecutor. She's obviously colluding with the Chinese.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:09 PM
  • *

    Hillary better get ready to move somewhere that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the USA cause AG Barr will investigate investigate investigate her for real this time and not like the sham one that Comely did.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:45 PM
  • Hillary already fessed-up about her e-mails before the last election , most probably why she lost . Obama slapped her on the hand with the "bad girl" warning , most probably another reason why she lost .

    This too should have went through the legal system just as Barr should have done before he made his big decision . "investigate investigate investigate" really doesn't mean much after the fact anymore .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:49 PM
  • ..and they're all caused by illegal immigrants too !



    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 7:55 PM
  • Barr has already testified to Congress he saw no illegal actions in Mueller's report . What's he going to do , come back later and said he made a mistake ? Wouldn't this make Trump guilty too .

    The DOJ do not judge , this is for the Courts , they only enforce the Laws .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:03 PM
  • *

    "Question too hard?" No.

    Answer was yes, of course, because no crime was committed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 6:49 PM


    If you believe that, then why are you not cutting the President of the United States the same slack you cut Comey? Neither have been convicted of a crime. But then Comey has not undergone 22 months of intensive investigation by an appointed Special Council with hand picked people who oppose him. Do you think Comey will come out clean after 22 months of extreme investigating?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:08 PM
  • *

    Wheels: No need to ask the Socialist anything he just spins and dodges until his reply comes back from the DNC....that is after George Soros gives the okay.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:29 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:03 PM

    Rick: The 2 year and $25 million Mueller report was only about the attempt of a coup of an American President. What AG Barr is going to investigate investigate investigate is the persons responsible for the hoax. Get Gitmo ready plenty of treasonous folks are coming Hillary and Obama to name just a few.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:42 PM
  • attempt of a coup of an American President


    Again , he was not a President when this went down , it's impossible to "coup" against something that isn't there .

    Obviously Barr doesn't know what he's doing , he would have had all that homework done before he went to Congress .

    There really are no excuses , just spin .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:58 PM
  • Bottom line , Barr testified in Congress -- under God -- he found no illegal actions .

    Stop . Enough already . Move on and heal .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:00 PM
  • *

    Mister Lettau,

    This does not belong on Ms. Ross's thread

    “…nothing to seniors….” Another lie. Seniors not in the 1% had Bush tax cuts extended. COLA increased by about 10%.

    This is the kind of foolishness you’re saying you “trust" as fact.”

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 6:45 PM

    I wouldn't bre blowing my horn about Obama's performance if I were you.

    Take the item about COLA increases. 8 years to average barely more than 1% and you and three of those years there was no increase period. Nothing to brag about there.

    Also, it is a proven fact that this performance in the recovery business was the poorest since the Great Depression. And he doubled the National Debt accumulated by all Presidents before him.

    Check the inflation rate for the Obama years if you think seniors made off like bandits.


    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:00 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:29 PM

    I know Semo471, special rules for Socialist Democrats.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:03 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:58 PM

    Rick: It started when he was the Republican nominee and then continued while President. Sorry but the Dictionary states:




    a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 11:14 AM

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:04 PM
  • Do you think Comey will come out clean after 22 months of extreme investigating?


    Comey testifies in front of Congress to years later to he date he was fired . How much of this Barr drama is going to affect the 2 year old Comey drama .

    Where and when does it end ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:04 PM
  • NOUN

    a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.


    Again , Trump was not a member of government until after he was elected . No amount of spin will ever change that fact .

    Nothing but more "poor , pitiful , Trump"...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:05 PM
  • *

    Bottom line , Barr testified in Congress -- under God -- he found no illegal actions .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:00 PM

    Rick: The 2 year and $25 million Mueller report was only about the attempt of a coup of an American President. What AG Barr is going to investigate investigate investigate is the persons responsible for the hoax. Get Gitmo ready plenty of treasonous folks are coming Hillary and Obama to name just a few.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 8:42 PM

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:06 PM
  • Bottom line , Barr testified in Congress -- under God -- he found no illegal actions .

    Stop . Enough already . Move on and heal .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:06 PM
  • Mueller did not find sufficient evidence either . In what way was there a "coup" ?

    It is not possible in any way , shape , or form .

    Facts are facts .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:08 PM
  • Democrats are Americans too , how can a Government "coup" itself ?

    It's not possible other then all out Revolution . Apparently it's headed that way though , when words don't work , pull out the fists . When they don't work , let those free of sin cast the first stone and begin the violence .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:11 PM
  • It has to be Country before Party , a Nation of 1 just as the day after 9/11 . People screamimg back~n~forth at each other creates the current septic tank .

    People talking but nobody's saying anything . People hearing but nobody's listening to anything .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:17 PM
  • So far I see nothing from Mr. Lettau worthy of response and now it seems the thread is gone into repeat. The only thing new today was the pre-5am hail storm. The rotten onion that is Democrat corruption is being slowly peeled away.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:18 PM
  • Wait , you got hail ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:21 PM
  • It rained here like a cow *******' on a flat rock .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:22 PM
  • Trump was not a member of government until after he was elected . No amount of spin will ever change that fact . You can not "coup" anything that doesn't exist .

    0 x 0 = 0

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:24 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:29 PM
  • *

    Rick: That was an Attempted coup by the Democratic Party. Have a good night.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:38 PM
  • If it becomes legal to abort all births of babies likely to be retarded as the Alabama Democrat lawmaker proclaims with his "Kill'm now or kill'm later" remark, Who will be left to be elected democrat lawmakers?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:40 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:43 PM
  • That was an Attempted coup by the Democratic Party.

    Where is the proof ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:43 PM
  • If a piece of bacteria is a sign of life on Mars why isn't a beating heart a sign of life on Earth ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:45 PM
  • *

    Where is the proof ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:43 PM

    Rick: That's what AG Barr is going to investigate.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 9:51 PM
  • Wheels, I think you confused him with that 10:49 question, the answer you got makes no sense.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:04 PM
  • "That's what AG Barr is going to investigate."

    Why wasn't he already been doing this , why didn't he have some facts already done . The Democratic Party , or any Party as far as that goes , can not "coup" something that does not exist .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:11 PM
  • Neither Mueller or Barr could find sufficient evidence of illegal actions . What else needs to be said ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:13 PM
  • - Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:11 PM

    Someone is pretending to be you repeating everything you say.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 2, 2019, at 10:46 PM
  • R. W. Bess

    Yeah , that bug has been happening to a lot of posters lately . Probably will until the answer "investigate the investigation that would end all investigations" stops .

    Could go on for eternity .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 7:00 AM
  • "Nothing is easier then self-deceit . For what each man wishes , that he also believes is true."

    ~~ Demosthenes

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 7:20 AM
  • *

    What happened to Mister Lettau? I respond to his post and ask another question at 8:08 last evedning, and poof he disappears.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 8:33 AM
  • Mr lettau is riding B behind Uncle Joe on an old sway back donkey while being passed by a clown car Prius full of 15 or so uber progressives ready to gang up and knock them off.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:00 AM
  • *

    Wheels: He's like the rest of the Socialist Democrats, keeping a low profile and waiting to see who AG Barr will investigate investigate investigate in the hoax Russian collusion....whose gonna be the first to squeal in return for immunity against the others. Justice at last....get Gitmo ready!

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:04 AM
  • *

    Wow, April job numbers: plus 263,000 new jobs with 3.6% unemployment.


    Report has a billion dollar investment coming to the GM plant in St. Louis county....jobs jobs jobs. Trump 2020

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:13 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:13 AM

    You sure that isn't St. Charle's County?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:22 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Just caught the tail end of the report - where's GM truck plant.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:29 AM
  • *

    It's out here in Wentzville.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:31 AM
  • *

    That must be it....was at an existing plant. Anyway jobs jobs jobs

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:32 AM
  • *

    Yes, and I had not heard that. I would have thought our County Officials would have been running around with the buttons bursting off their shirts, touting their accomplishments.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:37 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:38 AM
  • *


    Google it. Not a done deal yet but pretty sure. Guess that's what I get for not reading the Post Disgrace.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:46 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:38 AM

    I think that pretty much spells things out.

    Mister Lettau should be along shortly to tell us why it is good and should be in place before the 2020 election.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:51 AM
  • *


    Broom Hilda maybe should be tuning up her broom. Might be her only way of leaving the country after Barr gets his teeth into this scandal.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 10:04 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    The President has not been indicted for criminal obstruction (per the Mueller Report i.e. specifically not exonerated), because Barr won't permit it. Congress still has the impeachment option.

    What crime has Comey committed? As I said above, refusing to lie about Flynn is not a crime.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 10:26 AM
  • *

    Mister Lettau,

    If or not you like it, the Mueller witch hunt is over.

    Maxine Waters and her followers can scream impeachment all they want. They cannot make it stick.

    Inasmuch as Trump has committed no crime and been convicted of same, you owe him the same consideration as you do Comey. And perhaps more after Barr is finished with him.

    Like it or not Trump was elected President of the United States of America and It is time you Democrats quit your whining and support this Country.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 10:36 AM
  • The "coup attempt on a President" rumor originated with a Trump tweet and kept re-tweeting or saying over and over . To some this makes it a known fact , I guess if a person were in 1,000% behind Trump , or any individual , I can see how it might happen . It just appears to be an opinion of Trump to me , either way , I ain't buying his spin .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 10:38 AM
  • That's really the same thing the Obamberals did with Obama and now seems to be the norm for whatever reason..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 10:39 AM
  • The last time unemployment was this low was right before the progressives started the war on poverty.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 11:33 AM
  • The war on poverty and drugs was lost long ago . A total waste of tax payer's money .

    I don't mind helping the needy , but I object to funding the lazy .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 12:34 PM
  • Waylon and His Outlaws... "Put Another Log On the Fire"


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 12:39 PM
  • *

    Where did everybody go?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 9:34 PM
  • Rock, Rick S, Remember that old joke about the Tuba and the Golden Commode?


    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 10:08 PM
  • Part of Peter Baker's newly updated book.:

    'Never mind that Trump essentially ran the same playbook against Clinton that Obama did eight years earlier, portraying her as a corrupt exemplar of the status quo.

    'She brought many of her troubles on herself. No one forced her to underestimate the danger in the Midwest states of Wisconsin and Michigan.

    'No one forced her to set up a private email server that would come back to haunt her.

    'No one forced her to take hundreds of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sachs and other pillars of Wall Street for speeches.

    'No one forced her to run a scripted, soulless campaign that tested eighty-five slogans before coming up with 'Stronger Together'.

    Baker's book also gives new insight into why Obama was so hesitant about criticizing Russia for meddling in the 2016 election before vote took place.


    Just thought it interesting.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, May 3, 2019, at 10:31 PM
  • Today's Government isn't even worth arguing about . It's the same B.S. 24/7 , back~n~forth , nothing gets done . The good old blame game .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 7:16 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 7:30 AM
  • *

    145th Running of the Kentucky Derby is today......May the Force be with the winner!!

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 7:42 AM
  • Didn't the favorite scratch a couple of days ago ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 7:44 AM
  • Every issue , major or minor , the Parties blame each other why issues drag on and on . Both Parties stay in the news , everyone does too . Now this is collusion .


    An example of what can be done if everybody worked together :

    4th Century Lycian Tomb in Turkey .


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 8:38 AM
  • More horse play

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 8:40 AM
  • *

    Rick: Yes, Omaha Beach was a 4 to 1 favorite and was pulled for surgery of the epiglottis in the throat.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 8:45 AM
  • Some of those horses in today's race are mudders and some of their mother's were a mudder .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 9:54 AM
  • looks like a lot of People are selling their Yards today because of all the rain..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 9:55 AM
  • A message to the USA Government , all Parties


    "In The Air Tonight" - Phil Collins (Acoustic Cover)


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 10:16 AM
  • All during the price of gas and COLA have shot up , the price of paper has remained stationary .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 12:08 PM
  • I see Mr Lettau is stil bogarting Ms Ross column. Kinda like the old adage about drunks with his anti Trump all the time. One is too many and a hundreds not enough. Can't help himself. One trick pony.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 3:12 PM
  • I was looking for a funny parody and ran into this:


    Not really so funny when it's true.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 4:51 PM
  • *

    Thoughts to Ponder


    Life is not a fairy tale

    If you lose your shoe at midnight,

    you’re drunk.


    If women are upset at Trump’s naughty

    words, who in the hell bought 80 million

    copies of 50 Shades of Gray?


    Jim Comey answered “I don’t know,”

    “I don’t recall,” and “I don’t remember”

    236 times while under oath. But

    Remembered enough to write a book.


    President Trump should nominate

    Hillary Clinton for the next opening on

    the supreme court. Then he can finally

    get her investigated.


    Not one feminist has defended Sarah

    Sanders. It seems women’s rights only

    matter if those women are liberal.


    No Border Walls

    No voter ID laws

    You figured it out



    Every woman has the right to be

    Believed… Unless you are raped by Bill

    Clinton, beaten by Keith Ellison, groped

    by Cory Booker or killed by Ted Kennedy.


    Chelsea Clinton got out of college and

    got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 per

    year. Her mom flies around the country

    speaking out about white privilege.


    If walls and guns don’t work; then why

    are celebrities and politicians

    surrounded by them?


    If a dead body was found in the trunk

    of Hillary’s car, the FBI would ask Donald

    Trump why he did it!


    SOCIALISM: An idea that is so good

    that it has to be mandatory.


    Liberals: “Don’t let unvaccinated kids

    into our schools!”

    Same liberal: “Let thousands of

    unvaccinated illegal immigrants in!”


    Bernie Sanders walks into a bar and

    Yells… “Free drinks for everyone!”

    Looks around and says “Who’s buying?”


    What is the difference between

    an Illegal immigrant and E.T.?

    E.T. learned to speak english and

    went home.


    You know that you live in a great

    country when even the people that

    absolutely detest it refuse to leave.

    Candace Owens


    The law allowing for the separation of

    children from their parents who cross the

    border illegally was signed by Bill Clinton

    in 1997, why is it a problem now?


    68 people were killed in mass shootings

    in 2018. Did you know that about

    2000 were killed by illegal aliens?


