Speak Out: Speak Out 11/9/21

Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 7:33 PM:

Crazy drivers

In the last couple of months I have been run off the road by tailgaters on multiple occasions. There are a lot of dangerous, reckless and possibly mentally ill drivers in Cape Girardeau and Jackson. Be safe, crazy people are driving.

The Champions

Retribution for the Atlanta Braves. MLB and the woke crowd cannot take away their World Series win. May the Chop live on!

Vaccine for kids

All across the country parents and children are celebrating the approval of the COVID-19 vaccine for 11- to 5-year-olds. They can finally now protect them from the dangers of the unvaccinated.

Use tax

I think the Jackson leadership did not make a great case for where to spend the "new tax money." Their parks are great now. Spending lots more on parks? So, no joy on tax vote.

Replies (51)

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    Crazy drivers: Look at the license plates, some are out of state. Drive defensively and look out for those on their phones while driving faster and faster.

    The Champions: Take that MLB! Atlanta Braves - yes Braves is the team's name....take that cancel culture!

    Vaccine for kids: Parents need to check with their doctors before giving their kids the shots....is the side effects worst than the virus for these young children.

    Use tax: The taxpayers have spoken!

    And that's the way it should be according to Schaefer's World....Tuesday, November 9, 2021.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 7:33 PM
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    Schaefer, we all blame you guys for the bad driving over here lol. Honestly I see them from all over. Worst city I have ever driven in was Chattanooga.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 4:54 AM
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    Re: Crazy drivers - agree! Seems to be a decrease in consideration of the effects of one's actions on others. Further suggest many do not appreciate just how much a wreck hurts or costs!

    Re: Use tax - figure Cape's done dug their hole, just working on making it bigger. How could voters possibly look themselves in the mirror, justifying a tax for non-essentials such as water parks, while rejecting a tax going towards traditional essentials? Only 12 more years until the 3/8-percent portion of the water park tax comes up again for renewal. :-)~

    -- Posted by fxpwt on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 6:40 AM
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    IMO since the lockdowns/lockins from the Chinese virus, folks have taken on a more hostile attitude towards one another in their cars, fast food places, airports, and other places where folks congregate.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 7:36 AM
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    - Posted by dbennett on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 4:54 AM

    Ms Dianna,

    I don't think Illinois drivers are unsafe. It just that they like to drive in the leftmost lane about 10mph under the speed limit and it prevents me from driving the speed limit in the right lane without passing on their right, which is illegal but so is slower traffic not keeping to the right.

    Actually I prefer driving in the leftmost lane slightly over the speed limit and staying out of everyone's way.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 8:30 AM
  • I've also noticed more tailgate drivers out on the road. Especially when I'm in the slower lane. I don't understand that. The other night I had someone honking at me (during the day) because I wasn't going "fast enough" for them. It's becoming a bit scary, especially when I have my kids in the car.

    -- Posted by juggernaut2 on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 9:11 AM
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    Look out Illinois, girlfriend and I are headed on our yearly trip to Giant City State Park! Full speed ahead!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 12:15 PM
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    People who poke along in the left lane blocking traffic annoy me. That's the hammer lane. Its for passing folks so either get with it or get out of the way lol. It's actually illegal in some places depending upon the area and type of road. Disrupts traffic flow.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 4:59 AM
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    I too have noticed what seems to be a general lack of civility on roads, in businesses etc. Did people forget how to act like adults? Or has it always been that way? Despite my joking post above, I try to drive safely. Never had a wreck or a ticket in over 30 years of driving

    -- Posted by dbennett on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:02 AM
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    DT, correct, the left lane is for passing in most areas. Also, full agreement on the cell phones. Mine is either in my purse or on my chager (provided my son hasn't stolen it, again.), when I drive. I won't even talk on it unless I can pull over. Let alone text.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 4:49 AM
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    Schaefer, hope you have/had a nice time at Giant City. Beautiful area. All I have done is go to the doctor to try to get rid of this fall midwest lallapalooza funk. It's not Covid, I was tested, but I bet everyone thinks it is. I sound like Typhoid Mary.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 4:52 AM
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    dbennett: We had a great time at Giant City State Park. For the both of us our first trip there was in May of 1962 when we were just in the 10th grade on a high school field trip and been going back ever since. On the way back we stopped in at the Bald Knob Cross for some excellent views of the countryside. Fern Cliff Park is also one of our yearly trips over into Illinois. Gas in Missouri $3.06 and in Anna/Jonesboro was $3.59 unbelievable!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:26 AM
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    Yep on the gas. Glad I live close enough to Mo to get it there for the most part. Pine Hills is also a beautiful scenic drive. Have not been in years but love it.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 12:19 PM
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    DT, I don't have internet and use my phone for everything. Including my job. I don't worry about the gps. If they want to follow me they'll be awfully bored lol. Besides I may get lost and they will have to find me lol.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 12:21 PM
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    Oh, I just read inflation is at a 31 year high! Scary!

