Speak Out: Sex for 10 yr olds - OK with Planned Parenthood

Posted by Skeptic1 on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 7:58 PM:

I saw this and thought I would fall over in dead shock. This is unreal. These abortion nuts want to start them as young as possible!


Replies (31)

  • Sex and reproduction is the responsibility of the parents. Planned Parenthood should be reaching out to those parents to offer assistance, not leapfrogging the parents in order to advertise their services. Sending a flier to homes informing parents of upcoming seminars and allowing them to decide if now is the time to have the birds and the bees discussion would have been a reasonable way to go.

    -- Posted by non-biasedphilosopher on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 9:11 PM
  • Maybe they should have started with a certain Gov.' Daughter.... oh sorry,,, do as I say, not as I do. How typical of you Right Wingers ball sacks.

    -- Posted by Pups on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 9:15 PM
  • Pups there is a HUGE difference in age between that gov' daughter and a 10 year old. I suppose you support teaching 5 year olds masterbation? How can you defend the left wing nuts on this one?

    Oh my favorite line is that they want it to be the GOVERNMENT'S responsibility to teach the sex ed to 10 year olds, not the parents who may want to "implement their religious views".

    oh and now they want sexual pleasure to be labeled as a HUMAN RIGHT!

    Just how screwed up do they want the next generation to be?

    -- Posted by Skeptic1 on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 9:25 PM
  • adidas,

    I'm sorry, were we supposed to discuss this issue? I took from the poster it was just a name calling thread.

    -- Posted by Pups on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 9:27 PM
  • adidas,

    Thought the fact that sexual pleasure was human nature was settled in the 60's?? Or even earlier if you have ever seen the Tudors.

    No on you question about masterbation, but from what I can remember and have seen with nephews, finding of that particular body part starts young even before the age of 5. Granted, had no clue to the why's or how comes, but it is a fact of nature.

    And for the record, still waiting for my parents to have the birds and bees talk with me. Heck last time I checked, my mother (before she died) was still waiting for her mother to tell her. (humor adidas, I'm not as aweful as I make myself sound.)

    -- Posted by Pups on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 9:36 PM
  • On a different subject, but in line with the religious view implement issue.

    Do you think that based on religous views a girl before the age of puberty should have a certain body part removed because it might bring her pleasure in the future? Or do you think that in this country that some religous practices are wrong? (barring the 'freedom of religion' argument for the purpose of this discussion.)

    -- Posted by Pups on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 9:40 PM
  • Rick I did too.

    But at least the government didn't step in and "educate" your animals to it.

    -- Posted by Skeptic1 on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 4:25 AM
  • The human problem is physical development occurs before emotional and intellectual development. In the case of some people the latter occurs far too late or not at all.

    -- Posted by voyager on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 7:29 AM
  • Voy: I had to actually pinch myself. I found myself agreeing with you. Miracles do happen.

    -- Posted by howdydoody on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 8:48 AM
  • Reminds me of Clinton's gal, Joshalyn Elders?

    -- Posted by Old John on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 9:27 AM
  • Do you think that based on religous views a girl before the age of puberty should have a certain body part removed because it might bring her pleasure in the future?

    -- Posted by Pups on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 9:40 PM

    Pups, what are you talking about?

    -- Posted by Turnip on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 10:50 AM
  • Hmmmmm!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 10:57 AM
  • Turnip,

    If you want to know check out....


    Though I may be incorrect in that it is tied to a religous group.

    -- Posted by Pups on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 11:03 AM
  • And it appears the practice is done without anesthesia (sp).

    -- Posted by Pups on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 11:06 AM
  • "Voy: I had to actually pinch myself. I found myself agreeing with you. Miracles do happen."-- Posted by howdydoody on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 8:48 AM

    Hope springs Eternal. You should listen to me more often and lay off that Liberal Juice.

    -- Posted by voyager on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 11:25 AM
  • I grew up going to parochial school. Our first "sex-ed" classes were in fourth grade. I believe I was 10 at the time. One of the things we were taught was about the "joys" of sex between people in love.

    4th grade. 10 years old. CHRISTIAN school.

    -- Posted by FriendO on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 11:34 AM
  • Pups, thanks...I had never heard of that before.