    Democrats say you can’t give a lethal

    injection to killers, rapist, pedophiles

    and school shooters but you can give

    a lethal injection to an infant.


    And just like that they went from being

    against foreign interference in our

    elections to allowing non-citizens to

    vote in our elections.


    Watching the left come up with schemes

    to “catch Trump” is like watching

    Wile E. Coyote trying to catch

    Road Runner.



    Make Alexandria Go Away!


    President Trump’s wall cost less

    than the Obamacare website.

    Let that sink in, America.


    We are one election away from open

    borders, socialism, gun confiscation,

    and full term abortion nationally.

    We are fighting evil.


    Enough for now. Thought these were interesting and factual.

    Disclaimer: Not written or thought up by me. Author unknown.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 5:48 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 4:51 PM

    Very good Rock, I like it.. Think our resident SO Socialist Democrat will understand it?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 5:58 PM
  • *

    Wheels: That will be the first thing on here that he will understand.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 4, 2019, at 7:27 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:00 AM
  • Cinco de Mayo !


    Santana - Oye Como Va


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:05 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    It's apparent why you seemed too embarrassed to claim "credit."

    "...interesting and factual."

    "Interesting," only to a very limited degree and only to the target audience with tenuous connection to reality.

    "...and factual." Only in Schaefer's fantasy world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:10 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:40 AM
  • *

    "...and factual." Only in Schaefer's fantasy world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:10 AM

    Mr. Lettau: Believe if you would allow yourself to read and then to comprehend what you read concerning Schaefer's World then you would give up your Liberal Socialist ideas and join the real reality and not your head in the sand reality. Your welcome and I'm here off and on these forums most days to help you out - better then paying those high prices that the shrinks charge you.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:41 AM
  • Would "Interesting," be a subjective term ?

    What you might find interesting could bore me , or others , to no end . Same as me might find boring you , or others , don't .

    Just sayin'..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:46 AM
  • Same as "factual" too ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:47 AM
  • *

    Looks like Joe Biden won't last the month of May....his illegal dealings for his son in Ukraine will sink his "I Feel You" campaign.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:57 AM
  • *

    Happy Cinco de Mayo! Lets celebrate and return the Illegals back to Mexico!

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 8:22 AM
  • Like an echo , they'll bounce back , just depends when .

    Methinks most of the illegal aren't Mexican , there's more from Central and South America . Mexico doesn't want them either and will do anything to let those immigrants pass on through on their way here -- and then back again to the USA if the illegals get turned away .

    Folks aren't going to trek hundred and hundreds of miles to the USA , get here , then turn around to trek hundreds and hundreds of miles back to their country , it makes no sense .

    The Pilgrims , Puritans , whatever , didn't go back across the Atlantic after getting here .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 8:41 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 7:10 AM

    Mister Lettau,

    If anything there embarrassed me, I wouldn't have posted them.

    It is you as the SOSD who should be embarrassed.

    Got several more I will post for you as time permits.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 8:42 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 8:46 AM
  • *

    Rick: Who said voluntary. If Mexico doesn't want them, then they can send them further south.

    Now before the bleeding heart Socialist Democrat Mr. Lettau comes on here to scold me - tough Buffalo dung.

    Yes oh great Google god this is a civil comment - what's wrong with it. Note to newspaper - if you are going to delete comments explain why.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 8:51 AM
  • *

    Who wants to tell the truth for Trump today?


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 8:53 AM
  • Whatever happened to that "Wall" ?

    Oh yeah , the Republicans couldn't find the money while they controlled Washington , DC and Trump never added the funding in his budget .

    It's somebody , anybody's , else fault , not Trump's .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 8:57 AM
  • *

    Rick: We don't need a Wall now, because all the Illegals are going to be sent to the sanctuary cities....then the Democrats will demand a Wall to be built.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 9:21 AM
  • *

    Taking girlfriend out to lunch, everyone have a great day - enjoy the sun while you can.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:00 AM
  • Can't figure why Mr Lettau downplays Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals. He overuses #5 when he should refer to #7.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:18 AM
  • *

    Poor old SOSD is quieter than usual. I have a feeling he is worried Barr has a supply of 9 foot poles he is going to stick a few Democrats with and then scrub the walls with them.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:32 AM
  • *

    Good Observation Rock.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:36 AM
  • We don't need a Wall now


    Don't ell me , tell Trump . He decided to decrease revenue 17% and now increase spending .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:43 AM
  • then the Democrats will demand a Wall to be built.


    Yeah , it's anybody else fault but Trump , somebody , anybody . Just another campaign lie for votes , he could have put the money in his budget while the Republicans controlled Congress -- but that's somebody else fault too , I'm sure

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:46 AM
  • -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:48 AM
  • *

    Don't ell me , tell Trump . He decided to decrease revenue 17% and now increase spending .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:43 AM

    Rick: Witn 263,000 new jobs and a 3.6% unemployment rate for April, IMO President Trump is doing OK.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 12:12 PM
  • Don't believe he is -- what kind of jobs , gas station and fast food -- the numbers don't say . I won't fall at any politician's feet .

    Besides , alledge jobs/unemployment have nothing to do decreasing revenue and increasing spending , he did this from the get-go . Nor does it have anything to do with immigrants .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 12:34 PM
  • *

    Rick: To each their own....for me I'll support a winner anytime. Time for some Mexican food....happy Mexico Independence Day.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 12:43 PM
  • The Federal Reserve controls the economy , there is no single person who does . Rubbermaid here in Jackson hasn't hired a soul , they're still using Manpower as needed . All of the goods that were being imported before 2017 are still being imported . Brick and mortar retailers continue to close due to on-line shopping . There are new jobs in the inner cities where they're needed the most .

    I'm not seeing rainbows and butterflies .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 1:02 PM
  • North Korea 'test fires short-range missiles'


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 1:10 PM
  • *

    "There are new jobs in the inner cities where they're needed the most."

    Rick, did you say there are new jobs in the cities or did you mean there are not?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 8:06 PM
  • Sorry , I meant not , not even gas stations or fast food...no part time either , been that way since before 2008 . Obama didn't do anything either -- but run his mouth .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 9:03 PM
  • Mexico Independence Day is September 16. May 5 was the date of a Mexican victory over the French and used to sell copious quantities of alcohol to Americans.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 9:22 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 9:03 PM

    Rick, I know some will call me Racist for what I am about to say, but I am saying plainly what I have observed.

    What sane person or company would want to invest in North St. Louis. What was once a beautiful city has been turned into a wreck. I read just a week or so ago where there are 11,000 abandoned buildings in the City of St. Louis and 10,000 of them are in North St. Louis. It looks like Hiroshima after the bombing. The government has stepped in and tried financing projects that went to pot. Anbody remember Pruitt Igo. Beautiful buildings were put up for housing and they ripped out the plumbing and sold it for scrap. They could rip it out faster than plumbers could put it back. It finally had to be abandoned and eventually hit with the wrecking ball. All in less than a lifetime for this kind of devastation. I read an article where one man who works service in the City has been taking pictures of these once grand buildings that are now falling down and is cataloging them.

    Why would anybody want to build there. Ownership would risk life and limb going in to inspect their investment.

    I am sorry, but until the people living there take the bull by the horns and clean it up, there is little hope for industry there. You cannot blame the President for this. I don't care who is President.

    You cannot blame everybody there, I know a man who has lived there his entire life. He is a contractor. He is trying to improve the neighborhood where he lives. I met this guy because he was recommended to me to do a job. He gave me a price, did a good job and did it as promised and I would use him again. But there aren't enough of his quality individuals to correct the problems.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 9:47 PM
  • Wheels, I agree but one can only hope people will wake up and see big government solutions for local problems seldom work out.

    Mr. Lettau, Respectfully asking you to explain again how a single payer system based on a Medicare format is the way to solve problems of rising medical care costs.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, May 5, 2019, at 10:31 PM
  • Wheels

    St.Louis isn't the only one , it's all across the Great Lands . These are the folks who need new jobs the most but will probably never get them . No one is going to invest their money in these rat holes , not at this time anyway .

    Obama promised , promised , to start on this and take care of this which of course was just another lie for votes . The only thing he did was try to assure these folks got medical care paid for by the rest of the Nation .

    When I was up around Tayler and Hodiamont last month nothing had changed , about the only thing there were doll houses scattered like buckshot in the neighborhood . No factories , not very many gas station , definitely no fast food either .

    When Trump boasts of all the jobs he's created -- doesn't say what type or kind -- he sure doesn't mean St.Louis inner city , well , North and West anyway . Methinks the South side down by Anhiesuer Busch and Cherokee St. aren't far behind .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 6:55 AM
  • The inner cities are slowly becoming Reservations , one by one .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 6:57 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Agree with you about North St. Louis. When girlfriend and I were first married we moved to the Alton, Il. area (she had relations there) and drove over to St. Louis at least once a week for shopping, eating out and doing tourist things. This was back in the middle 60s and early 70s. We drove thru North STL all the time but towards the 70s we started to bypass the area due to the crime rate rising there. STL was as you said a beautiful city but something happened to it in a negative way.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:08 AM
  • Lack of jobs , for one ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:19 AM
  • *

    Two headlines this morning:

    8th grader who was a rising football star shot and killed at Metro East party, another teen injured

    17 people shot in St. Louis over 24-hour period

    I would like just one good reason why someone would want to spend millions upon millions of dollars to locate industry here.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:20 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:22 AM
  • Wheels

    True . At the same time , none of those great jobs or benefits Trump brags about happen in these Cities .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:24 AM
  • The economy in St.Louis inner city is guns , drugs , Lady of the Night , and Government Entitlements . Actually , it's a life style .

    My guess is the majority of folks vacationing in the Jeff City caged motel are from the inner cities .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:33 AM
  • btw , those folks in the Cities do not vote .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:36 AM
  • *

    "The only thing he did was try to assure these folks got medical care paid for by the rest of the Nation."

    Yeah, and the rest of us can pay to patch up the bullet holes and stitch up the knife slashes.

    When Trump boasts of all the jobs he's created -- doesn't say what type or kind -- he sure doesn't mean St.Louis inner city , well , North and West anyway . Methinks the South side down by Anhiesuer Busch and Cherokee St. aren't far behind .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 6:55 AM

    Rick, all a government can and should do is try and set the stage for a booming economy. They should not build and own the businesses there. That is what socialism is all about and we sure as hell don't need that.

    The people living in these areas are going to have to either clean up their act and invite business in or drive outside the area they live in for their jobs.

    St Louis had the factories, they have almost all moved out. And why wouldn't they?

    When I was in my early 20's I worked in North St. Louis, Kinloch and Elmwood Park (doesn't exist any more). I never felt threatened. No way would I do it today.

    Liberal city administrations in all of these slum cities are the cause in my opinion. You put up with people turning their home into a dump you deserve a city like this.

    People complain about the South, I had to pick up someone at the bus station in downtown Mobile, Alabama when we were in Gulf Shores a couple of eaars ago. I drove right through the downtown area and never felt threatened by it. It was clean and my mind says it stays that way because they will not put up with letting properties run down.

    St. Louis City has become this kind of city in my lifetime. I have lived in this area since I was 18 and am now just the reverse of those numbers.

    Nobody is going to dump tons of money in there to give people jobs if they do not reciprocate and clean up the place.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:44 AM
  • *

    btw , those folks in the Cities do not vote .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:36 AM

    Rick: If they don't vote then how do they continue to receive welfare and other free stuff generation after generation.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:46 AM
  • Wheels

    Methinks St.Louis isn't the Lone Ranger .


    "all a government can and should do is try and set the stage for a booming economy."

    Maybe that's one problem , the Government trying to control the People and their economies . 9 times out of ten all it leads to is growing entitlements .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:48 AM
  • If they don't vote then how do they continue to receive welfare and other free stuff generation after generation.


    That's the $64,000 question ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:51 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Believe you said it all - Liberal Democratic ran city over the years caused the downfall of STL. It's not what you can do for the country, it's what government can do for you.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 7:54 AM
  • My point being , not many of the rumored new jobs or record unemployment include the mass populated areas of America .

    Another point , not all 100% of the populations are black , it's all races .

    Some , maybe 1 out of 100 , do care and find a way out . The majority think living off Entitlements is how life works ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 8:01 AM
  • The only possible positive , add these folks who are armed to the American hunter and it's the largest Army on Earth .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 8:03 AM
  • *


    You own property in St. Charles and you will keep your grass and weeds cut. If the height exceeds, I have forgotten but I think it is 9 inches, you get a letter and a time to come into compliance or they will cut it for you and you get a nasty high bill. Don't pay it and you will find out how it will be paid when you go to sell the property. They will slap a lien on your property.

    Again St. Louis had some outstanding architecture and much of it has gone to pot. Probably not generally known, but I believe it is the North Grand Water Tower which is built like a column and is the tallest one of it's kind in the world.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 8:16 AM
  • *

    "Another point , not all 100% of the populations are black, it's all races ."


    St Louis has a population living off South Grand, Bosnian I think. They did put a stop to their butchering animals in the back yards.

    There was a time when the City did care. I had a relative from the 1800's who owned a dairy which included their own cows on the South Side. As the city grew around them, they were forced to move further into the county areas.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 8:23 AM
  • ...and The Hill too

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 8:27 AM
  • Wheels

    Is there a Water Tower on South Grand too on Grand and I-44 ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 8:28 AM
  • *

    Yep, there is Rick. It used to be open and I once climbed up the stairs in it, but I think it has been locked up for years. For a time I lived near Grand and Arsenal. Back in the days when you could rent a "Sleeping Room" in someone's home for around $8 to $10 a week. You might end up on the third floor with the bathroom down the hall and no air conditioning either.

    Once lived in a cold water flat where I did have my own bathroom, but when I wanted to take a shower in the summer time, I had to go from the 2nd floor to the basement and light the burner under the tank which was a part of the "side arm" water heaters in the days of the coal fired furnaces. The burner had to be turned off when you were finished as there was no thermostat, no pilot and no insulation on the tank. Oh did I mention no safety relief valve either. They say you could back hot water all the way out into the street with one of those things if you forgot to turn it off.