    -- Posted by dbennett on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 12:22 PM
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    "...without passing on their right, which is illegal ..." -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 8:30 AM

    Hmmm, may have to re-read some stuff to see what's current and local. Definitely remember this as the only question missed on the written test, where I had said Nope can't do it, but was wrong...but again, that was in KY. Been passing happily, and I thought legally, on the right where applicable.

    "Gas in Missouri $3.06 and in Anna/Jonesboro was $3.59 unbelievable!" -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:26 AM

    Suggest the majority of the difference is the fuel tax - another sign where taxes erode purchasing power above and beyond the inflation on the product prices...

    -- Posted by fxpwt on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 5:38 PM
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    Posted by fxpwt on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 5:38 PM

    Example of a State under Democratic control for years and years.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 6:56 PM
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    Fx, everyone passes on the right...legal or not lol. DT, I don't honestly know all the reasons WHY this sudden jump in inflation. I have read several articles, or should say muddled through them. It's like a snowball effect imo. Supplies dwindle, prices rise and on and on. One thing my Grandmother told me about the Great Depression is that there was plenty of "stuff" available, just no money to buy it. Are we going to have that in reverse? Or both no money and no "stuff"? I don't know but it's worrisome to me.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 6:04 AM
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    IMO, when Turnip Brain Biden on day one shut down the New Construction of the Keystone Pipeline while refusing to grant new drilling applications along the coasts, that's when this spike of inflation started. When the majority of the nation's goods go by truck and when the diesel fuel prices increase that causes everything to start to increase in costs which are then passed on to the consumers....and on and on. It's this Demented Administration legacy!

    On the supply chain problems, if products were made in the USA they wouldn't be sitting out on ships waiting to be unloaded. Saw an article where the Port unions did not allow non-union truck drivers in to pick up the containers - that could be part of the problem right there. The article goes on to say that there are not enough unloading cranes to do the job more efficiently. Wonder how much of that new Infrastructure Trillions Bill went to improve the Ports?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 8:25 AM
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    I agree with both of you.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 1:46 PM
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    Oh and DT, its not a matter of trust. Like I said they can follow me to work and home if they are that bored lol.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 1:47 PM
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    We bought our first cell phone back in the fall of 1990 when our oldest daughter started college at Semo - she commuted at first and we didn't want her on the highway without one.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 3:31 PM
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    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 3:31 PM

    Don't remember the date but I purchased one to stay in contact with the office as I was traveling at the time and it was a monstrosiy. Was like carrying a WWII field radio. it had a cradle that mounted in the car and I had an antenna mounted on the windshield that was connected to it. Pretty good but nothing compared to today's phones. Without being connected to the car the battery which was about 6 inches square and a little more than 1 inch thick would last almost 8 hours. Then they rapidly got smaller and kept improving. Now my smart phone allows me to open my computer files at will through a cloud backup system, allowing all kinds of possibilities plus the ability to use Search programs to find needed information. And I guess I don't really care where they track me to or from. What the hell do I have to hide anyway.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 6:30 PM
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    Honestly I am more worried about the local thieves and methheads here who seem to run one particular county with zero repercussions than my cell phone tracking me. I no longer live in that county. Glad of it.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 6:30 PM
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    Haha Wheels my late stepmother had one of those brick phones.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 5:35 AM
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    The original cell phones were smoke signals :) .

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 6:06 AM

    Turtle: It's time for me to be a "smart behind" - wonder what Plan was in use? The one for unlimited smoke signals or was there a cap on the amount? Also, did they have the autocorrect feature? Hope you realize I'm just joking!


    dbennett: You can turn off that Location feature in your cell phone Settings and that way no one will know where you are at.