    Rick, I think I'm safe, I'm well past the point of puberty. ;o)~

    -- Posted by Turnip on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 12:55 PM
  • Why does it seem that people these days rely on someone else to raise their children. This is a part of being a parent, and has no business being "taught" by a school and definately not the government.

    -- Posted by manning on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 1:07 PM
  • Planned Parenthood...what a benign sounding name for the largest provider of abortion services in the world, founded by Margaret Sanger, a promoter of eugenics.

    I'd be suspicious that anything they propose has an ulterior purpose.

    To the point, ten may not be too early for an introduction to the facts. It's certainly too late for the cabbage patch story.

    -- Posted by Maynard on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 1:52 PM
  • "Young people's sexuality is still contentious for many religious institutions. Fundamentalist and other religious groups -- the Catholic Church and madrasas (Islamic Schools) for example -- have imposed tremendous barriers that prevent young people, particularly, from obtaining information and services related to sex and reproduction. Currently, many religious teachings deny the pleasurable and positive aspects of sex." the report states."

    "The report demands that children 10 and older be given a "comprehensive sexuality education" by governments, aid organizations and other groups, and that young people should be seen as "sexual beings.""

    Ike- I can't help you if you can not read.

    -- Posted by Skeptic1 on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 2:46 PM
  • I can see nothing negative about sex education at 10. I recall my early years at school when all the boys went to the school after hours with our Fathers and watched a presentation on sex.The Girls on a different night with there Moms.This was a public elementary school in the Carolinas. I believe we were 6th graders or maybe 5th. As for how it worked I believe it was significant in creating a good discussion concerning the pleasures of sex with my dad for several days.

    As for "planned parenthood" being ok with it I could care less. Yep nothing bad will come from this. Maybe it will create some good conversation between parents and their children as well. Many parents assume their kids learn it from their peers. That in my opine works but NOT VERY WELL!

    -- Posted by GREYWOLF on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 2:58 PM
  • Ike's feathers got ruffled somewhere along the line. Of course, he assumes he is right and everyone else is wrong.

    And here I thought I was the only one allowed to claim that right!

    -- Posted by voyager on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 4:15 PM
  • Rick,

    Was your question for the topic that Turnip asked about?

    -- Posted by Pups on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 4:58 PM
  • I don't remember having any sex ed. classes at the government school I went to, but I was smart enought to know I was't found in a cabbage patch. My mom found me in the sticker weed patch between the garden and the chicken house.

    -- Posted by Old John on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 5:22 PM
  • Rick, interesting observation. Circumcisions are performed for hygiene and appearance right? Pretty sure I read those same reasons in Pup's article. Hmmm...

    -- Posted by Turnip on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 6:34 PM
  • Old John, I was always told I fell off a truck. :o)~

    -- Posted by Turnip on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 6:37 PM
  • Turnip,

    The biggest difference is when it is done to girls, there are more complications involved then when done to boys. As far as I know circumcision on a boy has not lowered their interest in sex. And I could be wrong, but I don't think a boy has died from the loss of blood when having the proceedure done.

    -- Posted by Pups on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 6:42 PM
  • A botched procedure caused parents to be persuaded to change a baby boy the rest of the way and raise him as a girl. Didn't work out to a happy ending. There was a documentary on tv a couple of years back, but I don't remember what network it was on. It ended in a young suicde.

    -- Posted by Old John on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 6:50 PM
  • Ike- you overbearing fool.

    I didn't say the government "alone", I said they did not want parents to "implement their religious views" to obstruct the sex teachings. And it DOES state that. Read it again and you see that my quote is accurate.

    I don't have any more time to educate ythe stupid, you are a complete waste of time for me.

    -- Posted by Skeptic1 on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 6:56 PM
  • Old John,

    I guess I was incorrect. I guess there is always an exception. But, for the most part male circumcision is not viewed as mutilation. Though there are some that disagree with that view.

    -- Posted by Pups on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 7:13 PM
  • Rick,

    I believe all men have that reaction when thinking about it. Kind of how all men usually do the "groan and wince" when ever they witness any guy getting hit in that particular area. They may be funny when happening on the blooper shows, but we all know what that guy is feeling.

    -- Posted by Pups on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 8:46 PM

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