    Looked at a sleeping room once but didn't like the fire escape. There was a knotted rope about 1" in diameter tied to the leg of a big old radiator under a window. Me being a chicken when it comes to heights decided against that accommodation

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 8:48 AM
  • *

    Got to run. I think I see a window of opportunity to cut a couple acres of grass up at the farm.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 8:53 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Back in the early 60s my brother lived on Shenandoah a few blocks from Grand....all the apartment homes looked the same. It was within walking distance of Shaw's Garden of which I spent many an hour there while waiting for my brother to get off of work. Took the train from Chaffee to Union Station lots of time back then....Union Station was like a city to it's self.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 9:35 AM
  • Stayed a week once with my sis on Cleveland as a kid and rode an old bike all over that area. Is it still a decent neighborhood?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 10:22 AM
  • I don't hear much in the media but read where Ben Carson has been working with a variety of inner city leaders to encourage more local responsibility toward housing with residents subject to loss or gain as incentive to have some pride in where they live.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 10:34 AM
  • Time for me to go soon; will check later today to see if Mr. Lettau responds to my question.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 10:37 AM
  • Sit Down starts Wednesday through next Friday with the People , IHS , and the Trump Administration regarding the Sioux Treaty of 1868 . Curious that , my guess is he wants to grab more Land from the Black Hills --"pa'ha Sa-pa" . Dunno what else it could be . I look forward to the Sit Down because he and/or the USA Government will not get 1 foot as others have tried before .


    "This war was brought upon us by the children of the Great Father who came to take our land from us without price."

    ~~ Spotted Tail



    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 1:21 PM
  • *

    Rick: Maybe the topic of the Sit Down will be to trade their land in ND for Calif.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 2:27 PM
  • I will have to assume Mr. Lettau has had a change of opinion about single payer based on the Medicare model of efficiency.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 9:47 PM
  • *

    OJ: Believe Mr. Lettau has checked into the Democratic Safe House which treats TDS and is shielded from reality.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 7, 2019, at 8:16 AM
  • *


    Maybe the SOSD is embarrassed for having backed all of the lies about Trump that are now being exposed one by one.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 7, 2019, at 11:46 PM
  • *

    Wheels: He's not the only Socialist Democrat that should be ashamed of themselves but none will admit it in public....but hey we knew the truth from the beginning.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 6:47 AM
  • *


    And they still won't have a viable candidate in the running.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 8:22 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Their field of candidates range from Creepy Joe Biden to now the Fool Mayor of New York City....the word that comes to mind to describe the field of Socialist Democrats is cesspool.

    What's wrong with the above comment ole mighty Google god?

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 8:40 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "What's wrong with the above comment..."

    Aside from it being frivolous, it's likely that the "google god" has sympathy for, and gives special dispensation to the misguided inhabitants of the Schaefer fantasy world, (who are also known for their lack of a sense of humor.)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 2:16 PM
  • Mr.Lettau, How's your writing project coming along? Is it a political fiction novel? Will you use a pen name and have a minimum batch printed and go on a book tour? There could be a huge market for reading material appealing to democrats in the prison libraries in the near future.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 3:10 PM
  • *

    Richard, I think the SOSD is in mourning, the Socialistic Democrats are quickly coming to the realization they have lost their battle to hang phoney charges on Trump and operation Boomerang is quickly taking shape.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 4:49 PM
  • *

    I am looking forward to the day they indict the head slimebag in that operation. He had in hands in this mess up to his elbows. Wonder if all of his loyal followers will be willing to fall on their swords for him.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 4:51 PM
  • *

    Aside from it being frivolous, -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 2:16 PM

    Mr. Lettau: So you think my comment was frivolous - maybe the Google god didn't think so....doesn't make any difference to me if it or you liked it or not. The truth is what it is no matter who moans and groans about it. The cesspool of the Democratic contenders will be flushed down the toilet during the primary season and the one that floats to the top will then be flushed by Pres. Trump. So you Socialist Democrats can jump up and down and get all the witches to cast spells on our President but in the end he will prevail. Unfortunately for Obama and Hillary and their gang of FBI/CIA crooks they will all be an addition to Gitmo in their matching orange jump suits.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 5:16 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "...change of opinion about single payer based on the Medicare model of efficiency."

    Why would I do that. The Medicare average overhead and admin costs are about 2 to 3%, while private insurance ranges from about 12% to 20%.

    My recommendation would be to start by lowering the Medicare eligibility age, and then offer a private option to those that want it.

    I will expand on that when I have more time, if you like.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 9:51 PM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "...they will all be an addition to Gitmo in their matching orange jump suits."

    Is there really a "Gitmo" in Schaefer's fantasy world?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 9:59 PM
  • My recommendation would be to start by lowering the Medicare eligibility age, and then offer a private option to those that want it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 9:51 PM

    So your first idea is to expand a program that pays out more than it takes in?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 10:22 PM
  • *

    Is there really a "Gitmo" in Schaefer's fantasy world?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 9:59 PM

    Mr. Lettau: Yes there is a Gitmo in the real world and like I stated earlier will be the home of those found guilty in the hoax Trump/Russian collusion. Try not to worry about the investigate investigate investigate because AG Barr is only after the big fish and not a minnow like yourself.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 8, 2019, at 11:08 PM
  • *

    After watching Trump's Florida campaign stop last night and Joe Biden's recent campaign stop (news video) is like comparing Trump's rock concert to Biden's nursing home skit.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 8:18 AM
  • The 2019 Kentucky governor race could be an indicator of how Democrats will run against what's good for America in 2020.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 8:40 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "So your first idea is to expand a program that pays out more than it takes in?"

    Why would you think that? Normally, the longer term solvency, or insolvency projections are based on an unchanged cost structure.

    In any case, by adding people between age 55 and 65, Medicare would including a younger, healthier population.

    Then the calculations for long term solvency can be made.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 9:07 AM
  • Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 9:07 AM

    A younger healthier population is already providing revenue into Medicare. How would adding more people eligible for benefits strengthen your projections of when it runs out of money?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 9:20 AM
  • *

    OJ: It's a trick by the Left to extend Medicare to all eventually. The Socialist Democrats are already giving free health care to the millions of Illegals - how's that working out....$18.5 billion Every year (just for free health care)compare to a one time $6 billion for a Wall to keep them and the drugs out of the USA.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 10:41 AM
  • *

    Heard that 3 bus loads of Illegals are being shipped from Texas to Scopus, Mo. - Mr. Lettau, open up your trailer to at least 6 of them....that's the only decent thing to do.

    Google god it's only a Joke just like you are.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 10:45 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    The issue that's being ignored is that the per capita health a few years ago was about $10,000 or about $840 per month.

    Those between 55 and 65 would continue with their standard Medicare deduction, but could also pay a monthly premium of somewhere between $500 and $200, depending on age, and that's where the individual savings come in.

    There are also numerous marginal adjustments that could be made in Medicare to guarantee sustainability.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 3:44 PM
  • What is ignored is that employers pay a portion of the per capita health as you call it. Many of the larger companies offer plans people like. Single payer schemes are IMO the first step to create a federal conglomerate of all things deemed entitlements. Methinks that has been tried and failed many times throughout history. Respectfully, your predictable replies are boring so maybe you should go back to claiming a superior sense of humor.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 4:36 PM
  • *

    Those between 55 and 65 would continue with their standard Medicare deduction, but could also pay a monthly premium of somewhere between $500 and $200, depending on age, and that's where the individual savings come in.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 3:44 PM

    Mr. Lettau: A couple of things that bring your so call Lettaucare down in flames - how do you know those between 55 and 65 wants to join and make two payments a month (monthly premium plus monthly Medicare deduction) and did you just pull the numbers out of the air - sounds about as bad as the original Obamacare.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 4:56 PM
  • *

    OJ: That's what Mr. Lettau has been doing of late - working on his website in order for folks to sign up for his Lettaucare.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 5:15 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "What is ignored is that employers pay a portion of the per capita health as you call it."

    If the employer share of an individuals insurance is $500, and the employee elects Medicare, that $500 should be added to his base pay.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 5:57 PM
  • That $500 should be added to his base pay to raise his income taxes and take away the employer tax deduction. But as was said. "you didn't build that".

    It's an unending circle that always comes back to a repressive federal government at the price of liberty and destroying free enterprise.

    Pelosi and Blumenthal walked into a plastic surgeon's office and had to face one another. The receptionist said.........

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 7:04 PM
  • *

    The receptionist said - no refunds.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 7:42 PM
  • The receptionist may have said, "Same two-face discount again for your medicare copay?"

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 9, 2019, at 7:50 PM
  • *

    It's a comfort to see nothing has changed. The SOSD is still working towards his goal of the eventual total socialization of American.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 12:11 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Medicare expansion is the "complete socialism of America?" Right.

    What hasn't changed is Mr. VanGennip's nonexistent grasp of and connection to reality.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 12:43 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: Just give it up nobody is going to support Lettaucare except for the Illegals and the freeloaders who want it free at working tax payer's expense.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 6:47 AM
  • I think a review of history will reveal a pattern in which when an agenda is defeated politically, scandal is raised so the idea can be judged by unelected partisans in a legal arena. The end result is reduction of government by the people via elected representatives that are beholden to the voters yielding to more administrative rule. That part of the circle leads to departures from reining in federal expansion.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 10:26 AM
  • *

    The Socialist Democratic party believes that the news media is todays court system and they hold court 24/7/365 especially when there is anything anti-President Trump. Spin, twist, and Obstruct are their agenda.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 11:44 AM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    Medicare expansion is the "complete socialism of America?" Right.

    What hasn't changed is Mr. VanGennip's nonexistent grasp of and connection to reality.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 12:43 AM

    Mister Lettau, that is not what I said, you appear to be the one with a problem with grasping reality.

    This is what I said....

    "It's a comfort to see nothing has changed. The SOSD is still working towards his goal of the eventual total socialization of American."

    Any mandated program is socialistic and just one more step toward total socialism and eventual financial ruin and collapse. We have seen a prime example in our lifetime. Can you spell Venezuela?

    You cannot deny the push toward total socialization has drastically increased since the midterm elections. Just look at the current crop of Socialist Democrats running for President.

    When it comes to Trump. You Socialist Democrats have lost twice now, and headed toward making it a trio.

    1. The 2016 Election

    2. The close of the Mueller Witch Hunt.

    3. The upcoming Loss in the House of Representatives Witch Hunt

    And a real possibility of some indictment's of those who conspired in the Spying on the Trump Campaign.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 11:58 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip

    "...working towards his goal of the eventual total socialization of American."

    How is it my "goal?" I have never expressed any opinion of the sort. With respect to "socialism" of medicine, I have frequently reminded you that the only true examples of "socialized medicine" in the United States are the DOD and the VA. Your apparent belief that Medicare is also "socialized medicine" is where you depart from reality.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 12:43 PM
  • How is Medicare for all supposed to be self sustaining when Biden calls 11-22million(heck of a wide estimate)illegal immigrants "American citizens" and it's our obligation to provide medical care for them? Socialism or not the math doesn't work.

    Mr Lettau is gonna have a hard time between a rock and a tight spot come 2020. Biden is bending over to please the progressives in that Prius clown car full of socialists but they will take him down. Too much misogyny,old racist ideals and underhanded political old white man shenanigans in his past. So what's left? Avowed Democrat/Socialists and it's a good bet Mr Lettau will choose anyone of them.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 2:30 PM
  • *

    "I have frequently reminded you that the only true examples of "socialized medicine" in the United States are the DOD and the VA."

    Mister Lettau,

    And that CF is exactly where our health care will eventually end up if left to you Socialist Demorats.

    You take one bite at a time and eventually that is where you end up.

    I do not trust you, I do not trust your Socialistic Democrat Party and I do not trust the government as it is evolving. 

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 4:09 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 2:30 PM

    Rock, it blows my mind how in such a short time, the Democrat Party has fallen in lock step behind their new Piped (might as well say pie eyed) Piper, AOC.

    Saw this some where, maybe on here or maybe you said it.

    MAGA now stands for 'Make Alexandria Go Away!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 4:18 PM
  • *

    Rumors are that Donald Trump will rename Gitmo "Comey Island" and will use it to house the dirty cops, intel agents and co-conspirators who used lies to illegally SPY on a President. Conspiracy, Cover-up, and attempted Coup. Katie, BARR THE DOOR! - Gov. Mike Huckabee

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 8:11 PM
  • *

    Here's what the Socialist Democrats have turned into - Radical bunch of misfits.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 10, 2019, at 9:59 PM
  • *

    Thanks Socialist Democrats for brain washing our youth with your anti-Christian agenda. Americans wake up and let God back into the USA.


    Sorry Google god, you are the wrong god.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 11, 2019, at 8:18 AM
  • *

    The Google god stuck again and deleted one of my comments from yesterday - at least it was up for a couple of hours before deleting. So much for Freedom of Speech....don't believe being Civil is part of the First Amendment.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 11, 2019, at 8:23 AM
  • Saw where the house wants to take "so help me God" from the oath of office.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, May 11, 2019, at 1:59 PM
  • *

    OJ: The Socialist Democrats have had their souls eaten by the likes of Obama and Hillary.

    Go ahead and delete it you soulless Google god.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 11, 2019, at 4:26 PM
  • The fixes are already in the henhouse and the chickens are too(community guidelines apparently have a problem calling congressmen what they are as in a word that starts with an S,ends with D describing a total lack of knowledge)to realize what's happened. Not happening or about to happen but has already happened.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, May 11, 2019, at 9:19 PM
  • Interesting how the hens are coming to roost with new information regarding Obama and 1MDA and how all that foreign money endorsed by the Moolahs got him elected in 2012.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, May 11, 2019, at 11:52 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, May 11, 2019, at 11:52 PM

    Richard, a Nobody from Nowhere, that has never held a real job or done anything noteworthy, does not make President of the United States unless he and the position are bought and paid for. And he become a multi millionaire in the process. Something stinks in the process.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 12:05 AM
  • D.C. and surrounding area is full of people that never held a job in the private sector and it is the highest paid place in the country. They may not all work directly for government but take their profits from government. Drain the swamp!