    Wheels: Can remember those "Bag Phones". My brother had one and we were all amazed at it. Can remember trying to find Pay Phones in order to call back to the office while on business or vacation trips. Having enough coins was the pits and then thank goodness for the prepaid phone cards.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 8:15 AM
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    Ms Deanna,

    When I went into business in 1963 there was a couple of ways to try and stay in touch besides a pocket full of dimes and pay phones. A business band radio system, which I could not afford, or CB radios which reached almost no where and were less private than the old three longs and a short now antique wall phones. Finally did get a business band system with my own tower and all, still limited but better. Finally cell phones which put a phone booth in all of my service people's pockets. Later years, I was available at practically any time when I went South for the winter to get out of the cold.

    We no longer have a land line and my phone is what I am typing this on. So, you don't do typing? Just use the Biblical System..... Seek and Ye Shall Find.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 8:16 AM
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    Some more copy and paste from the internet. Is it all correct. Check it out.

    Might dismiss some of Leftau's talking points and how the USA was the worst in the world and it was all one man's fault.

    You be the judge

    "Subject: What really happened here?

    Think about it, come to your own conclusions.

    A very interesting look at data . . .

    These numbers are very interesting.

    As reported by the CDC . . .

    Here are the US deaths by year and the change from the previous year.

    Year 2017: 2,818,503 Americans died

    Year 2018: 2,839,205 deaths (20,702 more than the previous year 2017)

    Year 2019: 2,855,000 deaths (16,300 more than the previous year 2018)

    The year of the pandemic . . .

    Year 2020: 2,913,144 deaths (57,641 more than the previous year 2019)

    BUT WAIT: There were zero deaths from Covid-19 during 2018, and 2019 and the jump from 2019 was only 57,641?

    We've been told that COVID is responsible now for 500,000 deaths. Shouldn't the 2020 number be a LOT higher?

    So the question becomes: How many people died of COVID and how many died of OTHER causes and also had COVID?

    Now read below; numbers don't lie -food for thought:

    A very well -orchestrated plan, or an unimaginable set of events that just fell into place with the United States front and center. You tell me!

    Scare people with a virus; force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine.

    Count the number of dead every second of every day, in every news headline. By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths of the people who get the virus, recover. About one to two tenths of one percent who get the virus, die. Most all of them have other medical problems. Did you catch that? Less than 1/2 of a percent die.

    Close businesses - 35,000,000 instantly unemployed.

    Remove entertainment and prohibit recreation, close parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.

    No dating. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them.

    Close temples and churches - prohibit worship. Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and desperation set in.

    Then . . . ignite hatred and civil unrest, creating Civil War.

    Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.

    Send in Antifa and BLM to vandalize property, as if they are freedom fighters. Undermine the law. Riot, loot and attack all law enforcement, but tell government to order a stand-down.

    Then . . . Defund law enforcement and abolish police.

    We are all being played by those who want to destroy America! This is how you destroy a nation from within, and in very short order.

    Will it work? I guess that depends on you and me.

    I did not write this . . . but it needs to be shared. I just did. Your turn"

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 8:59 AM
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    Oh, the copy and paste above was all done on my phone while I was pushed back working on my second cup of coffee.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:01 AM
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    Wheels: Between my unanswered questions to Lettau and yours Lettau probably is having a meltdown and maybe doing a Biden in his pants!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:14 AM
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    Wheels: We posted on the Wrong thread.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:21 AM
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    Wheels: We posted on the Wrong thread.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:21 AM

    Yeah I just realized that as well.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:28 AM
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    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:41 AM


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:44 AM
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    One has to stop and think though, smoke signals were a method of communication and reliable on a quiet day. Wonder, who the individual was who thought of it first? I would think it was in some way documented maybe in a cave on a wall or something.

    Speaking of, there was a property here in St. Charles County that has a cave on it with former recordings on the walls going up for auction recently.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:58 AM
  • "...needs to be shared..."

    Why? It's mainly BS, and you won't even admit who made it up.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:14 AM
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    Why? It's mainly BS, and you won't even admit who made it up.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:14 AM

    Leftau, exactly what part is incorrect?

    And your comprehension is lacking!

