Speak Out: Societal Stockholm Syndrome

Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 9:47 AM:


I think, after listening to the entire Corbett video..... that is the single most important thread started on the forums to date, bar none.

I view a certain segment of the Posters on Speak Out and the Forums as definitely having Stockholm Syndrome.

The "Learned Helplessness" he spoke of describes the American Welfare System perfectly. A malleable segment of society kept alive and cultivated for one purpose only.... their vote. For years I have felt that we as a country were doing those people a terrible injustice by destroying their creativeness and cultivating helplessness.

I had a feeling, at first unexplainable when I visited my family in Bollinger County and learned for the first time that free commodities were being distributed to "needy" families. I also learned that some of these "needy" families had among them, folks who were substantially better off than I myself was. How did I know that.... I was related to them. And it did not make me proud either.

Hasn't that "free commodities" program grown and taken on a life of it's own?

Replies (10)

  • Jamies Carbett is a real American and hero for the 9/11 truth movement. Never forget that 9/11 was an inside job. God bless Jamies Carbett, Alex Jones and David Icke heros agenst the New World Order all of them.

    -- Posted by Some Random Guy on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 10:13 AM
  • Wheels

    IMHO , more and more Americans are becoming professional victims ..

    -- Posted by *Rick. on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 10:04 AM

    No question about it and the Obama Administration is more dedicated to promoting that than any President before him. Look at what he has done to the Food Stamp and Obamaphone programs.

    Not arguing who started them, that was wrong also, but he has put legs on the giveaways, and his loyal subjects eat it up.

    My guess a good part of the Obama Worshippers on these threads are on one or another of these freebie programs....

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 10:21 AM
  • Rick,

    The reason I say that... when anything giveaway is threatened.... I think, they protest too much!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 10:30 AM
  • Was one... I overcame it... I worked! Just lucky I guess, but I was told, the more and harder I worked the luckier I would become.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 10:47 AM
  • Speaking for myself, I don't believe I have Stockholm Syndrome with the state as my abductor, nor do I have "learned helplessness," but I sure do seem to have "acquired hopelessness" at times.

    Though middle aged, I feel there is not much of an opportunity for any sort of relevant achievement or the creation of any legacy. The stoichiometry of the equation is all wrong...far too many elements on the wrong side of the reaction. Critical mass has been achieved in terms of government and quasi-government control and compliant subjects.

    -- Posted by Givemeliberty on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 10:53 AM
  • Liberty,

    I have never worried a lot about the laws of chemistry.

    Create your own reaction. Take the attitude that if the masses don't agree with you..... that is truly unfortunate.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 11:01 AM
  • The problem with most sheeple is that when they read 1984 and Barve New World. They think god what I good piece of make believe. When a Free Thinker like me reads them they go my go our future.

    -- Posted by Some Random Guy on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 12:29 PM
  • Rick

    I never said I was the only free thinker on speak out. There are a lot people like BCStone who freethinker. Even you are close to being a free thinker if only you get rid of your knee jerk reaction to dismissing conspericy thouries out of hand. ALL CONSPERCY THOURIES ARE TRUE.

    -- Posted by Some Random Guy on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 2:02 PM
  • BCStone

    You are right. We need to distory the state. But fight the urge to replace it with something else. I say return to early bronze age cities at worst; stone age tribes at best.

    -- Posted by Some Random Guy on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 2:13 PM
  • Rick

    All human history was controled by a conpericy.

    -- Posted by Some Random Guy on Tue, Sep 24, 2013, at 2:32 PM

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