Speak Out: Go around the block, it's not hard!

Posted by Jewell Danek on Wed, Jul 12, 2023, at 11:26 AM:

What's up with all the drivers who think they have to be first & own the road...so much so they put others (& themselves) at risk? People in the left lane, suddenly decide to make a right turn. Driver in the turn lane and, ooops, decides to go straight. Twice, both male & female, they were going straight & suddenly decide they wanted to turn left.

Go-Around-The-Block, it's not hard!!

Also, to help w/ traffic congestion, Cape needs more light signals that Allow Left Turn on Green. Cape has some, but could use more. These signal lights do require drivers to have some sense of responsibility & good judgement skills.

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    Ahhhhh, not what I was expecting, given the title line, but also agree here.

    Towards a bigger picture, it seems a growing indifference, lack of awareness (head up the keister syndrome), or flat don't-give-a-hoot of the effects of one's actions and inactions on others.

    Stark differences observed when travelling to other countries, especially Canada, where it seemed folks were more highly aware of their surroundings and what was going on, and adapted so as not to be offensive or intrusive to others. Then there was Canada, where it seemed people were just always apologizing for something.

    Pet peeve (amongst the many I have) is the visitor trash at the rental trash houses, using my or the next-door neighbor's two-car-wide driveways to turn around, just as if our private paid-for concrete was simply another part of the public road system.

    Sure, not such an ogre here that an occasional turnaround would be a big deal, but this is four to six cars each and every evening from their daycare, drug-trading or whatever activities they got going on requiring so many external in-and-outs.

    Even the FedEx and UPS big box trucks, whose vast majority of deliveries are to the rental trash houses, are doing this turnaround crap, making use of private property that they have no business being on at that time solely for their personal convenience, rather than doing the civilized thing of just going around the block.

    Yet another thing to 'thank' the knuckle-dragging Neanderthal slumlords and property manglers for dumping in my neighborhood.

    -- Posted by fxpwt on Wed, Jul 12, 2023, at 12:54 PM

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