    What part of, it came from the internet didn't you understand, how would I know who authored it?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 11:24 AM
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    Why? It's mainly BS, and you won't even admit who made it up.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:14 AM

    PS: I would think I would be safe to say it didn't come from the Dimocrat list of talking points.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 11:29 AM
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    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 11:31 AM

    That thought crossed my mind about use in any war like communication. Possibly for peacetime communication. But you could be right on the movie thing.

    Do the elders ever speak of things like that?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 1:26 PM
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    "...needs to be shared..."

    Why? It's mainly BS, and you won't even admit who made it up.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:14 AM

    Come on Leftau you ran your mouth regarding the post spelling out annual USA deaths. Now you cannot back it up I see.

    And after all of your bleating about the number of Covid deaths here vs elsewhere. One can only assume that if you cannot back up what you said and where the internet piece was faulty, you were just trying to dismiss the piece with no provable facts on your end.

    It's OK, it's perfectly normal behaviour on your part. We understand!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 1:37 PM
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    DT, Ewwww scorpions are one of the few creatures that absolutely creep me out! Glad I don't live where they are. Schaefer, unless I am using my gps my location is never on. Uses battery power.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 7:28 PM
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    Oh I love the Mantis! I hold them if I can

    -- Posted by dbennett on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:21 AM
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    Ack ! No way in hell...

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:47 AM

    I'm with you here Rick, not afraid of them but I have no desire to handle one of them. Saw where it said that they would dine on humming birds. I question that.

    Not much on the creepy crawly stuff.

    Our first place at the Lake had a flat roof with a drop ceiling above which Lord only knows what lived.

    We took two cars one weekend as Monday I needed to be in Kansas City area to call on a couple of accounts. So the family goes home Sunday evening and I stay for the night. Go to bed, things are absolutely quiet and I hear something go plop, and thought something fell off the bed, but I didn't leave anything on the bed. Then I heard movement. I was at the light switch in about 1 step. And there on the foot of the bed was the biggest spider I have ever seen inside a house. I made him dead, but had a hard time getting to sleep. First thing next morning I called and told the Bug Be Gone man where the key would be with instructions that if it had more than two legs, I wanted it dead by the time I returned.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 12:11 PM
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    As a young lad, went to sleep a many a night while listening to the pitty patter of mice running around in the room.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 1:26 PM
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    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 1:26 PM

    Same here, but I am not fond of them.

    Funny storey.

    Neighbors at the top of the hill. Had a few more modern conveniences than we did. Like a gas refrigerator and we had none because neither of us had electric. Their son was quite a bit older than me, but he tolerated me because the next kid was a mile or so away. Had my first grape Kool Aide there with an ice cube in it. But the mouse story. The lady of the house was short and a bit chubby. One day I was there and a mouse ran across the floor and that lady went ape. She started screeching and next thing she had climbed up on a chair holding on to the back of the chair still screeching. Don't know what she would have done if that mouse would have run up the chair leg. As for the mouse he was terrified and trying to find a hole to crawl into. Bet his first words to Mrs. Mouse went something like this..."You ain't gonna believe this but...."

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:04 PM
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    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:11 PM

    Another wake up call for the government but is anyone there awake?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:50 PM
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    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:03 PM

    That would make a good SCI-FI movie - Attack of the Killer Praying Mantis!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:34 PM
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    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:03 PM

    Rick, I would have paid to see that. Here's two big gys in there and one little bug has got them petrified.

    My best guess is neither of you mentioned that when you got to the Rez! 🤷‍♀️🤞🤣🤣

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:53 PM
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    Knew a guy at work who was driving back from Dexter when a wasp entered his car - while swatting at it he lost control of the car and was killed in the accident....at least that's what his passenger stated.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 9:00 PM
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    Hahaha I wish I could have seen you 2 grown men screaming like girls. Ok Wheels, the spider thing would've freaked me a bit but, in this area, the bigger they are at least I know they aren't a recluse or black widow. Now, do I want a tarantula on me. No! As far as mice, I lived for over 20 years in a very old farmhouse, so you just learn to kill them. Thankfully between my better house and my trusty 4 legged familiar, Frodo, I have no mice.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 5:08 AM
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    DT you seem to attract a lot of wildlife lol

    -- Posted by dbennett on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 10:07 AM
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    DT did you catch the irony of your friend named Roach being scared of a bug heehee.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 2:41 PM

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