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 12:32 AM
  • Just noticed a spelling faux pas. "Fixes" instead of intended "foxes". Can't edit it now but maybe it's more appropriate as the "fix" is in with the progressive/regressives.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 8:19 AM
  • Mr. Vangennip,

    "And he become a multi millionaire in the process."

    What stinks? Guess you're unaware that the President's salary and allowances over 8 years brings in about $4.5 million, less about $1.2 million in taxes, still makes him a multi-millionaire. What's your complaint.

    The "stink" is what emanates from Washington DC today.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 10:50 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "...the highest paid place in the country."

    That may well be, but it's lobbyists that are the true money-driven swamp creatures.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 10:56 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 10:50 AM

    Mr. Lettau: Wow, Obama received his salary and allowances and didn't spend a dime - now that's a money saving fool!

    8x450,000=3,600,000 gross salary with allowance for 8 yrs.

    3.600,000x.33 (tax bracket?)=1,188,000

    3,600,000-1,188,000=2,412,000 net after taxes

    2,412,000/8=301,500 per year extra - now do you think Mrs. Obama and family could live only on that amount per year....her makeup would eat that up. Don't forget his house payments in Chicago, clothes purchases (normal not for State dinners), family vacations (personal not junkets), savings for kids college, personal expenses - cell phones, toys, family night outs, charity contributions to name a few. Lastly paying off the State of Hawaii for a forged birth certificate, hush money to his college to keep his foreign student application secret, and the government of Kenya to keep quiet about his birthplace.....yeah that 301,000 would nowhere be enough per year.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 1:03 PM
  • *

    What's your complaint.

    The "stink" is what emanates from Washington DC today.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 10:50 AM

    Mister Lettau,

    The following is my complaint. Two nobodies from nowhere become rich off becoming President of the United States, the President and Presidency bought and paid for by George Soros and other crooked financiers.

    And you eat this crap up while licking his boots.

    Are you really dumb enough to believe what you posted was his net worth? If so it is no wonder he is your God.

    Yes indeed the stink comes from Washigton DC. That is where he took up residence.

    "NYPost Jan 2019: In addition to a $65 million book advance and an estimated $50 million deal with Netflix, both of which she shares with husband Barack Obama, the former first lady is poised to rake in millions from appearances on her 10-city US tour and sales of merchandise connected to her autobiography. They are now worth more than $135 million. Barack Obama currently rakes in $400,000 per speech, and earned at least $1.2 million for three talks to Wall Street firms in 2017. The fees come on top of his $207,800 annual presidential pension, which he began receiving as soon as he left office. Businessinsider estimates the net worth around $40 million"

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 12:15 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...believe what you posted was his net worth?"

    His "net worth" was not the issue. Remember what you posted...

    "And he become a multi millionaire in the process."

    All I did was explain that his salary and benefits alone made him a "multi-millionaire." Why does that bother you?

    He gets paid for speeches and you don't, so what? Sounds like "wealth envy" on your part. It would be best if you got over it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 7:29 AM
  • *

    Yeah that 301,000 would nowhere be enough per year.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 1:03 PM

    Mr. Lettau: What no comment - the truth hurts doesn't it Mr. Lettau.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 7:45 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 7:29 AM

    Mister Lettau, I have no envy of those who earn their wealth by the sweat of their brow, only admiration. I have nothing but contempt for those who will sell their soul for it. Barrack Hussein Obama is one of the latter. Nothing there, just an empty shell.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 8:19 AM
  • *

    "All I did was explain that his salary and benefits alone made him a "multi-millionaire." Why does that bother you?"

    Mister Lettau, a dumb statement to say the least. Total salary has nothing to do with wealth. If you are paid 5 million a year and you spend 6 million, you are not likely to become a multi millionaire if that behaviour continues. On the contrary if you did not start with wealth you will have a growing negative net worth.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 8:50 AM
  • *

    Sit Down starts Wednesday through next Friday with the People , IHS , and the Trump Administration regarding the Sioux Treaty of 1868 . Curious that , my guess is he wants to grab more Land from the Black Hills --"pa'ha Sa-pa" . Dunno what else it could be . I look forward to the Sit Down because he and/or the USA Government will not get 1 foot as others have tried before .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 6, 2019, at 1:21 PM

    Rick: Any updates?

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 9:03 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...paid 5 million a year and you spend 6 million, you are not likely to become a multi millionaire..."

    What does that have to do with the former President Obama?

    Are you sure you're not talking about our current President and his loss of billions? What was it $1.17 billion in less than 10 years?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 9:11 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 9:11 AM

    That post had nothing to do with any specific President or person. It strictly demonstrated your lack of logic or understanding, or both, of how wealth is measured. Sorry Mister Lettau your attempt to obfuscate fails again.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 10:37 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    No lack of logic, no obfuscation. Just explained why you were confused. You're welcome.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 11:53 AM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    No lack of logic, no obfuscation. Just explained why you were confused. You're welcome.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 11:53 AM

    Keep digging Mister Lettau, if you cannot dazzle them with your brilliance try baffling them with your BS.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 12:10 PM
  • *

    The Google god has struck again - this time I guess for saying that the Socialist Democrats BS is similar to the cow's passing gas.

    Welcome to 1984 and the thought police.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 2:58 PM
  • *

    IMO, the Google god must be a Socialist Democrat.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 2:59 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Is that all you've got? Sad.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 5:13 PM
  • *

    Goodbye Sleepy Joe Biden....time to go to the forest and take your daily walks. AG Barr investigate investigate investigate the Biden/Ukraine scandal. Trump 2020


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 5:24 PM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    Is that all you've got? Sad.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 5:13 PM

    No, not by a long shot Little Man.

    What I said about your lack of logic or understanding, or both, of how financial wealth is measured, still stands.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 6:54 PM
  • As soon as the petty, childish slurs start. Mr. V has lost, again.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 7:35 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 7:35 PM

    "What stinks? Guess you're unaware that the President's salary and allowances over 8 years brings in about $4.5 million, less about $1.2 million in taxes, still makes him a multi-millionaire."

    Mister Lettau, the President makes $400,000 per year in salary. Plus an expense allowance. which does not add to his income. So he is paid 3,200,000 over 8 years. That does not a multi millionaire make of him on face value as you state. What he has left at the end of his period in office would be what constitutes if he is or is not a multi-millionaire based on salary only. The expense acccount is assumed to be spent on him performing his duties.

    Sorry you did not know that. Hope that bolsters your education on the subject and it does not cost the taxpayer one cent, unlike the 95% taxpayer funded college education you have been receiving.

    You're welcome.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 10:51 PM
  • *

    Wheels: You must have been gone when I posted this reply to Mr. Lettau, so I'll repost it here. BTW, I added the allowance to the wages because I felt like Obama deserve it for all of his hard work in destroying America.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 10:50 AM

    Mr. Lettau: Wow, Obama received his salary and allowances and didn't spend a dime - now that's a money saving fool!

    8x450,000=3,600,000 gross salary with allowance for 8 yrs.

    3.600,000x.33 (tax bracket?)=1,188,000

    3,600,000-1,188,000=2,412,000 net after taxes

    2,412,000/8=301,500 per year extra - now do you think Mrs. Obama and family could live only on that amount per year....her makeup would eat that up. Don't forget his house payments in Chicago, clothes purchases (normal not for State dinners), family vacations (personal not junkets), savings for kids college, personal expenses - cell phones, toys, family night outs, charity contributions to name a few. Lastly paying off the State of Hawaii for a forged birth certificate, hush money to his college to keep his foreign student application secret, and the government of Kenya to keep quiet about his birthplace.....yeah that 301,000 would nowhere be enough per year.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sun, May 12, 2019, at 1:03 PM

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 7:20 AM
  • *

    This is a public service announcement:

    During the Ramadan season May 6 to June 3, 2019, take your Muslim friend to a BBQ place and buy them a pork sandwich.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 8:30 AM
  • *

    - Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 7:20 AM

    Sounds pretty accurate to me.

    Just trying to get Uly to understand salary does not equal net worth. Wonder if the Missourian would consider allowing us to draw pictures for Uly's benefit?.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 8:31 AM
  • *

    Wheels: I could get my 9 year old grandson to do the drawing.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 9:21 AM
  • Wonder if there's a pending alliance between Schaefer's fantasy world and the VanGennip fantasy world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 11:30 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 11:30 AM

    Mr. Lettau: You are so funny, must be from watching the Late Night Liberal Socialist Democratic talk shows. LOL at you as always.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 1:05 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 1:05 PM


    Was just trying to help poor old Uly.

    He though that years of salary added up makes one a millonaire.

    He obviously doesn't understand that given a few years all people earning a wage would become millionaires in a few years if that were the case. He thinks net worth has nothing to do with the process.

    Guess the piece of paper they issued to him after sitting in classes all these years, didn't have words like finance, economics or anything similar printed on it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 6:28 PM
  • *


    Are you a mushroom hunter and expert on varieties.

    I found one this afternoon at the base of a tree, and not sure of what it is. I would guess it weighs between 2 & 3 lbs. I think it is one they call Hen of the Woods, but not sure. Daughter has a friend who's husband is an expert on these. She is taking it to him for an opinion before we try to eat it. Found another similar to this but it was a fall mushroom a couple of years ago. It was deemed edible and I guess the expert was correct. It didn't kill us.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 6:41 PM
  • *

    Wheels: The only mushrooms for me is from the grocery store. Girlfriend gets the big ones, rolls them in flour with an egg, then fry them....yum yum about like eating a good choice of meat. Always wondered who back in the day thought eating them would be good....probably the same person who thought a chicken egg would be also good to eat. Now I getting hungry back later.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 6:59 PM
  • *

    Wonder if there's a pending alliance between Schaefer's fantasy world and the VanGennip fantasy world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 11:30 AM

    Mister Lettau, unlike you who swears his alliance to the corrupt Socialist Democrat Party. I think Mr. Schaefer and I share one common trait. That is we are both free thinkers and do not need to swear alliance to anything less important than our own thoughts and convictions.

    In other words, we both think for ourselves

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 11:43 PM
  • *

    In other words, we both think for ourselves

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 14, 2019, at 11:43 PM

    Wheels: Don't believe Mr. Lettau knows what free thinking is or he would join us and leave the Dark Side....he should join the millions of other Democrats and just walk away from the party.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 15, 2019, at 6:48 AM
  • As soon as the petty, childish slurs start. Mr. V has lost, again.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 7:35 PM

    Bwaaaahaa! Sorry to have missed that but great for a belly laugh on a rainy morning.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, May 15, 2019, at 9:01 AM
  • *


    Different but along the same line. Awhile back Semo471 suggested that they send a batch of those illegals crossing the border to live in Scopus and 4 or 5 could move in with Uly.

    Keep forgetting to tell Semo471, I think those good people of Scopus have suffered enough. They already had Mr. Ulrich Lettau move in on them.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 15, 2019, at 9:16 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Are you saying that Mr. Lettau is an Illegal transplanted to Scopus?

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 15, 2019, at 9:48 AM
  • *

    "Wheels: Are you saying that Mr. Lettau is an Illegal transplanted to Scopus?"

    Probably not, but then, I don't get to make the rules for Scopus.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 15, 2019, at 10:10 AM
  • *

    The Socialistic Demos are having a hissy fit due to Attorney General Barr appointing Durham to check out the FBI's illegal spying on the Trump campaign.

    Their biggest concern, Durham cannot be bought and will deliver the truth.

    I think some heads are going to roll before the dust settles on this mess.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 15, 2019, at 11:15 AM
  • *

    Surprise Surprise!! Durham has been hard at work for 2 weeks now - time to make those early morning raids of the Deep State, FBI, and CIA hoaxers.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 15, 2019, at 10:08 PM
  • *

    The Democrats running for {resident are one nuttier than the next.

    Beto had his haircut today and had it videoed and made public. Someone mentioned that at least it wasn't his colonoscopy.

    Don't be surprised if that isn't next weeks bit of insanity.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 15, 2019, at 11:46 PM
  • The Trump Administration wants to verify and determine the size of our Rez using new GPS Technology . After checking , re-checking , and checking one more time , this new GPS Technology reduces the area of the Rez by 1,000 acres .

    The raise of hands at the Sit Down was 100% no -- 600 acres included the Sacred Lands of the Devil's Tower .

    So , the Trump Administration asked what it would take to reduce their land grab to 500 acres instead of the original 1,000 . After 3 nights of sit downs , the raise of hands remained at 100% zero .

    Not one hand was raised in favor .

    This Administration wants minerals and material such as gold or oil and offered what they claimed was more then far . They must understand , the Sacred Lands are priceless , no amount of greed or negotiation will ever be enough , these have been the Sacred Lands since time began .

    This was all under the guise of new technology to define lines in the ground as to assure the Treaty of 1867 was correct . Pine Ridge is now the 10th Rez to be approached by this President and his Administration , matching the amount of Obama's Presidency requests . Government might attempt to reduce our Rez area , they will , never , ever , take our Sacred Lands as long as we can grab a breathe of air .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 18, 2019, at 8:06 AM
  • Prices at Wal-Mart will be going up due to China's own $300 billion tariffs , mostly electronics , in response to the USA's -- Trump -- tariffs . This will assist in taking more of the pittance , but great , temporary "tax break" given to non-Corporate Americans . When things cost more , take home pay is less .

    In addition , the Trump Administration is working on a $30 billion dollar farm aide to help the farmers who took a big hit due to Trump's tariffs . This is proof Trump's tariffs don't work , he's asking tax payers to refund revenue his own tariff gambit created . In what way is a $30 billion loss a gain to the USA People ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 18, 2019, at 8:52 AM
  • Using borrowed device to catch up, signing out to wait for my familiar full size screen with new hard drive.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 10:15 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 10:15 AM

    Good to hear from you. Was about to have your picture put on milk cartons. 😊

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 11:04 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 18, 2019, at 8:52 AM

    Rick, it is above my pay grade to know the answer to our international trading problems. But it appears to me we have been taking a beating on trade deficiencies for years. I remember hearing about trade imbalances 40 years ago, and talk was all that was ever done about it.

