Speak Out: DOJ Protecting Church

Posted by Old John on Thu, Aug 28, 2014, at 11:46 AM:


U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger said on August 27. "I will not stand by while any religious group is subject to unconstitutional treatment that violates federal civil rights laws."

What do you think?

Replies (6)

  • OJ,seems that the Minneapolis area is a fertile breeding ground for ISIS and mosques are the primary recruiting places.

    -- Posted by rocknroll on Thu, Aug 28, 2014, at 2:24 PM
  • Rock, I was pretty sure the DOJ supported just the opposite a few years back when a city let a Christian church use a city government area to hold meetings.

    I can't find anything to support my recall so I will back away from my original suspicion that Obama's Justice Dept. seems to be on the side of the Muslims in Minnesota that are recruiting Jihad soldiers.

    -- Posted by Old John on Thu, Aug 28, 2014, at 9:39 PM
  • Old John,

    Don't go getting caught even mumbling under your breath lest the government suspects you of praying a Christian Prayer.

    -- Posted by Have Wheels Will Travel - ΑΩ on Thu, Aug 28, 2014, at 11:31 PM
  • Do we now have to determine the religion of a person to decide whether or not to give them lawful protection?

    -- Posted by left turn on Thu, Aug 28, 2014, at 11:53 PM
  • Lefty, That is what I was asking, what do you think?

    -- Posted by Old John on Thu, Aug 28, 2014, at 11:55 PM
  • Not new news exactly but it shows at least part of the world is awaking to the problems created with muliculturism.

    Pretty simple really, goes back to, when in Rome do as the Romans do.

    My family had to deal with it, new immigrants to a country should have to do the same thing. South St Louis has become home to Bosnians, Vietnamese and some other nationalities. Not all that long ago code enforcement had to point out you could not butcher your fresh meat in the back yard to some.

    I had relatives immigrated to St. Louis in the mid 1800's running a dairy in South St. Louis and St. Louis decided they did not want cows in town so they had to move further out.

    Grandfathering? Your cows are a nusiance... move them.



    -- Posted by Have Wheels Will Travel - ΑΩ on Fri, Aug 29, 2014, at 11:15 AM

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