Speak Out: Speak Out 10/11/20

Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Oct 13, 2020, at 7:53 AM:

Door No. 3

Trump's health care plan reminds me a lot of the game show Let's Make A Deal. He wants Americans to bet their current healthcare, the ACA and Medicaid against his plan behind door No. 3. Problem is there's nothing behind door No. 3 because his plan doesn't exist.

VP debate

Thankfully, a debate that showed some decency and respect. Vice-president Pence did an outstanding job making his points, even while Sen. Harris shook her head throughout, which was annoying. But she made her points, too. Neither answered the questions. But that's nothing new.

Helpful stories

I appreciate the information in the newspaper about the coronavirus, which looks like it is coming directly from the health department as it says it is "sponsored." It's not about spin. It's just helpful information. Thank you for providing it

Replies (1)

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    Door No. 3: Yep, Obamacare only increased non-Obamacare users monthly premiums with increased deductibles - guess Nancy should have read it before we all found out what's in it. We need to go back to private insurance, medicare, and Medicaid for that Door No. 3.

    VP debate: Eye rolling Sweet Harris clearly lost the debate with VP Pence. Guess Sweet Harris being an understudy of Willie Brown back in the San Francisco days didn't help her any.

    Helpful stories: Personally I would like to see the following reported: Number of New Cases, Number of New Hospital Admittance, Number of Deaths....the hospitalization is the key to see if how serious those new cases are.

    And that's the way it should be according to Schaefer's World....Tuesday October 13, 2020.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Oct 13, 2020, at 8:10 AM

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