    At least Trump is doing something about it. Is he correct in what he is doing?? I guess time will tell. I do think it is time we start leveling the playing field so that the American workers can compete. Bailing people like GM out with taxpayer dollars only to have them take their new found pot of gold and spend it on factories in China.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 11:19 AM
  • *

    I for one am tired of buying made in China junk. Time to pay a little more for American made. Competition from similar products from different countries will keep the price increases from the China tariffs to a minimum.


    OJ: Did some mean ole Russian hacker tried to take over your computer?


    RICK: Welcome back from your SitDown. Was there any final decisions made or was the can kicked down the road.


    Now ole great Google god what is uncivil about my comment or is it just my log in name that has my comments flagged.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 1:03 PM
  • Wheels

    Whatever Trump does can be undone by the next President , good or bad . I believe I'll what to see the final outcome figures before deciding it was a win or a loss . Does anyone know the before and after figures ? I haven't seen any as yet .



    The can was not kicked down the road . Our answer was the same as it was to Obama . Should the next Administration come along and try again , they will get the same answer .


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 1:52 PM
  • *

    Rick, I would suggest that if you are getting exactly the same wants and demands from different administrations, you are dealing with a beaurocratic committee that doesn't change much from one administration to the next.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 4:44 PM
  • Rick S.,

    “Pine Ridge is now the 10th Rez to be approached by this President and his Administration, matching the amount of Obama's Presidency requests.”

    On the contrary, seems that the last two administrations had very different “requests”

    “In May, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke raised eyebrows at the National Tribal Energy Summit when he called for an "off-ramp" for taking native lands out of trust. "If tribes would have a choice of leaving Indian trust lands and becoming a corporation, tribes would take it," he said.

    “Zinke's comments bore a striking resemblance to the rationale used to justify Termination, an Eisenhower-era policy in which Indians were paid to dismantle their sovereign governments and relinquish their lands. Proponents of the policy argued that if Native Americans adopted the habits of "civilized life," they would need less land, which, conveniently, also would mean the expansion of the United States. Congress imposed the policy, House Concurrent Resolution 108, without consulting Indian Country.

    “The policy proved so catastrophic that President Nixon ended it in 1970 with a strong repudiation, telling Congress, "Forced termination is wrong." He went on to sign scores of legislative measures that restored the sovereignty of tribal nations. Every president since Nixon has embraced a policy of "self-determination without termination" — the idea that Native Americans are best equipped to govern themselves.

    “Trump is breaking with this position. He has even gone so far as to question the constitutionality of programs designed to assist tribes. In a signing statement that accompanied an appropriations bill he approved in May, Trump suggested that Native American housing block grants represent an unconstitutional privilege. This perverse reading of the relationship between the U.S. government and Indian Country flies in the face of the Constitution, including its Indian Commerce Clause, and two centuries of court rulings.

    “Tribal communities have grown stronger over the last eight years because of President Obama's deep commitment to nation-to-nation relationships, built on respect for the sovereignty of tribal governments. He worked to restore over half a million acres of tribal trust lands, established an annual White House Tribal Nations Conference and added a provision to the Violence Against Women Act that gives tribal courts the jurisdiction to try non-Indians for domestic abuse.

    “By steering the government toward Termination-era policies, Trump threatens the health and prosperity of Native Americans and drags us all backward. This approach has devastated Indian Country before. We cannot allow it to happen again.

    “The Democratic Party has learned from the terrible mistakes of the past. Our platform requires that we honor, fulfill and strengthen the federal government's trust responsibility to American Indians. We take this responsibility seriously. That means we will stand with Indian Country and resist Trump's disastrous policies.”


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 7:52 PM
  • *

    Rick, you need to take Lettau with you to the next Sit Down. He can explain it to the People in 25 words or less, actually 4 will do... Democrats Good - Republicans Bad!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 9:43 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 6:48 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 7:52 PM

    I haven't seen you at one Sit Down yet . Both major Political Parties want Land , our Land that was promised by the Treaty of 1867 .

    That word salad post defending one Party or saying one Party is so much better then the other is non-sense .

    There are no "Democrats" or "Republicans" on the Rez , there's People , just the Peoples .

    The next Sit Down , come on up and introduce yourself to the Peoples . See just how false your premise is for yourself .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 6:57 AM
  • Rick, I would suggest that if you are getting exactly the same wants and demands from different administrations, you are dealing with a beaurocratic committee that doesn't change much from one administration to the next.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 4:44 PM

    That's pretty much the Peoples believe in a nut shell , or the way I take it from the Sit Downs . Seems every Administration tries the same thing no matter the (D) or the (R) , reduce the size of the sovereign Lakota Rez .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 7:10 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "That's pretty much the Peoples believe in a nut shell..."

    Apparently not all of the peoples...

    David Archambault II (Lakota: Tokala Ohitika) is the former (2013-2017) tribal chairman of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota. He was instrumental in the Dakota Access Pipeline protests and continues to work to promote an understanding of the historical treaty rights and indigenous rights of Native American people.

    “Tribal leaders praised Mr. Obama and presented him with a ceremonial blanket with an eight-point red, white and blue star. “No other president comes close to the honesty and compassion he has shown for our tribal nations,” said David Archambault II, one of the leaders.”


    ----- ---- --- -- -

    You're always welcome to, and have a right to your own opinion, but that means acceding the right of others to have differing opinions on the same issue.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 7:45 AM
  • “Tribal leaders praised Mr. Obama and presented him with a ceremonial blanket with an eight-point red, white and blue star. “No other president comes close to the honesty and compassion he has shown for our tribal nations,” said David Archambault II, one of the leaders.”


    You are out of your mind if you believe the Peoples support and back the Democrat Party or any other Party .

    Obama was , and never was , adored , admired , or welcomed by the People .

    The bias Political Party websites mean nothing .

    Again , come on up to the next Sit Down and babble your non-sense . You will see the truth .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 7:58 AM
  • David Archambault II (Lakota: Tokala Ohitika) is the former (2013-2017) tribal chairman of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota.


    Who is David Archambault II ? Never heard the name and never seen anyone like that at any Sit Down . There is no Tribal "leader" , there are the Elders and the Peoples .

    Pine Ridge Rez is in South Dakota , not North Dakota . Every Rez is trying to be reduced in size , including 10 times by your Saint Obama and every other President .

    Do you insist you know more about the People then the People their self ? Is your faith so blind to any certain Party or Person ? Are you insisting Obama is the great savior of the Peoples ?

    You are obviously clueless .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 8:17 AM
  • *

    IMO, Mr. Lettau is like Senator Warren claiming to be something that he is not - authority on relations between the Red man and the White man.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 8:22 AM
  • Land was stolen from the Standing Rock People for the Dakota Access Pipeline during the Obama years . If Obama was the champion of the People he would have never let that pipeline get as far south as it did , this pipe line went through many of the Peoples Land to get that far south through the States .

    Trump finished the job after he was elected , the pipe line continues to go south through the Lands even now .

    Don't try to tell me how great Obama helped the People . This is a lie .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 8:39 AM
  • Senator Warren lies .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 8:40 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "You are obviously clueless."

    With all due respect, you approach to facts that you may disagree with is no different than that of President Trump.

    He calls facts he doesn't agree with, "fake news," you sound off against people that bring up facts you disagree with as being "clueless."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 8:57 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "...claiming to be something that he is not - authority on relations between the Red man and the White man."

    You may need to find where I've said anything of the sort (I mean in the real world, not in Schaefer's fantasy world.)

    How does providing a quote from David Archambault II, allow you say I claim to be an authority. Guess there's no such thing as fact checking in SFW.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 9:11 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: Maybe in your anti-Trump world anything said that fits your agenda is the gospel. You can grab all the links you want to repost from biased news media or any other anti-Trump folks doesn't mean it's so - use your own head think for yourself and take that foil hat off of your head.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 9:39 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    So you agree, that I did not make any such claims. Keep in mind that I think for myself in the real world, and I realize that independent thought is non-existent in SFW.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 9:44 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: Where did I agree with with you? You are as usual delusional in your thoughts.

    BTW, are you following our AG Barr comments and actions in the investigation of the hoaxers of the Trump/Russian collusion....lock up the treasonous conspiracists.

    Yes ole great Google god the comments are civil.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 9:55 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    Not sure if all the tweets get to the Schaefer fantasy world.

    Here's on you may have missed.

    "My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!"

    So says the person whose campaign staff and administration had hundreds of contacts with agents of an enemy nation, whose national security advisor pled guilty to lying about contacts with the ambassador of an enemy nation, and who personally held secret meetings with enemy government officials including the authoritarian dictators of Russia and North Korea.

    You sure want to revisit all of this "collusion" with an enemy of the United States? That's what treason is.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 10:31 AM
  • *

    I heard one of the Indian Nations gave Obama a title. It was Chief Walking Eagle. Based on, he was too full of it to fly.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 10:41 AM
  • *


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 7:52 PM

    Lettau, you do understand that was an opinion piece I hope.

    And we all know what opinions are like, because everybody has one.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 10:44 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: Did not the Democratic Mueller report prove that no one in the Trump campaign including Pres. Trump colluded with the Russians. If you would watch or read something other than CNN, MSNBC, or the NY Times you would have knowed this....guess it's that let others think for you thing.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 11:15 AM
  • *

    You sure want to revisit all of this "collusion" with an enemy of the United States? That's what treason is.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 10:31 AM

    You bet it needs revisiting. Trump underwent 22 months of his duly elected Presidency and came out without charges. 22 months that could better have been spent doing the work America elected him to do.

    Now let's see if Obama & Clinton can come out clean. What with Hillary and the DNC colluding with Russians & Spies then paying for the Dossier to be fictionally manufactured.

    Next the phony dossier was used to illegally obtain a FISA warrant to illegally spy on an American Citizen because he dared to run against Queen Hillary, didn't Trump know it was her turn to be President.

    Mr Barr will be a formidable force in getting to the bottom of this mess and worrisome to you and the DNC, because you cannot buy him.


    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 11:31 AM
  • *

    Wheels: AG Barr told Chairman Nadler what he could do with his contempt charge - investigate investigate investigate the hoaxers. Plenty of room at Gitmo for them all.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 12:08 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 8:57 AM

    I was wrong , you are more then clueless , you not know what you speak . Your "facts" are pure bias to a politician and President .

    A bias website is not "facts" , it's a desperate attempt at "facts" which you have no idea . None .

    Again , I invite you to the next Sit Down , share your "facts" with the People . See for yourself how far away from reality you really are .

    Ay-hee'-ton-zhah ..Koh-ah'-koo-pay !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 2:37 PM
  • Accusing me of parroting Trump and his useless propaganda proves how inane your "facts" are . You take your distain for Trump out on me .


    Here's one of your "facts" :

    "If you like your insure you can keep it . Period."

    zha' pe'he !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 2:52 PM
  • Did I not post this Sit Down was with the current Trump Administration regarding stealing Land ? Yet you accuse me of being pro-Trump .

    This is about as clueless as it gets .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 2:58 PM
  • Rick L.

    I didn't vote Trump . Did you ?

    I didn't vote Obama . Did you ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 3:10 PM
  • Ford announced today it will be cutting 7,000 jobs .

    Last year GM cut 8,000 jobs .

    "Jobs.Jobs.Jobs." !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 4:12 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 5:55 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 4:12 PM

    Rick: Those were world wide White Collar jobs with some in the USA that took early retirement. Per various news reports the auto industry in the USA has added thousands of Blue Collar jobs in the last 2 years.

    Now hiring signs in Sikeston Industrial Park as well as in the Cape Industrial Park. Also, in all kinds of service jobs. USA unemployment numbers are the lowest its been in all categories for many many years.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 8:08 AM
  • Rick S.,

    Here are some answers for you…

    “Who is David Archambault II?”

    David Archambault II (Lakota: Tokala Ohitika) is the former (2013-2017) tribal chairman of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Do you insist you know more about the People then the People their self?

    No. I have not said anything of the sort.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Is your faith so blind to any certain Party or Person?”

    No. I have no reason to be so.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Are you insisting Obama is the great savior of the Peoples?”

    No. I have merely included direct quotes from individuals that think differently than you do. Such as David Archambault II and …

    “… back in 2012 – Cherokee Nation Chief Bill John Baker called President Obama the “best president ever for American Indians.”

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “…you are more then clueless, you not know what you speak. Your "facts" are pure bias to a politician and President.”

    That’s your opinion, and as always it’s your right to believe anything you like. That’s your business and doesn’t bother me at all, whatever opinion you choose.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “You take your distain for Trump out on me.”

    I’ve not said or implied anything like that. What I pointed out was your similarity in attitude and approach. If there are things said that Trump doesn’t like he calls them liars and “it’s fake news.” You say “clueless.” There’s little difference.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    "If you like your insure you can keep it . Period."

    I did.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Yet you accuse me of being pro-Trump.”

    No, I did not. It’s your call.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “I didn't vote Trump. Did you?”

    No. He was clearly the worst of all choices available.

    “I didn't vote Obama. Did you?”

    Yes. He was clearly the best of all choices available.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 9:59 AM
  • *

    back in 2012 – Cherokee Nation Chief Bill John Baker called President Obama the “best president ever for American Indians.

    Mr.Lettau: You failed to mention that Mr. Baker is a life long Democrat and his mother had been a delegate at the DNC convention from the state of Oklahoma - could he be biased in his approval of King Obama. LOL at you as always.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 10:47 AM
  • semo

    No matter the color of the collar , a job is a job .

    From my experience working in Corporate , cut backs start at the top then start to trickle down . Those white collar job cuts over seas will not be filled in the USA , cuts are cuts . The majority of Ford's white collar jobs are in Detroit , Mich. and not over seas .

    If cuts are being made to save money , just exactly where is the 17% tax cut for investments going ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 12:20 PM
  • “I didn't vote Trump. Did you?”

    No. He was clearly the worst of all choices available.


    No , that would be Hillary Clinton .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 1:32 PM
  • What happens when the winds of the Arab Spring and Syria begin to blow across the Americas . The dark clouds appear on the horizon , a thunder in a distance , this Nation is split in half and divided by political ideology . It is no longer as one .

    South and Central Americas already flee north in record numbers , how many are dissidents not only to their Nation but to the USA as well .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 1:37 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 1:39 PM
  • *

    Lettau, responds as you would expect. His God is Obama and the Socialist Democrat Party. Obama can do no wrong.

    Sure he kept his Medicare Insurance. What are your choices at age 65 and over?. That Program stayed basically intact with your Supplemental through Private Carriers increasing in cost and them trying to switch you to Medicare Complete. Part B of Medicare continues to rise in cost.

    Lettau has sold his Soul to the Socialist Democratic BS.

    Big problem, the Republican Party continues to drift in that direction. Would only be natural I assume as they have to try to match the Leftists in vote buying or not be elected.

    As I see it the uneducated voter who is too lazy to check the lies out and are gullible enough to believe the government can be all things to all people is going to awake one day to a sad realization that they have been lied to.. If people do not wake up and start thinking, we eventually will become the North American Venezuela.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 1:43 PM
  • Rick S.,

    You may say, "I have no time to explain the ignorance..." but there are clearly more issues, and as always you're entitled to your opinion which is, as always "right."

    It is, however, more than a bit interesting how you can be so correct about disdaining Trump and so incorrect about Obama, but, once again, it's only your opinion, so there's no harm done.

    As I'm not in need of your help, I guess that it's a good thing that you can't hear me,

    Thanks anyway.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 1:50 PM
  • VanGennip,

    I took the liberty of correcting one of your sentences.

    As I see it the uneducated voter who is too lazy to check [President Trump's] lies out, and [is] gullible enough to believe [our President] can be all things to all people is going to awake one day to a sad realization that they have been lied to."

    It was easy, because you only got a couple of things wrong. (Smiley face!)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 1:59 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 4:55 PM
  • wheels

    Trying to communicate with an Obamberal is equal to trying to push a wet noodle through a hole .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 5:02 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 5:26 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 1:59 PM

    Lettau, changing people's words to indicate something they did not write or speak is not uncommon for a phony like yourself.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 6:15 PM
  • *

    We are hunkered down on a tornado watch. One on the ground not 20 miles away.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 6:16 PM
  • VanGennip,

    "...changing people's words to indicate something they did not write..."

    Did you not notice that I clearly explained that I was making essential corrections to the sentence so it made sense.

    You should be thanking me.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:13 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "Just my opinions??"

    Exactly. What else would you consider it to be? Certainly not anything factual about some of your rants.

    Is "noodles" the best thing you c an come up with?

    Just let it go. As I said above your opinions about President Obama (whose last approval rating was 63%) don't concern me in the least.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:29 PM
  • *

    You should be thanking me.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:13 PM

    Thanking you for trying to put words in my mouth, I hardly think so. Anytime I need help forming a sentence from a self ordained know it all like you will be a cold day in hell.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:49 PM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: That's 63% of Illegals, Freeloaders, and Non-Straight people.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:52 PM
  • *

    Obama, first President to put a man in a women's restroom - what a legacy....size him and Hillary up for that orange jumpsuit along with the other hoaxers of the Trump/Russian collusion which actually was the Obama/Hillary/DNC/Russian collusion.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:55 PM
  • *

    Wheels, keep your head down up there....ours is on the way.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:56 PM
  • *

    Just let it go. As I said above your opinions about President Obama (whose last approval rating was 63%) don't concern me in the least.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:29 PM

    So what, George Bush's highest rating was 90%. Kinda makes Obama's 63%, if even true, look puny doesn't it Uly?

    "Historical comparison

    Order President Highest approval

    45 Trump 46 (04/30/19)

    44 Obama 69 (01/24/09)

    43 G. W. Bush 90 (9/21/01)

    42 Clinton 73 (12/19/98)

    10 more rows

    United States presidential approval rating - Wikipedia


    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 8:01 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 7:56 PM

    Ours has passed over for now. We got a little hard wind and brief rain and poof it was gone. Hope nobody got hit hard, they taled about the south end of the county having some damage but how much??

    Good luck to SEMO, hope you do not suffer any real damage.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 8:04 PM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau, you guys safe there - heard that Scopus had some bad weather.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 21, 2019, at 9:13 PM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    Some strong wind, some rain, no damage at all.


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 6:38 AM
  • "Just my opinions??"

    Exactly. What else would you consider it to be? Certainly not anything factual about some of your rants.


    Which statement in my post was not true .

    PPACA is Federal Law is not true ? This is just an opinion ?

    Trump is trying to mandate Free Enterprise with selective tariffs is not fact ?

    Look , I don't polish anybody's apple , doesn't matter if it's Trump , Obama , the (D) , the (R) or whatever . My arrow flies true . Prove to me which one is false and why .

    You don't like my Free Speech , don't read it . Sometimes the truth hurts worse then a Civil War amputation .

    Here is an opinion , the 2020 election between Biden and Trump is the worse choice of candidates since 1968 -- nags at the Kentucky Derby -- now that's an opinion .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 6:54 AM
  • Here's a rant for you .

    Some Polls have Biden ahead , some Polls have Trump ahead . It all depends on which anus of a Poll a person choses to wipe . In the year 2020 People will vote to block the opposition instead of looking at issues objectively and a person who will unite all of the Peoples .

    A vote for the letters of the alphabet , D and R . A vote for the lesser of 2 evils when there shouldn't even be any evils to begin with .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 7:09 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 7:11 AM
  • Here's a rant for you .

    Obama was the first cow pile in the yard , now the entire yard is covered with cow piles . People get immune to the stench and walk right on through the yard without wiping their feet before going inside .

    Money is the only way to punish foreign Nations ? Who has the money , the People at 20th and Branch in North St.Louis or the People living in mansions in Clayton . America punishes itself with outrageous and totally unfair tax cuts .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 7:24 AM
  • Rick S.,

    Please rave on to your heart's content. It's less relevant each time.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 7:33 AM
  • As is yours .

    I don't need your permission , it means nothing at all , I'll post what I want when I want .

    You can't stand the heat , get out of the kitchen .

    You haven't told me which statement wasn't the truth on Obama and Trump yet . I knew you couldn't , I expected no less .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 7:47 AM
  • As if your rants are relevant -- who do you think you are ??

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 7:48 AM
  • PPACA is a Federal Law , yes or no .

    Trump has placed tariffs on selective Nations , yes or no .

    Which is not truth but only an opinion .

    ..I'll wait .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 7:58 AM
  • ...still waiting

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 8:55 AM
  • "PPACA is a Federal Law , yes or no."

    No, the ACA as passed originally no longer exists. The Trump ACA is law.

    Trump has placed tariffs on selective Nations, yes or no.


    And I don't mind expressing on my opinions, but I don't pass them off as fact.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 9:03 AM
  • *

    And I don't mind expressing on my opinions, but I don't pass them off as fact.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 9:03 AM

    Mr. Lettau: As long as the Google god approves yours and other's comments as being civil. Lord knows that some are so tender hearted that they will be depressed and never be the same after reading uncivil comments.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 9:31 AM
  • *

    "PPACA is a Federal Law , yes or no."

    No, the ACA as passed originally no longer exists. The Trump ACA is law.

    Nice try Uly, but all Trump did was get rid of the mandatory purchase of a commodity, which should have been established as illegal to begin with.

    As much as the Democrats would like to deny any connection with that piece of defication known as Obamacare, it is still yours, lock, stock and barrell. The Democrats bullied it through with bribes and theats and they will always own it!

    Nice try though but it won't hold water.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 11:39 AM
  • The PPACA is indeed a Federal Law no matter who the President is and will be until the Supreme Court rules differently . I pass off nothing , again , you prove your head is block solid Obamberal .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 1:51 PM
  • Rick S.,

    You seem to be lifting a page from V.

    Perhaps you're ignoring one of you favorite complaints, the "commerce" is no longer "mandated."

    As I said above the ACA as passed by Congress no longer exists.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:15 PM
  • *

    As I said above the ACA as passed by Congress no longer exists.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:15 PM

    As hard as you try Lettau....

    That dog won't hunt!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:27 PM
  • VanGennip,

    If the Trump ACA is so terrible and without a mandate, why 8.5 million choose it?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:36 PM
  • *

    If the Trump ACA is so terrible and without a mandate, why 8.5 million choose it?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:36 PM

    Because we are susidizing it as much as 100%. That answer your question?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:49 PM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: The reason there are 8.5 million (I'll take your word for the number) is most are either getting it free or heavily subsidized by the American taxpayers.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:55 PM
  • *

    And it is NOT the Trump ACA, as much as you Socialist Democrats would like to make it so. Some of us still remember the threats and bribes given to reluctant Democrats, that were still Democrats. Do you suppose Nancy Pelosi has found what is in it by now?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:56 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Great minds think alike.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 2:57 PM
  • *

    Semo471, At least we still have a mind and can think for ourselves instead of having some Socialist/Communist party doing our thinking for us.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 3:03 PM
  • VanGennip,

    So how much is being subsidized?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 3:36 PM
  • VanGennip,

    So how much is being subsidized?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 3:36 PM
  • *

    Lettau, based on the 10.6 million enrolled in 2018 with 87% of them being subsidized, I would say the 8.5 million enrollment number would be most of the 87%, making it close to all of them. With a little over 9.2 million being subsidized in 2018 how many of 2019's 8.4 or 8.5 million do you want to estimate are subsidized?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 4:36 PM
  • *

    Lettau, to clarify, it appears that the only reason most people are taking Obamacare is they get subsidized or they were arm twisted into buying insurance if or not they wanted it

    I do not believe in a free country we should be coerced into buying a product because the government mandates it. And mandating how people are to live is exactly where you Socialist Democrats are coming from. God help this country if the current set of mindless, brainwashed subjects of Communism in the Democratic Party ever get control of all three branches of government again.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 4:44 PM
  • *

    The Liberal Socialist Democrats are just trying to twist and spin anything in order to shift the focus from AG Barr's investigation of the Trump/Russian collusion hoaxers who if indicted and convicted are bound to spend a long long time at Gitmo.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 5:57 PM
  • Not all Democrats are Socialist . It's just not possible . The buzz word term "Socialist/Democrats" was coined by Trump ..for votes .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 6:03 PM
  • *

    The buzz word term "Socialist/Democrats" was coined by Trump ..for votes .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 6:03 PM

    Rick, I don't believe Trump had to coin that term. AOC and now his name escapes me but the Old Fool Hillary cheated out of the Democratic nomination in 2016 have both declared themselves as Socialist Democrats. I just call them as I see them and I don't care who calls who what. All one has to do is look at this 20 something crop of clones that are trying to out Socialist one another as they vie for the Democratic Nomination to run for President in 2020

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 6:23 PM
  • *

    Rick: The term Socialist Democrats was coined by themselves to push their Socialist agenda - everything free from the party of the Illegals and Freeloaders on the backs of the working taxpayers.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 7:11 PM
  • *

    Rick & Semo471

    So far as Democrats that are not Socialists, I believe there are some. But they are definitely quite. They better grow some gnads and do something about it, they are totally losing their identity.

    Another thing they might think about, if you are going to sleep with dogs you are likely to get fleas.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, May 22, 2019, at 8:15 PM
  • I claim Trump as coining the term "Socialist/Democrats" because he repeats it over and over and over with every opportunity he gets . I truly , honestly , believe there are Socialist/Republicans too , just a few , but they are around .

    Socialism is equal to a deadly disease that is very , very , hard to cure , it can spread quickly to anyone . Very ironic , history has proven Socialism does not work , it makes no sense to go down that road , a very dangerous propaganda to all Free Americans .

    IMO , the PPACA is a perfect example of Socialism and it's deadly effect has already spread across the Great Lands with no end in sight , it's accepted without question . Only the ignorant do not learn from the past .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 7:20 AM
  • To use my guaranteed 1st Amendent Right of Free Speech , or what those who feel I don't have that Right as "rants" :

    The USA political arena is a knot which can not be un-tied , it is useless and out of control . The current concept is "don't look at me , look at them !" . No one is held responsible for their actions anymore . All during the Hillary e-mail investigation it was termed "witch hunt!" when in the end she admitted she erased Classified Government Documents only to go free by a President who claimed "she used poor judgement" . Now the current President says "witch hunt" at every news coverage or tweet . He doesn't feel Freedom of the Press is a Guaranteed Right , only his is on twitter . Again . "don't look at me , look at them!" concept . The Federal Police , or FBI , still does what it does , no swamp has been drained there . The Cia still does what it does , no draining there either .

    Hillary used a non-issued Government e-mail and/or phone . No punishment for these actions . None . Now the current President uses a non-issued Government twitter Account . No punishment for these actions . None . There is not one iota of difference between these 2 actions .

    Until the Free Americans of the USA demand their Freedom from Government control , they will never be Free .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 7:34 AM
  • A President or any other politician work for the People , the People do not work for them . They have absolutely no Right to control Free People or the Free People's Rights or personal lives .

    When the very same Free People keep electing them only due to 2 letters of the alphabet , D and R , the Free People will never , ever , be truly Free .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 7:39 AM
  • Washington , DC is a rat's nest .

    Washington , DC should work for the Free People and not try to control the Free People .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 7:55 AM
  • *

    Now the current President uses a non-issued Government twitter Account.

    Rick: The Twitter account doesn't hold any classified info - only his tweets which are not top secret but informational to the public.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 8:34 AM
  • Fact is , Twitter can be hacked and is not a secure website . Anybody or anything can be said using this account . This is dangerous on so many levels , when will classified info be made public through Twitter under the guise as being Trump . It should not be used as the only source of the truth instead of a Free Press .

    Non-issued Government e-mail or social media is the very same thing , there is no difference at all .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 8:58 AM
  • btw...an Act of a President is not Federal Law , Congress writes Federal Laws , not just one person .

    Saying the PPACA is no longer a Federal Law because of the "Trump Act" is total ignorance of how a Three Leg check and balance Government is suppose to work .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 9:01 AM
  • Rick S.,

    You seem to be lifting a page from V.


    Who the "F" is V ?

    I'm a Free man and think for myself , the Government can not and will not try to control my Free thoughts and Speech .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 9:03 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 10:14 AM
  • *


    You can't pay to much attention to Lettau. He shows up, makes a few wild claims and when given some facts that don't fit well with his narrative he gets "busy" with something else.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 10:42 AM
  • wheels

    I'll let him have his Right to Free Speech just as all have their Rights until he accuses me of "ranting" ...then it's on , straight up on .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 10:48 AM
  • We live in a Society where folks use $800 dollar cell phones to check their Food Stamp balance..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 10:58 AM
  • *


    Nancy Pelosi needs to keep her oversized mouth closed and do what House Members are charged with doing.

    Trump has been cleared of Collusion which is what they were investigating him for. Now the Socialist Democrats want to go on another witch hunt. He has to be guilty of something, how else could he have kicked Queen Hillary's behind. She was a shoo in.... well at least they thought so until the common sense voters said NO!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 1:19 PM
  • *

    Looks like those connected to the Deep State are turning upon one another....this is getting interesting.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 5:08 PM
  • Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 10:58 AM

    All the while ads on TV are touting people deserve more free Medicare stuff.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, May 23, 2019, at 9:51 PM
  • Thank you to all the Vets for your selflessness and sacrifices to serve our Nation and Peoples .



    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 6:31 AM
  • These are the dog tags of every American life lost in

    Vietnam :



    All for People in the year 2019 to scream accusations at each other over today's political ideology mess .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:03 AM
  • VanGennip,

    "So how much is being subsidized?"

    As is often the case, when V can't answer, he hides behind something not asked. As in...

    "...the 8.5 million enrollment number would be most of the 87%, making it close to all of them."

    President Trump could give each enrollee $1, and 100% would be subsidized.

    So back to the question, how much is being subsidized?

    Since you likely can't or won't answer it averages about $400 per month, compared to monthly average health care expenditures of up to $2000 per month. That anyone can find whatever figures they like on the internet makes them less meaningful.

    In any case, the subsidy is not that much.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:13 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "...people deserve more free Medicare stuff."

    What part of Medicare is "free?"

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:14 AM
  • Cool , pay for my part since it's just a couple of pennies .

    Some of y'all sure like to control and spend my money .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:19 AM
  • What part of Medicare is "free?"

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:14 AM

    The part where People who don't work and pay taxes but use the benefits . They don't add to the pot , only take out .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:21 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:30 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: You can certainly pull numbers out of thin air without any links. I also seen where Illegals are getting free healthcare and lodging- doesn't that make you upset where your tax money is going. Don't give me any of that compassionate stuff when you and others in your party kill babies everyday via Abortions.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:53 AM
  • America's immigrant mixfusions :

    1.) Every immigrant who crosses the border gets a medical check up . Who pays for this ? How about stop sending Foreign Aide to those Nations from which the immigrants flee and use it on these medical , board , and food for immigrants .

    2.) There is a National outrage over 6 immigrant children who have died in American detention centers . The last 2 were from the flu and a heart condition . Did America cause these ailments ? Why do immigrants continue to flee to America if America causes them deathly ailments . There are no guarantees to those who trek 1,000's of miles , personal risks are taken every mile not just at the destination .

    3.) Stop the implosion of America over People who sneak over the border -- send them back to where they came . The cost can be no higher then free medical care , board , and food .

    Let common sense come before rage .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 8:21 AM
  • Those who survive and live off Medicare benefits without adding one penny to the pot need to stand up on their hind legs and do something about it like proud Americans have done for generations .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 8:47 AM
  • Send the American People who survive and live off Medicare and other Government Entitlements without paying a dime to the southern border and work in USA Detention Centers .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 9:06 AM
  • *


    "So how much is being subsidized?"

    As is often the case, when V can't answer, he hides behind something not asked. As in...

    "...the 8.5 million enrollment number would be most of the 87%, making it close to all of them."

    President Trump could give each enrollee $1, and 100% would be subsidized.

    So back to the question, how much is being subsidized?

    Since you likely can't or won't answer it averages about $400 per month, compared to monthly average health care expenditures of up to $2000 per month. That anyone can find whatever figures they like on the internet makes them less meaningful.

    In any case, the subsidy is not that much.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:13 AM


    We were discussing numbers of people enrolled in Obamacare. So you asked the question......

    ""So how much is being subsidized?"

    And I gave you a proper response to the numbers being subsidized and you went dark on the subject.

    For your education please read the following definition of subsidize.

    subsidize verb

    sub·​si·​dize | \ ˈsəb-sə-ˌdīz , -zə-\

    subsidized; subsidizing

    Definition of subsidize

    transitive verb

    : to furnish with a subsidy: such as

    a : to purchase the assistance of by payment of a subsidy

    b : to aid or promote (someone or something, such as a private enterprise) with public money

    subsidize soybean farmers

    subsidize public transportation

    The above is from Merriam-Webster.

    If you wanted to know the amount of the subsidy at the time instead of what we were talking about I believe you would have asked that question.

    Another nice try to obfusicate on your part Lettau but no cigar.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 9:28 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:21 AM

    Good Response.

    As a side note:

    If the old Democratic Party keeps moving farther left I will drop the word Democrat out of the term "Socialist Democrat"

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 9:35 AM
  • *

    "President Trump on Thursday announced that he has directed the US intelligence community to “quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election,” adding that Attorney General William Barr has been given “complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation."


    Should give a few former Obama regime members something to think about.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 9:52 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "The part where People who don't work and pay taxes but use the benefits..."

    Believe whatever you like, but people that don't work and don't pay taxes don't use Medicare.

    Under some conditions they may use Medicaid, or go to emergency rooms and be treated for free to them, but at a much greater cost to us.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 9:52 AM
  • Methinks the majority of free Americans are drifting from both Political ideologies , the left and the right . Enough mixfusions , madness , and separation of a proud People .

    But that's just me .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 9:53 AM
  • VanGennip,

    My opinion is that the...

    "...the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election..."

    ...will find nothing out of ordinary except what's already been reported by Mueller.

    While you may be overly enthralled and entranced by various versions of “Trumpthink” and “Trumpspeak," you really should be able to recall that the title of the report was, “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” and there were numerous Russian individuals and agencies that were specifically indicted for interference.

    When the AG starts asking about how this began, he’ll receive listings of the 100 or more instances of Trump campaign and administration members associating with Russian agents (for which the ample evidence was found but not rising to beyond reasonable doubt of criminal conspiracy) AG Barr will also finally see a minimum of 10 cases of actual obstruction by the Trump and his "team" which Mueller passed on to Congress, since the AG himself had a preconceived position that a President could not be indicted until out of office.

    You probably shouldn't hold your breath awaiting hoped for results, especially as the Barr "witch hunt" will end up at the same dead end that the Gowdy "witch hunt" did.

    No conspiracy. No crime.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 11:44 AM
  • *

    3.) Stop the implosion of America over People who sneak over the border -- send them back to where they came.

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 8:21 AM

    Rick: Since the Socialist Democrats won't work with President Trump and the Republicans to make changes to the current immigration laws nothing will be done except to let all the Illegals who can cross the border come in and suck more money from the taxpayers.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 12:28 PM
  • *

    You probably shouldn't hold your breath awaiting hoped for results, especially as the Barr "witch hunt" will end up at the same dead end that the Gowdy "witch hunt" did

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 11:44 AM

    Mr. Lettau: As you should know the Gowdy investigation into Hillary's Illegal use of an unsecured email system that she used to transmit government classified info was terminated due to the dirty FBI Director Comey and Bill Clinton's secret airport payoff to AG Lynch. Your welcome....LOL at you as always.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 12:36 PM
  • *

    You probably shouldn't hold your breath awaiting hoped for results, especially as the Barr "witch hunt" will end up at the same dead end that the Gowdy "witch hunt" did.

    No conspiracy. No crime.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 11:44 AM

    What do you call acid washing your home grown server hard drive where you were keeping your government emails, some of which were classified. And busting up phones with hammers? Would that amount to destruction of government information and obstruction of justice.

    But above all else, if this investigation was solely about Russian interference why was Trump hounded to death and spied on by the government?

    Then there was that little issue of Hillary and the DNC conspiring with foreign spies to set up the phony dossier. The whole issue has a stench to it.

    One more question, why didn't Obama do something about the known Russian interference with the election? I believe he was the President at that time.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 3:32 PM
  • *

    Is it tue AOC is writing a book on how to turn a Democrat into a full blown Socialist?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 3:50 PM
  • *

    Wheels: If a person is a Democrat then they are already a Socialist.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 4:03 PM
  • *

    - Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 4:03 PM


    I don't think in my maternal Grandfather's day.

    People like Lettau would have been rode out of Bollinger County on a rail.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 4:50 PM
  • Rick L.

    We're loading up to go to another Sit Down .

    Care to tell me now what or how the People feel about Obama or Trump ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 5:56 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 5:56 PM

    I will pay your fuel bill if you will take him with you.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 7:35 PM
  • *

    Rick: What is the Sit Down about this time?

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 8:01 PM
  • VanGennip,

    “…amount to destruction of government information and obstruction of justice.”

    That’s the republican version. Doesn’t seem to bother you when AG Barr brushes off crimes.

    It was about Russian interference, glad you finally recognized that. You recall the thirty or so Russians indicted and the Russian companies charged with interference.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Trump was hardly “hounded to death” but were he totally innocent, he would have had no concerns. Seems the “guilty conscience” must have reached him.

    The “spying” on the campaign is just one more figment of the Trump imagination. There were cases of intelligence agencies surveilling Russian agents that were in contact with Trump staff.

    Per the NY Times and Mueller…

    “Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the 2016 campaign and presidential transition.”


    You remember all these contacts and related activities by:

    Trump, Hicks, Cohen, Ivanka Trump, Trump Jr., Scavino, Papadopoulos, Clovis, Sessions, Miller, Page, Manafort, Lewandowski, Kushner, Gates, Dearborn, Caputo, Stone, Gordon, Conway, Bannon, Flynn, Berkowitz, McFarland, Bossert, Spicer, Priebus, and Prince.

    The phony dossier, initiated by republicans, was of little concern with so much other evidence.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “…why didn't Obama do something about the known Russian interference with the election?”

    I’m sure that you’re already aware that he contacted Majority Leader McConnell and proposed bi-partisan approaches and announcements to jointly inform the American public.

    Senator McConnell refused to take part in anything. Was this because he knew the Russians were helping Trump, and didn’t want to mess it up?

    Had President Obama gone out alone at that time, he would clearly have been accused of trying to use his influence to interfere in the election campaign.

    Knowing Trump, I’m sure he would have been exceedingly grateful for Obama’s help in exposing the Russians.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    I realize that the you and SO conservatives have limited appreciation for facts and the truth. Try a little honesty with this question…

    Has there ever been a Presidential campaign or administration that has had so frequent and continuing contact with, and support from an enemy of the United States that has been for 75 years, an authoritarian dictatorship, culminating with rule by one of their worst tyrants?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 8:14 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "Care to tell me now what or how the People feel about Obama or Trump?"

    Why would I try to tell your what your people feel or think.

    The only thing I've done is provide quotes from other tribal leaders and their opinion of President Obama.

    There is no reason for you to agree with me or them.

    Have a safe trip.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 8:20 PM
  • *


    “…amount to destruction of government information and obstruction of justice.”

    That’s the republican version. Doesn’t seem to bother you when AG Barr brushes off crimes.

    Response: The FBI has said she used bleach bit to destroy what was on her computer/server. It is a software program. When you use the word bleach, hard telling what an individual who is not computer savy will determine what this process is.


    It was about Russian interference, glad you finally recognized that. You recall the thirty or so Russians indicted and the Russian companies charged with interference.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Response: What are you talking about.... the world realized the Russians were interfering. Similar what Obama was doing in Israel's election. Did that bother you? Were you proud of Obama's "Cut it out" statement that sounded like something from a kid on the playground.

    The US could indict everybody in the Soviet Union and what would it get them? When do you expect the the indicted subjects to show up in court and the trials to begin?


    Trump was hardly “hounded to death” but were he totally innocent, he would have had no concerns. Seems the “guilty conscience” must have reached him.

    Response: Just another figment of your imagination Lettau.


    The “spying” on the campaign is just one more figment of the Trump imagination. There were cases of intelligence agencies surveilling Russian agents that were in contact with Trump staff.

    Per the NY Times and Mueller…

    “Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the 2016 campaign and presidential transition.”

    Response: Very strange indeed when Mueller comes along and clears Trump of any subversion with the Russian. But you were so sure, you just knew it and when the big let down came, you just cannot let it go can you Uly? And yes there was spying on the Trump campaign as you will soon have to recognize.



    You remember all these contacts and related activities by:

    Trump, Hicks, Cohen, Ivanka Trump, Trump Jr., Scavino, Papadopoulos, Clovis, Sessions, Miller, Page, Manafort, Lewandowski, Kushner, Gates, Dearborn, Caputo, Stone, Gordon, Conway, Bannon, Flynn, Berkowitz, McFarland, Bossert, Spicer, Priebus, and Prince.

    The phony dossier, initiated by republicans, was of little concern with so much other evidence.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Response: The phony dossier was not initiated by a Republican, that was a figment of the Democrats imagination. You keep repeating a lie and it sticks with some, but not me. You have no name, you have no proof and you still keep repeating that lie. Try denying the phony dossier bought and paid for by Democrats was used to obtain the FISA warrents. We all know it was used for that purpose.


    “…why didn't Obama do something about the known Russian interference with the election?”

    I’m sure that you’re already aware that he contacted Majority Leader McConnell and proposed bi-partisan approaches and announcements to jointly inform the American public.

    Senator McConnell refused to take part in anything. Was this because he knew the Russians were helping Trump, and didn’t want to mess it up?

    Had President Obama gone out alone at that time, he would clearly have been accused of trying to use his influence to interfere in the election campaign.

    Knowing Trump, I’m sure he would have been exceedingly grateful for Obama’s help in exposing the Russians.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Response: Obama was Commander in Chief not McConnell. The Intelligence agencies and the FBI all worked under Obama and it was his duty to do something about it. If he was too cowardly to stick his neck out it just goes to prove he should have never been elected President in the first place. He was a little man who had done nothing until the Presidency was bought and paid for by Soros for him and he was more concerned about his Legacy than he was the job he was hired to do.


    I realize that the you and SO conservatives have limited appreciation for facts and the truth. Try a little honesty with this question…

    Has there ever been a Presidential campaign or administration that has had so frequent and continuing contact with, and support from an enemy of the United States that has been for 75 years, an authoritarian dictatorship, culminating with rule by one of their worst tyrants?

    Response: Presuming that you still consider the Russians a dictatorship as we are discussing Russian interference and dictatorship in the same breath, I would like for you to check your math. Since Lenin took over in 1917 and this being 2019, I calculate that to be 102 years, not 75,

    As an answer, there is no answer to that because we really cannot be sure. Now it is true that it is much easier to do now with the Computer Age. than it would have been 50 years ago.

    And you keep hammering about Trump agents talking to Soviets, are you trying to tell me that no one in the Obama Administration had any contacts with Russians during his 8 year reign of terror and specifically during his re-election campaign. Do you remember the open mike and Tell Vlad etc.. No you wouldn't want to talk about that would you.


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 8:14 PM

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 9:10 PM
  • It's getting deep in Scopus. May we classify his word salad as entertainment or be concerned he might hurt himself?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 9:34 PM
  • *

    OJ: It doesn't take much to get on the DNC talking points webpage and copy/paste a litany of trash on these forums. May have to start calling Mr. Lettau - the T.rash man.

    Seems like the Google god doesn't approve of my comment- I'll rephrase it, don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 10:41 PM
  • Hearing a democrat want a be president campaigning and claiming to want the same thing Trump wants while calling him despicable for wanting the same is entertainment for sure Thinking she was from Hawaii. :)

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 11:20 PM
  • *

    OJ: All of the 23 so call candidates for the Socialist President are nut cakes with no ideas but to give everything away for free - just like they believe that money grows on trees.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 7:13 AM
  • The state of America's (R) and (D) in the year 2019 :


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 8:15 AM
  • VanGennip,

    The 75 years is based on the WWII reluctant alliance which ended with the collapse of Germany.

    It is refreshing to see that you found no previous Presidential campaign or administration that has worked so "intimately" with, and been openly aided by, a foreign enemy of the United States.

    Your lame excuse of "...we cannot really be sure..." couldn't be any weaker. I'd suggest that if the recent level of "collusion" and obstruction" (448 pages worth) had ever occurred before, some one would have noticed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 8:20 AM
  • Rick L.

    I have shown the Peoples your posts , they say you are as the person standing in the pouring rain -- either unaware of the rain or not wise enough to get out of the storm .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 8:45 AM
  • *

    Rick: Bet those at the Sit Downs enjoy the comedy of Mr. Lettau - wonder what name have they given him.


    Mr. Lettau: The real Russian collusion will be coming out in the investigation by AG Barr - wonder if that's why Obama and Hillary are so quite lately....they might be fleeing to a country with no extradition agreement with the USA and become citizens there.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 8:52 AM
  • The trade war has no affect on the People , tariffs are if 2 family members are fighting . Hate one minute and love the next .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 8:54 AM
  • Rick: Bet those at the Sit Downs enjoy the comedy of Mr. Lettau - wonder what name have they given him.


    Will not make it through the Google Gate .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 8:55 AM
  • Very often it's the last key on the key ring that opens the door . Patience and not giving up is sometimes the answer to all problems .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:00 AM
  • The (R) and the (D) :

    Some of them want to use you , some of them want to be used by you .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:03 AM
  • *

    I'd suggest that if the recent level of "collusion" and obstruction" (448 pages worth) had ever occurred before, some one would have noticed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 8:20 AM

    Wrong Quiz Kid!

    This is where you are hallucinating. In a nutshell, and according to Mueller there was no evidence of collusion or obstruction that was cause for indictment.

    We live in the United States, where every man is innocent until proven guilty.

    Only in a state of a rabid mindset, like your own at this point can you paint the Mueller Report the way you do.

    As I stated many things are possible now that were not possible 75 or 102 years ago... which brings up a point, if you have a time frame in mind, why not let us know what you are talking about, we cannot read minds. As an example of what is possible today that was not possible 75 or 102 years ago, how about I could not live a 100 miles or so away and reply to your babbling within the hour as I can now. Have a nice weekend Uly and try to get over the fact that Trump kicked Hillary's behind in 2016 and is still President in spite of all the huffing and puffing you Socialists have been doing trying to blow his house down.

    I bet you can hardly wait for the declassification of all of those documents you Socialists are having such a hissy fit over. :-)

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:19 AM
  • I'd suggest that if the recent level of "collusion" and obstruction" (448 pages worth) had ever occurred before, some one would have noticed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 8:20 AM

    See Richard M. Nixon

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:40 AM
  • *

    More proof the Socialists are losing it.....


    Be sure to play the clip showing Nancy, (the we have to pass it to see what is in it genuis) stutter all over the place.

    Time to put her out to pasture.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:40 AM
  • *

    Wheels: The hoaxers are already turning against each other - going to be interesting....hope there's plenty of room at Gitmo for all the Democratic hoaxers.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:44 AM
  • The (R) and the (D) :

    You will not find swans swimming in the sewer .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 10:18 AM
  • Why would any USA President be spending time in a Foreign Nation during Memorial Weekend instead of visiting dis-abled Vets or time at Arlington National Cemetery ?

    The current President will be in Japan his year discussing Trade and North Korea shooting missiles again . The last President spent time in Vietnam removing it's Lethal Arms Embargo , insult and injury to the Vietnam Vets .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 1:25 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 1:57 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "...shown the people your posts..."

    Guess I'm curious as to what you've shown them.

    That I'm aware that President Obama had done well as President, why should that concern them?

    If it's that I've posted some quotes that are favorable to President Obama, from other tribal leaders, you should take it up with them.

    If it's that I don't respect or favor our current President, that's too bad.

    As far as I can recall, I've never even mentioned your people, one way or the other. I don't really see what your problem is. Either way, have a safe trip.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 3:39 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "...shown the people your posts..."

    Guess I'm curious as to what you've shown them.

    That I'm aware that President Obama had done well as President, why should that concern them?

    If it's that I've posted some quotes that are favorable to President Obama, from other tribal leaders, you should take it up with them.

    If it's that I don't respect or favor our current President, that's too bad.

    As far as I can recall, I've never even mentioned your people, one way or the other. I don't really see what your problem is. Either way, have a safe trip.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 3:39 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 6:50 PM
  • Guess I'm curious as to what you've shown them.


    Your Speak Out posts , rest assured , Trump is no hero either if that's where you're trying to throw the subject .


    "If it's that I've posted some quotes that are favorable to President Obama, from other tribal leaders, you should take it up with them."

    You take your "facts" from obscure websites , the Peoples have seen this as well , do not play us as fools . I have taken it up with them -- I let them read your SO posts , it's not Trump they have a problem with , it's your insistence you know more then the People do their selves . I have nothing to take up with them nor them me , politics does no divide the People as it does Americans .

    They do have concerns over People who believe they know what's up about their life more then they do -- it's been happening for years by the ignorant .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 6:58 PM
  • Now if you'll excuse me , the Sit Down fire has been lit , time for the Ritual to begin . I will share your last ridiculous SO post during Sit Down .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 7:09 PM
  • Now if you'll excuse me , the Sit Down fire has been lit , time for the Ritual to begin . I will share your last ridiculous SO post during Sit Down .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 7:09 PM
  • Rick S.,

    If you're making things up to share, perhaps you could let me know what you're so concerned about.

    As I s as I'd before, I've never said word one about your people. Share that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:49 PM
  • Will the democrats read the declassified parts of the Mueller report or continue to say something is covered up?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 10:22 PM
  • *

    Rick S.,

    If you're making things up to share, perhaps you could let me know what you're so concerned about.

    As I s as I'd before, I've never said word one about your people. Share that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:49 PM

    Stand tall Lettau. Rick S. is making you famous all over the country as the Bollinger County Sage(brush).

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 11:24 PM
  • It was a perfect day, not a cloud in the bright sky and as I recall I never said one word about the sun one way or the other. If you believe otherwise, that's your problem.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 12:07 AM
  • Rick S.,

    If you're making things up to share, perhaps you could let me know what you're so concerned about.

    As I s as I'd before, I've never said word one about your people. Share that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, May 25, 2019, at 9:49 PM

    See posts :

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, May 24, 2019, at 8:20 PM

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, May 20, 2019, at 7:45 AM

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 19, 2019, at 7:52 PM

    What are the People so concerned about ? Those who are clueless , but believe they know the truth , as to the ways and life styles . I share the truth , I let the People read your empty words for their selves .

    They ask me , "why let shallow waters bother you Turtle ?"

    You have become named "Shohn'-kah'wee-ahn'lah" , or basically translated as the "shallow waters" , the river with no meaning .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 7:48 AM
  • "If it's that I've posted some quotes that are favorable to President Obama, from other tribal leaders, you should take it up with them."


    I take it up with you ! They are your words , be responsible for your actions !

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 7:51 AM
  • American military casualties by war :

    American Revolution: 52,000

    War of 1812: 30,000

    Civil War: 600,000

    Spanish-American War: 10,000

    WWI: 16 million

    WWII: 58 million

    Korea: 2.7 million

    Vietnam: 4.7 million

    First Gulf War: 20,000

    Current Iraq war: 50,000

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 7:52 AM
  • *

    "shallow waters" , the river with no meaning .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 7:48 AM

    Rick: I like that title for Mr. Lettau.

    Now don't get into any trouble at the Sit Down.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 9:05 AM
  • *

    You have become named "Shohn'-kah'wee-ahn'lah" , or basically translated as the "shallow waters" , the river with no meaning .

    Put that down along with the one I heard some of the Peoples gave Obama....

    Chief Walking Eagle, too full of it to fly.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 9:40 AM
  • Leader Obama :

    Hi-ay'-chet chah , Oh-wah'kohn-kohn .

    Or basically , "Empty lie " or "Not Heard" , depends on the context .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 10:13 AM
  • Rick S.,

    “I let the People read your empty words for their selves.”

    When they read “my words” themselves, I just wonder whether you pointed out to them, that of the approximately 700 words in the 3 posts, only 120 were truly my own words.

    The other 580 words were quotes from other people.

    For example, if the people didn’t like it that David Archambault II (Lakota: Tokala Ohitika) the former (2013-2017) tribal chairman of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, praised President Obama, that’s tough. Maybe you should just get over it.

    Take it up with him, he’s probably still around and Standing Rock is less than 200 north of you.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    And then there’s this:

    “They ask me , "why let shallow waters bother you Turtle?"

    And they’re absolutely correct, why should me posting quotes and opinions of others, including tribal leaders bother you?

    Even the possibility that you misled them (by not identifying the sources of the quotes) doesn’t bother me.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 10:28 AM
  • "Take it up with him, he’s probably still around and Standing Rock is less than 200 north of you."

    Again , I take it up with you , they are your ignorance of SO posts -- take responsibility for your actions !


    "And they’re absolutely correct, why should me posting quotes and opinions of others, including tribal leaders bother you?"

    The truth as it's known , no doubt . The Elders say , "the words of the ones who are lost are as useless as shallow waters ."

    I agree , to continuously fight the ignorance is as useless as trying to grab a handful of wind .

    ~~ Elder Free Fly

    You are free to post your ignorance , who am I to worry about shallow waters ? You have absolutely no clue as to what the Elders opinions are , your attempts are ridiculous and ignorant . Please continue to show it at will , nothing else needs to be said .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 10:47 AM
  • Exactly, if the opinions of the elders mirror yours, that explains everything.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 12:11 PM
  • *

    "A new book from Fire and Fury author Michael Wolff says special counsel Robert Mueller drew up a three-count obstruction of justice indictment against Donald Trump before deciding to shelve it – an explosive claim which a spokesman for Mueller flatly denied."

    Lettau, in case you missed it. Here is another rumor for you to promote.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 28, 2019, at 10:50 AM
  • *

    Wheels: I heard where Bob Mueller also stated that he thought that Hillary was guilty for having an unsecured email server that probably passed classified info to the Russians, Chinese, and the North Koreans. BTW, Mueller has yet to deny this report.

    BTW, Mr. Lettau - it's a joke, however who knows. Maybe AG Barr will enlighten us.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Tue, May 28, 2019, at 11:18 AM
  • *

    Ocasio-Cortez Believes Most Democrats Are as Dumb as a “Sea Sponge”

    Posted On 23 May 2019By : admin89 Comments

    191 29 2 Reddit0 28 250

    "Not that long ago, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez informed us that if we didn’t do anything about climate change within the next 12 years, we were doomed. Mocked mercilessly by her critics for saying the world was on the imminent precipice of total collapse, the New York congresswoman insisted that she was merely being hyperbolic for the sake of effect. “You’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal,” she wrote on Twitter.


    This week, a new Rasmussen survey asked respondents whether or not they believed we were within 12 years of losing our planet to a fiery ball of carbon heat as Ocasio-Cortez warned. Turns out, quite a few Democrats have the “intelligence of a sea sponge.” 67% of them think we only have that long to “do something” about climate change.

    At last, we agree with AOC on something! Democratic voters really are quite stupid."


    AOC and I agree on something at last!!

    Google it should be civil it is being published country wide. I just quoted a portion of it, not my words.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, May 28, 2019, at 7:47 PM
  • *

    Wheels: The Google god did not like your quote about how AOC feels about the Democratic voters and the polling results proving it. I had to change the meaning of a word to pass it thru the censor - freedom of speech has been done away with on the Southeast Missourian.


    "Democratic voters really are not smart."

    Ms. AOC, you got it right - for proof your District voted you into office.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Wed, May 29, 2019, at 7:35 AM
  • Exactly, if the opinions of the elders mirror yours, that explains everything.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, May 26, 2019, at 12:11 PM

    Why should me posting quotes and opinions of others, including tribal leaders bother you ? Words of the ones who are lost are as useless as shallow waters , to continuously fight their ignorance is as useless as trying to grab a handful of wind .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, May 29, 2019, at 8:13 AM

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